to brew

listen to the pronunciation of to brew
İngilizce - İngilizce
To be in a state of preparation; to be mixing, forming, or gathering

There is some ill a-brewing towards my rest.

To foment or prepare, as by brewing; to contrive; to plot; to hatch

Hence with thy brewed enchantments, foul deceiver!.

A hill
A cup of tea
A beer
To boil or seethe; to cook
To attend to the business, or go through the processes, of brewing or making beer

I wash, wring, brew, bake, scour.

To prepare (usually a beverage) by steeping and mingling; to concoct

Go, brew me a pottle of sack finely.

{v} to make liquors, plot, contrive, hatch
If an unpleasant or difficult situation is brewing, it is starting to develop. At home a crisis was brewing There's trouble brewing
To be in a state of preparation; to be mixing, forming, or gathering; as, a storm brews in the west
To prepare, as beer or other liquor (or even ginger beer, shandy), from malt and hops, or from other materials, by steeping, boiling, and fermentation
Specific taste of a good home brew prepared properly
The mixture formed by brewing; that which is brewed
To be in a state of preparation; to be mixing, forming, orgathering; as, a storm brews in the west
The act of making a cup of tea
A brew is a particular kind of tea or coffee. It can also be a particular pot of tea or coffee. a mild herbal brew
sit or let sit in boiling water so as to extract the flavor; "the tea is brewing"
prepare by brewing; "people have been brewing beer for thousands of years
prepare by brewing; "people have been brewing beer for thousands of years"
A brew of several things is a mixture of those things. Most cities generate a complex brew of pollutants. a potent brew of smooth salesmanship and amateur psychiatry
To prepare a beverage by allowing boiling water to extract flavor and/or color from certain substances
If a person or company brews beer, they make it. I brew my own beer + brewing brew·ing the brewing of home-made alcohol
To put the kettle on for a cup of tea
The mixture formed by brewing; that which is brewed; a brewage
{f} stew, prepare; boil and ferment; be stewed or prepared, be boiled and fermented
To prepare a teapot of tea
{i} brewed beverage; cookery; type of strong drink
To prepare by steeping and mingling; to concoct
If a storm is brewing, large clouds are beginning to form and the sky is becoming dark because there is going to be a storm. We'd seen the storm brewing when we were out in the boat
drink made by steeping and boiling and fermenting rather than distilling
To use hot liquid to extract flavor out of item being cooked by letting item set in the liquid
To foment or prepare, as by brewing; to contrive; to plot; to concoct; to hatch; as, to brew mischief
If you brew tea or coffee, you make it by pouring hot water over tea leaves or ground coffee. I'll get Venner to brew some tea
drink made by steeping and boiling and fermenting rather than distilling sit or let sit in boiling water so as to extract the flavor; "the tea is brewing"
To prepare, as beer or other liquor, from malt and hops, or from other materials, by steeping, boiling, and fermentation
to brew