to duplicate

listen to the pronunciation of to duplicate
İngilizce - Türkçe
(Bilgisayar) kopyalamak
{i} kopya

Kopya cümleler bazen Tatoeba'da oluşturulur. Tekilleştirme robot, Horus, genellikle onlarla ilgilenir. - Duplicate sentences are occasionally created on Tatoeba. The deduplication bot, Horus, generally takes care of them.

Kopya bir cümle nasıl çıkarılabilir? - How can a duplicate sentence be removed?

iki ile çarpmak
kopyasını yapmak
eşini yapmak
(Havacılık) aynı maksatlı iki sistem
çift kopya
suretini çıkarmak
kopyasını çıkarmak
(Askeri) mükerrer
iki misli yapmak
çift kopya çoğaltmak
(Ticaret) duplikata
çift suret
ikinci kopya çıkarmak
çift yapmak
ikinci nüsha
iki nüsha
ikinci kopya

Teksirci-kopyacı tayfasının kellesi vurula. - Off with the head of duplicate-mongers.

iki kopya
(Bilgisayar) yinele

Yinelenen fotoğrafların tümünü henüz silmedim. - I haven't yet deleted all the duplicate photos.

Bilimde, deney sonuçları bilimsel topluluk tarafından kabul edilmeye başlanmadan önce başka araştırmalar tarafından yinelenmelidir. - In science, results of experiments must be duplicated by other researches before they begin to be accepted by the scientific community.

suret çıkarmak
iki kısımlı
diğerinin aynısı
kopya etmek
aynısını yapmak
Açmak (kapı vs.)
Kopyalamak, fotokopi çekmek, suretini çıkarmak
{s} iki kat

Bu disketi kopyalama. - Don't duplicate this floppy.

çoğalt kopyalamak
s., i. (du'plıkît)
{s} yedek

Ondan yapılmış bir yedek anahtarı vardı. - He had a duplicate key made from that one.

Oda 360 için bir yedek anahtar alabilir miyim? - May I borrow a duplicate key for Room 360?

çoğalt,v.çift yap: n.kopya
{s} çift

Bu cümlenin çiftleri silindi. - Duplicates of this sentence have been deleted.

kopya. f. (du'plıkeyt)
{i} suret
{f} tekrarlamak
{f} teksir etmek
seçimi çoğalt
İngilizce - İngilizce
being the same as another; identical. This may exclude the first identical item in a series, but usage is inconsistent

This is a duplicate entry.

to produce something equal to

He found it hard to duplicate the skills of his wife.

to do repeatedly; to do again

You don't need to duplicate my efforts.

to make a copy of

If we duplicate the information, are we really accomplishing much?.

{a} containing squares, double
{n} a copy, an exact copy of anything
{v} to fold together, fold up, double
{i} copy, photocopy, exact replica, reproduction
A ballot created by an election judge team to replicate a ballot that cannot be scanned by an optical scan system   
increase twofold; "The population doubled within 50 years"
n An exact copy or reproduction; replica -tr v To make an exact copy or copies of
To divide into two by natural growth or spontaneous action; as, infusoria duplicate themselves
An original instrument repeated; a document which is the same as another in all essential particulars, and differing from a mere copy in having all the validity of an original
something additional of the same kind; "he always carried extras in case of an emergency"
a copy that corresponds to an original exactly; "he made a duplicate for the files" make or do or perform again; "He could never replicate his brilliant performance of the magic trick" make a duplicate or duplicates of; "Could you please duplicate this letter for me?" being two identical identically copied from an original; "a duplicate key
Performs mirroring or pattern operations on an active object
being two identical identically copied from an original; "a duplicate key
{s} double, identical, matching
Identical splits of individual samples which are analyzed by the laboratory to test for method reproducibility Samples may be split in the laboratory
To reproduce a page or an image exactly as it originally appeared
Double; twofold
The problem is a duplicate of an existing bug Marking a bug duplicate requires the bug# of the duplicating bug and will at least put that bug number in the description field
a copy that corresponds to an original exactly; "he made a duplicate for the files"
An additional copy of a stamp that one already has in a collection Beginners often consider stamps to be duplicates that really are not, because they overlook perforation, watermark or colour varieties
To make a duplicate of (something); to make a copy or transcript of
An applicant's request for a copy of an existing license
That which exactly resembles or corresponds to something else; another, correspondent to the first; hence, a copy; a transcript; a counterpart
One that resembles or corresponds to another; an identical copy
identically copied from an original; "a duplicate key"
make or do or perform again; "He could never replicate his brilliant performance of the magic trick"
being two identical
Click the checkbox next to the file name you want to duplicate and click the "Duplicate" icon On the next page, enter the new file name and press the "Duplicate" button You can only duplicate one file at a time
A payroll adjustment that creates a manual paycheck for a future or current pay event A duplicate can be used to provide a starting point for creating a manual check Earnings and deductions from a previous check are used as the 'base' and can be changed to reflect appropriate earnings and deductions for a manual check in a different pay event
To double; to fold; to render double
{f} copy, replicate, photocopy
duplicate or match; "The polished surface twinned his face and chest in reverse"
Duplicate is used to describe things that have been made as an exact copy of other things, usually in order to serve the same purpose. He let himself in with a duplicate key. see also duplication. exactly the same as something, or made as an exact copy of something
A stamp identical to another Duplicates can be traded for other stamps
an adjective describing the taking of a second sample or performance of a second measurement or determination Often incorrectly used as a noun and substituted for "duplicate sample " Replicate is to be used if there are more than two items See Replicate
To duplicate something which has been written, drawn, or recorded onto tape means to make exact copies of it. a business which duplicates video and cinema tapes for the movie makers. = copy Duplicate is also a noun. I'm on my way to Switzerland, but I've lost my card. I've got to get a duplicate
If you duplicate something that has already been done, you repeat or copy it. His task will be to duplicate his success overseas here at home = replicate Duplicate is also a noun. Charles scored again, with an exact duplicate of his first goal
Where some road numbering anomaly or error has resulted in two separate roads holding the same number This goes deeper the more you look into it: examples are starting to show up of triplicated roads too
make a duplicate or duplicates of; "Could you please duplicate this letter for me?"
to duplicate


    to du·pli·cate

    Türkçe nasıl söylenir

    tı duplıkıt


    /tə ˈdo͞opləkət/ /tə ˈduːpləkət/


    ... your plan does. What your plan does is to duplicate what's already the law, which says ...