to exert

listen to the pronunciation of to exert
İngilizce - Türkçe
{f} uygulamak
{f} harcamak
ortaya koymak
exertion gayret

O, sınavı geçmek için çok çabaladı. - She exerted herself to pass the examination.

güç sarfet
gayret sarfetmek
{f} (güç) kullanmak, (gayret) sarfetmek
öne sürmek
(çaba/gayret/güç/vb.) sarfetmek
exert oneself çabalamak
exertive gayret sarfeden
İngilizce - İngilizce
to make use of, to apply, especially of something non-material

He considered exerting his influence on John to gain an advantage for himself.

to make an effort
{v} to enforce, strive, use, employ, show
{f} exercise, use; make an effort
to put in vigorous action
If someone or something exerts influence, authority, or pressure, they use it in a strong or determined way, especially in order to produce a particular effect. He exerted considerable influence on the thinking of the scientific community on these issues
To put force, ability, or anything of the nature of an active faculty; to put in vigorous action; to bring into active operation; as, to exert the strength of the body, limbs, faculties, or imagination; to exert the mind or the voice
put to use; "exert one's power or influence" make a great effort at a mental or physical task; "exert oneself
To put forth, as the result or exercise of effort; to bring to bear; to do or perform
To thrust forth; to emit; to push out
If you exert yourself, you make a great physical or mental effort, or work hard to do something. Do not exert yourself unnecessarily. + exertion exertions ex·er·tion He clearly found the physical exertion exhilarating
to make use of to apply, especially of something non-material
make a great effort at a mental or physical task; "exert oneself"
put to use; "exert one's power or influence"
make a great effort at a mental or physical task; "exert oneself
of power or authority
to exert