to batten down the hatches

listen to the pronunciation of to batten down the hatches
İngilizce - İngilizce
To cover the hatches on a sailing ship with tarpaulins and nail the edges down with battens, to prevent water getting below-decks in a storm
Prepare for trouble
(Gemicilik) Prepare for a difficult situation
(Gemicilik) Nautical - secure a ship's tarpaulins
to batten down the hatches


    to bat·ten Down the hatches

    Türkçe nasıl söylenir

    tı bätın daun dhi häçîz


    /tə ˈbatən ˈdoun ᴛʜē ˈhaʧəz/ /tə ˈbætən ˈdaʊn ðiː ˈhæʧɪz/