to go it alone

listen to the pronunciation of to go it alone
İngilizce - Türkçe
kendi başına hareket etmek/yaşamak
(deyim) tek basina idare etmek
İngilizce - İngilizce
To do something alone or independently, especially something that is normally or better done in groups

He quit working for the company and decided to go it alone as a consultant, instead.

To undertake a project, trip, or responsibility without the presence or help of others
to go it alone


    to go it a·lone

    Türkçe nasıl söylenir

    tı gō ît ılōn


    /tə ˈgō ət əˈlōn/ /tə ˈɡoʊ ɪt əˈloʊn/


    ... And in the last month alone, we've gotten over 2.4 times ...
    ... does on Google products alone. ...