to have mutual communication or intercourse by conversation

listen to the pronunciation of to have mutual communication or intercourse by conversation
İngilizce - İngilizce
to have mutual communication or intercourse by conversation


    to have mu·tu·al com·mu·ni·ca·tion or in·ter·course by con·ver·sa·tion

    Türkçe nasıl söylenir

    tı häv myuçıwıl kımyunıkeyşın ır întırkôrs bay känvırseyşın


    /tə ˈhav ˈmyo͞oʧəwəl kəˌmyo͞onəˈkāsʜən ər ˈəntərˌkôrs ˈbī ˌkänvərˈsāsʜən/ /tə ˈhæv ˈmjuːʧəwəl kəˌmjuːnəˈkeɪʃən ɜr ˈɪntɜrˌkɔːrs ˈbaɪ ˌkɑːnvɜrˈseɪʃən/