tip one's hat to, appreciate, respect

listen to the pronunciation of tip one's hat to, appreciate, respect
İngilizce - Türkçe

tip one's hat to, appreciate, respect teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

tip one's hat
(saygıyla/nezaketle) şapkasını kaldırıp tekrar başına koymak. tip the scales against durumu birinin aleyhine çevirmek
İngilizce - İngilizce
take off one's hat to
tip one's hat
To acknowledge or show respect; to honor

I tip my hat to whoever invented the root beer float.

tip one's hat
To briefly remove or tap one's hat as a gesture of greeting, deference, or respect
tip one's hat
(deyim) "Tipping one's hat" is when a gentleman lifts his hat off his head as a greeting or to show respect. It can also be used as an expression of admiration, as in "I tip my hat to Jenny, she did a fantastic job."
tip one's hat to, appreciate, respect