to abduct

listen to the pronunciation of to abduct
İngilizce - Türkçe
(Kanun) (adam) kaldırmak
(kas) dışarı çekmek
adam kaçırmak
kaçırmak (birini)
tebit etmek
dağa kaldırmak
(Kanun) kadın veya çocuk kaçırmak
(Kanun) kız kaçırmak
(Kanun) zorla kaçırmak
{f} Çekme
birini zorla kaçırmak
{f} (birini) kaçırmak
(Diş Hekimliği) Çekme, Uzaklaştırma, Ayırma
(Tıp) Ayırmak
zorla almak
{f} Uzaklaştırma (Anatomi)
(Tıp) Uzaklaştırmak
(Askeri) Adam kaçırmak; adam kaçırma
(Tıp) Çekmek
(Biyoloji) eksenden uzaklaştır

Uzaylılar tarafından kaçırıldığımı hayal ettim. - I dreamed I had been abducted by aliens.

Tom gerçekten Mary'nin uzaylılar tarafından kaçırıldığına inanıyor mu? - Does Tom really believe that Mary was abducted by aliens?

İngilizce - İngilizce
To draw away, as a limb or other part, from its ordinary position
To take away secretly by force; to carry away (a human being) wrongfully and usually by violence; to kidnap
Motion to move extremity away from the body
Physiology To draw away from the midline of the body or from an adjacent part or limb
Movement of any extremity away from the midline of the body An abductor muscle achieves this action
(Ab*duct") v t [imp & p p Abducted ; p pr & vb n Abducting ] [L abductus, p p of abducere See Abduce ]
Movement of any extremity away from the midline of the body This action is achieved by an abductor muscle
to carry off by force
take away to an undisclosed location against their will and usually in order to extract a ransom; "The industrialist's son was kidnapped"
To move apart, separate
pull away from the body; "this muscle abducts"
— To move away from the body
kidnape, anlve
If someone is abducted by another person, he or she is taken away illegally, usually using force. His car was held up and he was abducted by four gunmen She was charged with abducting a six-month-old child. = kidnap + abduction abductions ab·duc·tion the abduction of four youths. + abductor abductors ab·duc·tor She co-operated with her abductor. to take someone away by force = kidnap
To take away surreptitiously by force; to carry away (a human being) wrongfully and usually by violence; to kidnap
pull away from the body; "this muscle abducts
{f} kidnap, carry off by force (especially of a person); pull away from the main axis of the body (Anatomy)
to abduct