to copper

listen to the pronunciation of to copper
İngilizce - Türkçe
bakırla kaplamak
bakırla kaplamak
düşük değerli bakır para
bakır rengi
(Mühendislik) bakır

Pirinç, bakır ve çinkodan oluşan bir alaşımdır. - Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc.

Elektrik kabloları bakırdan yapılmıştır. - Electricity cables are made of copper.

coppery bakır gibi
{f} bakırlamak
{i} çamaşır kazanı
{f} bakır kaplamak
(Tıp) Bakır, Cu sembolü ile bilinen, atom no: 29 ve atom ağırlığı: 63.54 olan kimyasal element
{i} ufak para
{i} polis
{s} bakır renginde
bakırdan yapılmış

Elektrik kabloları bakırdan yapılmıştır. - Electricity cables are made of copper.

{i} bakır kap
(Nükleer Bilimler) (Cu) bakır
bahis tutuşmak
bakırla kapla
{f} bakır rengi vermek
{i} bakır para

Bakır ve gümüş her ikisi de metaldir. - Copper and silver are both metals.

konsolidasyonlu-drenajsız deney
İngilizce - İngilizce
A policeman
Something made of copper
To sheathe or coat with copper
A copper coin
A large pot used for heating water or washing clothes over a fire

I explain that socks can’t be boiled up in the copper with the sheets and towels or they shrink.

Sometimes found in the free state in nature, it is a reddish metal, very ductile and an unusually good conductor of electricity and heat. Most of the world's copper production is used by the electrical industries; the remainder is combined with other metals (e.g., zinc, tin, nickel) to form alloys such as brass, bronze, nickel silver, and Monel. Copper is part of nearly all coinage metals. In compounds copper usually has valence 1 (cuprous) or 2 (cupric). Cuprous compounds include cuprous oxide, a red pigment and a fungicide; cuprous chloride, a catalyst for certain organic reactions; and cuprous sulfide, with a variety of uses. Cupric compounds include cupric oxide, a pigment, decolorizing agent, and catalyst; cupric chloride, a catalyst, wood preservative, mordant, disinfectant, feed additive, and pigment; and cupric sulfate, a pesticide, germicide, feed additive, and soil additive. Copper is a necessary trace element in the human diet and essential to plant growth; in blue-blooded mollusks and crustaceans it plays the same role in hemocyanin as iron does in hemoglobin. Any member of the butterfly subfamily Lycaeninae (family Lycaenidae). Coppers are common and widely distributed. Adults, sometimes known as gossamer-winged butterflies, are delicate, with a wingspan of 0.75-1.5 in. (18-38 mm). They are rapid fliers, usually with iridescent wings. Coppers typically range from orange-red to brown, usually with a copper tinge and dark markings. Copper larvae feed on clover, dock, or sorrel. Copper Age copper butterfly porphyry copper deposit
{n} a metal of a reddish color, a large boiler
{i} (Cu) metallic chemical element; boiler; large copper or iron cooking pot (British); coin made of copper or bronze; reddish-brown color; any of the small butterflies with copper color wings; cop, police officer (British Slang)
a reddish-brown, malleable, ductile metallic element with high electrical and thermal conductivity, symbol Cu, and atomic number 29
Symbol Cu
Large vessel in which wort is boiled for one to two hours with the addition of hops
Old penny Also, any of the bronze coins
Copper is reddish brown metal that is used to make things such as coins and electrical wires. Chile is the world's largest producer of copper. a copper mine
The reddish-brown colour/color of copper
A coin made of copper; a penny, cent, or other minor coin of copper
used as an active ingredient in some algaecides (chelated copper algaecides) and as a component in Ionization units Copper sulfate should not be used as a swimming pool algaecide Usually, copper is not found in most municipal water supplies
A metallic element Exposure to copper can cause gastrointestinal distress and liver or kidney damage
Having the reddish-brown colour/color of copper
A reddish-brown element that conducts heat and electricity very well It is also used as a primary roof material as well as a flashing component Copper turns a greenish color after being exposed to the weather for a length of time and appears in the middle of the Galvanic Series
a reddish brown the color of polished copper
Copper is sometimes used to describe things that are reddish-brown in colour. His hair has reverted back to its original copper hue
uncomplimentary terms for a policeman
A metal with a distinctive reddish color Uses include electric wiring, a necessary trace element in human diet because it aids in the formation of bones and blood, plumbing, heating, chemical and pharmaceutical machinery Hazard: Human systemic ingestion include nausea and vomiting
A vessel, especially a large boiler, made of copper
One of eight micronutrients in plants It is a component of some enzymes and of vitamin A Symptoms of copper deficiency include browning of leaf tips and chlorosis
any of various small butterflies of the family Lycaenidae having copper colored wings
To cover or coat with copper; to sheathe with sheets of copper; as, to copper a ship
misuse of chemicals can cause copper to be dissolved in water High levels of copper can cause green water Recommended level of copper is 0 01 ppm
Made of copper
any of various small butterflies of the family Lycaenidae having copper colored wings a reddish brown the color of polished copper a copper penny a ductile malleable reddish-brown corrosion-resistant diamagnetic metallic element; occurs in various minerals but is the only metal that occurs abundantly in large masses; used as an electrical and thermal conductor coat with a layer of copper
Element number 29, symbol Cu, a metal (Latin, cuprum) A red ductile metal occasionaly found in its native state Copper is an excelent conductor of heat and electricity only second to silver in electrical conductivity Copper is the primary metal in the alloys brass, bronze and monel In small amounts copper is used to make aluminium, silver and gold harder As small amount ads corrosion resistance to steel American pennies, before 1983 were actually bronze, not copper Copper is too soft and would wear very rapidly New American pennies are zinc with a copper coating Average density of copper, 8 96 g/cm3, 3237 lbs/cuin, 559 35 lbs/cuft Los Alamos National Laboratory periodic table entry copper Copper Development Association
Copper in water is a common problem in many households Copper is present due to the corrosion of plumbing materials from Acidic (low pH) or Aggressive water (low TDS) Common problems associated with copper due corrosion are leaks in the plumbing system or blue-green staining High copper content can also cause some health concerns by effecting the stomach and intestines The EPA has set a maximum contaminant level of 1 3 ppm
Metallic Element, Symbol Cu, atomic No 29, atomic weight 65 54, Specific Gravity 8 92 @ 20C, Resistivity 1 68E-8 (0 0000000168) Ohm Metres @ 20C By far the dominant material used for PCB Conductor tracks, having one of the lowest resistances of suitable metals Reacts slowly with oxygen in air and hence tarnishes, requiring cleaning procedures prior to soldering, and usually protection (resists) to metal that would be exposed in the finished product
coat with a layer of copper
A ductile, malleable metal that occurs naturally in rock, soil, water, sediment, plants and animals and can occur as copper (II) or (I) It is used in brass, copper alloys, electrical conductors, copper salts, art, in agriculture to treat plant diseases, for water treatment, and as preservatives for wood, leather and fabrics Most copper in water is in the (II) state and is bound to organic matter and not in a readily exchangeable form In soil, copper will be strongly adsorbed Copper salts are strong skin and mucous membrane irritants When bioavailable, copper is highly toxic to aquatic invertebrates
A common metal of a reddish color, both ductile and malleable, and very tenacious
A native metal found in hydrothermal and metasomatic deposits, in the cavities of basic igneous rocks, and in the zones of oxidisation of copper veins
a copper penny
A metal used in semiconductor technology to form the interconnects between devices on a chip It offers higher performance than aluminum because of its lower resistivity It can be applied by electroplating
A metal used in the form of copper sulphate to cure diseases and parasite infestations in the aquarium Copper is highly toxic to marine invertebrates and should NEVER be used in a reef tank
Copper along with iron, is involved in the production of red blood cells Estrogen therapy can increase serum levels of copper and mega doses of zinc can interfere with the absorption of copper
What it's good for: Formation of red blood cells, pigment, bone health Where you get it: Nuts, black pepper, blackstrap molasses and cocoa DRI or RDA: None
a ductile malleable reddish-brown corrosion-resistant diamagnetic metallic element; occurs in various minerals but is the only metal that occurs abundantly in large masses; used as an electrical and thermal conductor
A naturally occurring trace metal At low concentrations, copper is an essential nutrient for both plants and animals, but at higher concentrations can be toxic to aquatic animals, aquatic plants and humans Measured in mg/L or ppm The Action Level for copper is 1 3 mg/L or ppm
It is one of the best conductors of heat and electricity
Atomic weight 63
{f} coat with or cover with copper; bet against (Slang)
Chemical symbol Cu A characteristically reddish metal of bright luster; highly malleable and ductile; high heat conductivity; an excellent conductor of electricity and is celebrated for its corrosion resistance Copper is believed to have been discovered around 8,000 B C near the site of a village in the valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in what is now Iraq Deposits in Egypt were worked as early as 5,000 B C The word copper is derived from "Cyprus," and substantial quantities of the metal were mined on that Mediterranean island Used in the pure state or alloyed by other elements to make brasses and bronzes consumed in building construction, electric and electronic products, industrial machinery, transportation equipment, and numerous consumer and general products Copper also is alloy with other metals as nickel (creating cupro-nickel) and beryllium
the boilers in the galley for cooking; as, a ship's coppers
A copper is a policeman or a policewoman. your friendly neighbourhood copper. Metallic chemical element, one of the transition elements, chemical symbol Cu, atomic number
a common reddish metallic element that is ductile and malleable and is one of the best conductors of heat and electricity/
It is one of the most useful metals in itself, and also in its alloys, brass and bronze
Very malleable and ductile red metal that is a good conductor of electricity
An ion that is a vital yeast nutrient at low levels but that can poison yeast at high levels
It is one of nature's elements It is also used for various parts of equipment and plumbing in swimming pools and spas Corro- sive water caused by misuse of chemicals, improper water balance, or placing trichlor tablets in the skimmer can cause copper to be dissolved from the equipment or plumbing and deposit the precipitates on hair, finger- nails or pool walls High levels of copper also cause green water Copper is also used as an algaecide Maximum level is about 0 2 ppm
a trace mineral that works with zinc and Vitamin C to form elastin; is used in healing and in the production of energy and healthy nerves and joints Deficiency signs include osteoporosis, anemia, weakness, impaired respiration and growth, and poor use of iron Deficiency raises blood fat levels High amounts of fructose can worsen copper deficiency An essential component of several enzymes, including those used for hemoglobin synthesis, cell respiration, and antioxidant protection of red blood cells It is stored in the liver, and the excess is excreted via the bile or kidneys
Copper is a naturally occurring inorganic substance which is extensively mined and processed in the U S It is a pollutant of concern in Lake Michigan Copper compounds are most commonly used in agriculture to treat plant diseases, for water treatment, and as a wood, leather, and fabric preservative
to copper


    to cop·per

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