this is irrelevant to the issue we are debating

listen to the pronunciation of this is irrelevant to the issue we are debating
İngilizce - Almanca
Das ist für die Frage, die wir hier erörtern, nicht von Belang / ohne Belang
this is irrelevant to the issue we are debating


    this I·s ir·rel·e·vant to the is·sue we are de·bat·ing

    Türkçe nasıl söylenir

    dhîs îz îrelıvınt tı dhi îşu wi ır dıbeytîng


    /ᴛʜəs əz əˈreləvənt tə ᴛʜē ˈəsʜo͞o ˈwē ər dəˈbātəɴɢ/ /ðɪs ɪz ɪˈrɛləvənt tə ðiː ˈɪʃuː ˈwiː ɜr dəˈbeɪtɪŋ/