to desolate

listen to the pronunciation of to desolate
İngilizce - Türkçe
İngilizce - İngilizce
deserted and devoid of inhabitants
{v} to lay or make waste, to deprive of
{a} laid waste, left, solitary, uninhabited
crushed by grief; "depressed and desolate of soul"; "a low desolate wail"
(Adj ) -barren or laid waste; devastated; deprived or destitute of inhabitants; deserted; uninhabited; solitary; lonely
dismal or dreary
Barren or lifeless (eg the rocky, desolate surface of the moon )
To lay waste; to ruin; to ravage; as, a fire desolates a city
To deprive somewhere of inhabitants; to devastate or lay waste somewhere; to abandon or forsake something; to make someone sad, forlorn and hopeless
leave someone who needs or counts on you; leave in the lurch; "The mother deserted her children"
Destitute or deprived of inhabitants; deserted; uninhabited; hence, gloomy; as, a desolate isle; a desolate wilderness; a desolate house
Laid waste; in a ruinous condition; neglected; destroyed; as, desolate altars
made uninhabitable; "upon this blasted heath"- Shakespeare; "a wasted landscape"
(1) deserted or uninhabited, as in: They washed up on the shore of a desolate island
To make desolate; to leave alone; to deprive of inhabitants; as, the earth was nearly desolated by the flood
pitiable in circumstances especially through abandonment; "desolate and despairing"; "left forlorn" crushed by grief; "depressed and desolate of soul"; "a low desolate wail
barren and lifeless
crushed by grief; "depressed and desolate of soul"; "a low desolate wail
A desolate place is empty of people and lacking in comfort. a desolate landscape of flat green fields broken by marsh = bleak
If someone is desolate, they feel very sad, alone, and without hope. He was desolate without her. to make someone feel very sad and lonely
pitiable in circumstances especially through abandonment; "desolate and despairing"; "left forlorn"
Left alone; forsaken; lonely; comfortless
providing no shelter or sustenance; "bare rocky hills"; "barren lands"; "the bleak treeless regions of the high Andes"; "the desolate surface of the moon"; "a stark landscape"
reduce in population; "The epidemic depopulated the countryside"
made unfit for habitation or use
sad, forlorn and hopeless
devastate or ravage; "The enemy lay waste to the countryside after the invasion"
Destitute of; lacking in
Lost to shame; dissolute
{f} make miserable; abandon, neglect; deprive of inhabitants, depopulate
{s} abandoned, lonesome, neglected; miserable
to desolate


    to des·o·late

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    /tə ˈdesələt/ /tə ˈdɛsələt/


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