to flit

listen to the pronunciation of to flit
İngilizce - İngilizce
To move house (especially a sudden move to avoid debts)
To move quickly from one location to another
Fast, nimble

And in his hand two darts exceeding flit, / And deadly sharpe he held .

A particular, unexpected, short lived change of state

My computer just had a flit.

A fluttering or darting movement
To unpredictably change state for short periods of time

My blender flits because the power cord is damaged.

{v} to flutter, fly, move, pass, go
Appear suddenly and briefly in someone's mind or on their face
A particular, unexpected, short lived, change of state. Eg."My computer just had a flit
Nimble; quick; swift
{i} quick light movement; fluttering; change of residence (Scottish); homosexual (derogatory)
a sudden quick movement move along rapidly and lightly; skim or dart
If an expression flits across your face or an idea flits through your mind, it is there for a short time and then goes again. He was unable to prevent a look of interest from flitting across his features Images and memories of the evening flitted through her mind. to move lightly or quickly and not stay in one place for very long (flytja )
To move with celerity through the air; to fly away with a rapid motion; to dart along; to fleet; as, a bird flits away; a cloud flits along
{f} fly; flutter; dart; move quickly; change location; escape in secret
a sudden quick movement
A homosexual
a secret move (to avoid paying debts); "they did a moonlight flit"
If you flit around or flit between one place and another, you go to lots of places without staying for very long in any of them. Laura flits about New York hailing taxis at every opportunity He spends his time flitting between Florence, Rome and Bologna
To remove from one place or habitation to another
To flutter; to rove on the wing
move along rapidly and lightly; skim or dart
To move about rapidly and nimbly
(n ) A flow control unit - the basic unit of information sent through a message passing system that uses virtual cut-through or wormhole routing
Small unit of information at link layer, of size of one or several words
If something such as a bird or a bat flits about, it flies quickly from one place to another. the parrot that flits from tree to tree
To be unstable; to be easily or often moved
To pass rapidly, as a light substance, from one place to another; to remove; to migrate
To unpredictably change state for short periods of time. Eg. "My blender flits because the power cord is damaged
a secret move (to avoid paying debts); "they did a moonlight flit" a sudden quick movement move along rapidly and lightly; skim or dart
If someone flits from one thing or situation to another, they move or turn their attention from one to the other very quickly. She flits from one dance partner to another He's prone to flit between subjects with amazing ease
Türkçe - İngilizce
spray gun
(insecticide) spray gun
spray insecticide; spray gun (for insecticides)
to flit