to come to a head

listen to the pronunciation of to come to a head
İngilizce - Türkçe

to come to a head teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

come to a head
dönüm çekidine gelmek
come to a head
come to a head
dönüm noktasına varmak
come to a head
come to a head
sona ermek
come to a head
son noktaya varmak
come to a head
baş vermek
come to a head
doruğa ulaşmak
come to a head
doruk noktasına ulaşmak
to come to
to come to

Yarın gelmek zorunda kalacaksın. - You'll have to come tomorrow.

Tom Mary'nin onun partisine gelmek istediğini duyduğunda gerçekten memnun oldu. - Tom was really glad to hear that Mary wanted to come to his party.

İngilizce - İngilizce

to come to a head teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı

come to a head
To suddenly make mature or perfected that which was inchoate or imperfectly formed
come to a head
To rapidly come to a turning point

The escalating crisis between England and her American colonies came to a head when fighting broke out in 1775.

come to a head
To suddenly reveal that which has lain latent for a time

His festering anger came to a head after the incident.

come to a head
peak, reach a high point
to come to a head

    Türkçe nasıl söylenir

    tı kʌm tı ı hed


    /tə ˈkəm tə ə ˈhed/ /tə ˈkʌm tə ə ˈhɛd/