to conceive the idea of doing something

listen to the pronunciation of to conceive the idea of doing something
İngilizce - Almanca
auf den Gedanken kommen / auf die Idee kommen, etwas zu tun
to conceive the idea of doing something


    to con·ceive the I·de·a of do·ing some·thing

    Türkçe nasıl söylenir

    tı kınsiv dhi aydiı ıv duîng sʌmthîng


    /tə kənˈsēv ᴛʜē īˈdēə əv ˈdo͞oəɴɢ ˈsəmᴛʜəɴɢ/ /tə kənˈsiːv ðiː aɪˈdiːə əv ˈduːɪŋ ˈsʌmθɪŋ/