
listen to the pronunciation of thermal
İngilizce - Türkçe
{s} termal
sıcaklığına ait
(Tıp) ısı ışınları
ısıyla ilgili
sıcaklıkla ilgili
sıcak hava kütle
yükselen sıcak hava kitlesi
(Tıp) Sıcağa ait, termik
thermal spring kaplıca
thermal radiation ısı ışınları
{s} sıcak
kapIıca kabilinden
(Hukuk) ısıya ilişkin
thermal undercooling
(Borsa) ısıl aşırı soğuma
thermal analysis
(Kimya,Tıp) termal analiz
thermal baths
(Tıp) termal
thermal burn
(Tıp) termal yanık
thermal camera
(Askeri,Teknik) termal kamera
thermal energy
termal enerji
thermal expansion
(Askeri) termal genleşme
thermal exposure
(Askeri,Teknik) termal etkilenme
thermal hotel
(Turizm) kaplıca oteli
thermal hotel
(Turizm) termal otel
thermal paper
termal kağıt
thermal pollution
(Çevre) sıcak su kirliliği
thermal pool
(Turizm) termal havuz
thermal power
termal enerji
thermal power
(Çevre) termal güç
thermal radiation
(Çevre) termal radyasyon
thermal shock
termal şok
thermal spring
thermal spring
sıcak kaynarca
thermal stability
(Havacılık) termal stabilite
thermal storage
ısı depolama
thermal tourism
termal turizm
thermal undercooling
aşırı soğuma
thermal unit
ısı birimi
thermal water
(Madencilik) kaplıca suyu
thermal analysis
ısıl analiz
thermal analysis
ısıl çözümleme
thermal capacity
termik kapasite
thermal capacity
ısıl sığa
thermal conductance
ısıl iletkenlik
thermal conduction
ısı iletimi
thermal conduction
ısıl iletim
thermal conductivity
ısıl iletkenlik
thermal cycle
ısıl çevrim
thermal diffusion
ısıl difüzyon
thermal diffusion
ısıl yayınım
thermal efficiency
termik verim
thermal efficiency
ısıl verim
thermal energy
termik enerji
thermal equilibrium
ısıl denge
thermal expansion
ısıl genleşme
thermal insulation
ısıl yalıtım
thermal ionization
ısıl iyonlaşma
thermal printer
termal yazıcı
thermal radiation
ısıl ışınım
thermal radiation
termik radyasyon
thermal spring
thermal stress
ısıl gerilme
thermal value
ısı değeri
thermal wind
termal rüzgâr
thermal agitation
termik kaynaşma, ışıl kıpırdanma, ışıl dalgalanma
thermal ammeter
termik ampermetre, ışıl akım ölçer, kızgın telli ampermetre
thermal analysis
ışıl analiz, ışıl çözümleme
thermal block
termal blok
thermal boundary layer
ışıl sınır tabakası
thermal capacity
termik kapasite, ışıl sığa
thermal conductance
ışıl iletkenlik
thermal conductivity
ışıl geçirgenlik
thermal conductor
işi iletkeni
thermal contraction
ışıl büzülme
thermal convection
ışıl konveksiyon, ışıl akisim
thermal converter
ışıl çevirici, ışıl çevireç
thermal cycle
ışıl çevrim
thermal cycling
termal bisiklet
thermal diffusion
ışıl difüzyon, ışıl yayınım
thermal diffusivity
ışıl yayınım
thermal diffusivity
ışıl yayınım, ışıl iletkenlik
thermal drill
termik burgu, ışıl burgu
thermal effect
ışıl dalgalanma, ışıl kıpırdanma
thermal efficiency
termik verim, ışıl verim
thermal electromotive force
ışıl elektromotor kuvvet
thermal equation
termik denklem, ışıl denklem
thermal equilibrium
ışıl denge
thermal etching
termal dağlama, ışıl dağlama
thermal expansion
ışıl genleşme
thermal fatigue
ışıl yorgunluk, ışıl yorulum
thermal insulater materials
işi geçirmeyen malzeme
thermal insulation
(Mühendislik) işi yalıtımı, ışıl yalıtım
thermal ionization
ışıl iyonlaşma
thermal leakage factor
ışıl kaçak katsayısı
thermal limit
ışıl limit
thermal mass
Termal kütle, işi emen kütle, ısınan kütle
thermal neutron
termik nötron, ışıl nötron
thermal precipitator
termal çökeltici, ışıl çökeltici
thermal response
ışıl cevap, ışıl yanıt
thermal runaway
ışıl sürüklenme, ışıl yıkılım
thermal shield
ışıl ekran
thermal shock
termik şok, ışıl sarsma
thermal stress
ışıl gerilme
thermal suit
Termal kıyafet
thermal switch
termik şalter
thermal tuning
ışıl akortlama
thermal waters
termal sular
thermal absorber
ısıl emici
thermal agitation
(Fizik) ısıl kıpırdanma
thermal agitation
(Fizik) termik kaynaşma
thermal agitation
(Fizik) ısıl dalgalanma
thermal ammeter
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) termik ampermetre
thermal ammeter
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) kızgın telli ampermetre
thermal ammeter
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) ısıl akım ölçer
thermal anomaly
(Çevre) termal anomali
thermal balance
ısıl denge
thermal barrier
(Askeri) TERMİK ENGEL: Bir cismin atmosferden süratle geçişinin meydana getirdiği sürtünme ısısının, cismin göreviyle uzlaşabilecek takati aştığı saha
thermal battery
ısı aküsü
thermal belt
(Meteoroloji) termal kuşak
thermal breakdown
(İnşaat) ısıl sürüklenme
thermal breeder
kuluçka makinesi
thermal bulb
ısıl hazne
thermal capacity
ısı kapasitesi
thermal capacity
(Meteoroloji) termal kapasite
thermal capture
(Nükleer Bilimler) ılık yakalama
thermal climate
(Meteoroloji) termal iklim
thermal column
(Nükleer Bilimler) termal sütun,ısıl sütun
thermal column
(Nükleer Bilimler) ısıl kolon
thermal compression
(Nükleer Bilimler) ısıl sıkıştırma
thermal conductivity
(Mukavele) ısı iletim değeri
thermal conductivity
isıl iletkenlik
thermal constant
(Meteoroloji) termal sabite
thermal contact
termal temas
thermal contact metamorphism
isısal kontak metamorfizması
thermal crack
(Askeri) termal çatlak
thermal cracking
termal kırılma
thermal cross section
(Nükleer Bilimler) termik tesir kesiti
thermal crossover
(Askeri) TERMAL GEÇİŞ: İki nesne arasında kızılaltı görüntüde farklılığın kalmadığı, normal olarak günde iki defa, sıcaklık koşullarının uygun durumda olduğu zaman oluşan doğal olay
thermal cycle
ısıl döngü
thermal cycling
(Telekom) ısıl döngü
thermal detection system
(Askeri) Termal arama sistemi
thermal diffusion
ısıl yayınma
thermal discharge
(Askeri) termal deşarj
thermal drill
termik burgu
thermal drill
ısıl burgu
thermal effect
(Çevre) termal tesir
thermal effect
(Fizik) ısıl dalgalanma
thermal effect
(Fizik) ısıl kıpırdanma
thermal electric relay
isil elektrik rolesi
thermal emitter
ısıl emitör
thermal energy
(Askeri) TERMAL (ISI) ENERJİ: Termal radyasyon vasıtasıyla ateş topundan intizar eden enerji. nükleer bir patlamadan belirli uzaklıktaki birim alana düşen toplam termal enerji miktarı genel olarak santimetre kare başına düşen kalori ile ifade edilir
thermal equation
(Fizik) ısıl denklem
thermal equation
(Fizik) termik denklem
thermal equation
ısıl formül
thermal equator
(Meteoroloji) termal ekvator
thermal etching
termal dağlama
thermal etching
ısıl dağlama
thermal expansion
isıl genleşme
thermal exposure
(Askeri) TERMAL (ISISAL) ETKİLENME: Bir nükleer patlamanın tesir süresince belirli bir yüzeye çarpan ve santimetrekarede kalori ve/veya metre karedeki mega jul olarak ifade edilen termik radyasyonun toplam normal bileşeni
thermal fatigue
(Fizik) ısıl yorulum
thermal fatigue
(Fizik) ısıl yorgunluk
thermal fission
ısıl fisyon
thermal fission
(Nükleer Bilimler) ılık (nötronlarla) bölünme,termik fisyon
thermal flow
(Otomotiv) sıcaklık akışı
thermal flow
(Otomotiv) termik akış
thermal fluence
(Çevre) termal akış
thermal flux
(Nükleer Bilimler) ılık akı
thermal forces
termal kuvvetler
thermal gradient
(Meteoroloji) termal gradyan
thermal gun
(Çevre) termal silah
thermal harm
(Tıp) termal hasar
thermal head
ısıl yazma kafası
thermal heating
termal ısınma
thermal heating
(Askeri) TERMAL ISINMA: Atmosferde ses üstü ve hipersonik seyirle meydana gelen ısıtma. Atmosfere dönen bir cismin burnu etrafında ısının, cisim kinetik enerjiyi kaybettikçe, safhalı (laminar) veya anaforlu (turbulent) bir akıştan geçişi
thermal imagery
(Askeri) TERMAL GÖRÜNTÜ: Görüntüsü elde edilen nesnelerden yayınlanan veya yansıyan termal (ısı) enerjinin algılanıp kaydedilmesiyle oluşturulan görüntü
thermal imaging device
(Askeri) Termal görüntü cihazı
thermal imaging sensor system
(Askeri) termal görüntüleme sensör sistemi
thermal index
(Tıp) termal indeks
thermal injury
(Tıp) termal zedelenme
thermal instrument
isil alet
thermal instrument
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) ısıl alet
thermal instrument
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) termik cihaz
thermal insulation
(Tekstil) ısı yalıtımı
thermal ionisation
isil iyonlasma
thermal limit
(Fizik) ısıl limit
thermal load
(Askeri) TERMAL YÜK: Uçuş ve atmosfere giriş sırasında aerodinamik ısınma, bir roket alevi sıcaklığına maruz kalma veya yakıcı maddeler (oxidizer) sistemindeki sıvı oksijenin soğuması etkileriyle, bazı yapı unsurlarının genişlemesi veya daralması (ya da her iki halin birlikte meydana gelmesi) sonucu, bir füze yapısı üzerinde meydana gelen zorlama
thermal load
termik yük
thermal load
(Otomotiv) ısısal yük
thermal load
termal yük
thermal low
(Meteoroloji) termal alçak
thermal mark
(Denizbilim) sıcaklık şoku halkası
thermal motion
(Denizbilim) ısıldevinim
thermal mtion
(Biyokimya) ısıl devinim
thermal neutron
(Nükleer Bilimler) termal nötron
thermal neutron
ısıl nötron
thermal neutron reactor
(Nükleer Bilimler) ılık nötron reaktörü
thermal neutrons
(Fizik,Teknik) ısıl nötronlar
thermal neutrons
(Nükleer Bilimler) ılık nötronlar,termik nötronlar,termik ısıl nötronlar
thermal neutrons
(Fizik) termik nötronlar
thermal noise
(Nükleer Bilimler) ısıl gürültü
thermal osmosis
(Tarım) termal osmos
thermal other
(Bilgisayar) sıcaklık diğer
thermal plasma
(Fizik) ısıl plazma
thermal power plant
(Avrupa Birliği) termik santral
thermal printer
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) ısıl yazıcı
thermal property
ısıl özellik
thermal pulse
(Askeri) TERMAL PALS: Bir nükleer silah patlamasından zaman palsına mukabil intişar eden güç
thermal pulse
termal pals
thermal pulse
(Çevre) termal puls
thermal radiation
(Askeri) TERMAL RADYASYON: 1. bir nükleer patlamanın meydana getirdiği ısı ve ışık. 2. Sıcaklığı dolayısıyla bir ışık veya ısı kaynağından intişar eden elektro-manyetik radyasyon; esas olarak mor ötesi gözle görülen ve kızıl altı radyasyondan oluşur
thermal radiator
(Aydınlatma) ısısal ışıyıcı
thermal reactor
(Nükleer Bilimler) termik reaktör
thermal reactor
(Fizik) ısıl reaktör
thermal reactor
termal reaktör
thermal reactor
termik santral
İngilizce - İngilizce
A column of rising air in the lower atmosphere created by uneven heating of Earth's surface
pertaining to heat or temperature
providing efficient insulation so as to keep the body warm
of or pertaining to heat
{a} pertaining to heat, warm
rising current of warm air caused by or designed to retain heat; "a thermal burn"; "thermal underwear"
A region in the fluid which temperature varies from the surface temperature to the atmospheric temperature
A printing system where dots are selectively heated and cooled on heat sensitive paper The paper turns dark in the heated areas
relating to or associated with heat; "thermal movements of molecules"; "thermal capacity"; "thermic energy"; "the caloric effect of sunlight"
Coefficient of Resistance The change in resistance of a semiconductor per unit change in temperature, over a specific range of temperature
Thermal streams or baths contain water which is naturally hot or warm. Volcanic activity has created thermal springs and boiling mud pools
{s} referring to heat, of heat energy
a buoyant eddy, especially those of size ~ 100 m and larger
These detectors, used primarily by large commercial or industrial firms, sound only when the temperature rises to a certain level They are not nearly as safe as the ionization and photoelectric types in that the fire must be more intense before the thermal unit will sound
{i} hot air pressure
Thermal clothes are specially designed to keep you warm in cold weather. My feet were like blocks of ice despite the thermal socks Thermals are thermal clothes. Have you got your thermals on?
parcel of relatively warm air that rises in an environment of cooler air (Convection)
Small rising column of air due to surface heating
A rising air current caused by heating from the surface
designed to prevent the dissipation of heat
rising current of warm air
(gen) Having to do with the use or production of heat Also any reaction caused by heat F - thermique S - termico
A thermal is a movement of rising warm air. Birds use thermals to lift them through the air. thermal junction thermal spring thermal conduction thermal energy thermal expansion thermal radiation
A rising column of air
rising current of warm air caused by or designed to retain heat; "a thermal burn"; "thermal underwear" of or relating to hot a hot spring; "thermal water" relating to or associated with heat; "thermal movements of molecules"; "thermal capacity"; "thermic energy"; "the caloric effect of sunlight
A printing system where dots are selectively heated and cooled and impressed on a heat sensitive paper The paper turns dark in the heated areas
caused by or designed to retain heat; "a thermal burn"; "thermal underwear"
Thermal means relating to or caused by heat or by changes in temperature. thermal power stations
of or relating to hot a hot spring; "thermal water"
1) Refers to heating and cooling characteristics of building structures 2) Refers to a type of electric generating station or power plant, such as coal and nuclear plants, in which the source of energy for the prime mover is heat
Melts an image into the metal, based on a die Often used for small items such as name badges and small signs
(adj ) - of, related to, or caused by heat
A mass of rising air That's where we go to fuel and gain altitude The best place is to be right in the center Pilots obey rules of the road when flying in a thermal together
Rising bubble of warm air the top of which is usually depicted by a fair weather cumulus cloud Manna to soaring pilots Often found over ROUND-OUT CAFE or if you can stand the bouquet, the pig farm!
Of or pertaining to heat; warm; hot; as, the thermal unit; thermal waters
warm air parcels that rise in a cooler environment
relating to or associated with heat; "thermal movements of molecules"; "thermal capacity"; "thermic energy"; "the caloric effect of sunlight
A finger image capture technique that uses a sensor to sense heat from the finger and thus capture a finger image pattern
Stress Stress within a material caused by temperature variations
thermal analysis
Any of several analytical techniques that monitors the chemical and physical changes that occur as a material is heated
thermal break
A thermal insulator placed between two thermal conductors to reduce the flow of heat; often used in aluminum doors and windows
thermal conductance
The thermal transmission in unit time though unit area of a particular body or assembly having defined surfaces, when unit average temperature difference is established between the surfaces
thermal contact
A state in which two or more systems can exchange thermal energy
thermal cycler
A laboratory device in which a polymerase chain reaction is carried out repeatedly in cycles which in turn amplifies the sample DNA segments. The instrument contains a thermal block which contains the DNA samples and can precisely control the internal temperature
thermal desorption
The removal of contaminants from soil etc. by heating
thermal energy
A form of energy; sensible energy; heat
thermal energy
The internal energy of a system in thermodynamic equilibrium due to its temperature
thermal energy
The energy released by an explosion
thermal lance
A tool that burns iron in an oxygen-rich environment to create very high temperatures for cutting
thermal lithosphere
the thermal boundary layer between the surface of the Earth (cooled by conduction) and the asthenosphere (cooled by convection)
thermal lithospheres
plural form of thermal lithosphere
thermal neutron
A relatively slow-moving neutron whose energy is governed by the temperature of its environment
thermal neutrons
plural form of thermal neutron
thermal paper
Paper treated so as to change color on exposure to heat
thermal papers
plural form of thermal paper
thermal printer
A printer that operates by applying heat to selected areas of specially treated paper
thermal printers
plural form of thermal printer
thermal radiation
The electromagnetic radiation emitted from a body as a consequence of its temperature; increasing the temperature of the body increases the amount of radiation produced, and shifts it to shorter wavelengths (higher frequencies) in a manner explained only by quantum mechanics
thermal rocket
a rocket that is powered by a thermal source, such as a nuclear-thermal rocket or a solar-thermal rocket or a rocket powered by an energy beam such as a laser or microwave beam
thermal spring
A hot spring
thermal springs
plural form of thermal spring
thermal turbulence
atmospheric turbulence due to convection currents
Attributive form of thermal paper

thermal-paper receipt.

thermal conductivity
The rate at which heat passes through a substance, expressed as the amount of heat that flows per unit time through unit area with a temperature gradient of one degree per unit distance
thermal diffusivity
The thermal conductivity of a substance divided by the product of its density and its specific heat capacity
thermal mass
Thermal mass, in the most general sense, is any mass that absorbs and holds heat. In the architectural sense, it is any mass that absorbs and stores heat during sunny periods when the heat is not desirable in the living space of a building, and then releases the heat during overcast periods or during the night, when the heat is desirable. The same can be said for not absorbing heat during hot periods of weather
thermal power station
A thermal power station comprises all of the equipment and systems required to produce electricity by using a steam generating boiler fired with fossil fuels or biofuels to drive an electrical generator. Some prefer to use the term energy center because such facilities convert forms of energy, like nuclear energy, gravitational potential energy or heat energy (derived from the combustion of fuels) into electrical energy. However, power plant is the most common term in the United States, while power station prevails in many Commonwealth countries and especially in the United Kingdom
thermal barrier
a limit to high speed flight imposed by aerodynamic heating
thermal barrier
Material used in conjunction with polyurethane foam that is designed to inhibit the rise in temperature of the foam during a fire in order to delay the foam’s involvement in the fire Time ratings for thermal barriers should exceed 15 minutes
thermal barrier
a material applied over polyurethane foam designed to slow the temperature rise of the foam during a fire and delay its involvement in the fire Thermal barriers for use with SPF must have a time rating of not less than 15 minutes
thermal block
single building block
thermal conduction
Transfer of heat energy resulting from differences in temperature between adjacent bodies or adjacent parts of a body. In the absence of a heat pump, the energy will flow from a region of higher temperature to a region of lower temperature. The transfer of energy occurs as a result of collision among the particles of the matter involved. The rate of transfer of energy is proportional to the cross-sectional area of contact and to the difference in temperature between the two regions. A substance of high thermal conductivity, such as copper, is a good thermal conductor; one with low thermal conductivity, such as wood, is a poor thermal conductor. See also convection, radiation
thermal conductor
substance that conducts heat, substance which can be used to convey heat, substance which does not insulate from heat
thermal cycling
refers to the expansion and contraction of a material that is heated and cooled repeatedly over time
thermal cycling
A method used to induce stresses on electrical components by means of sequential heating and cooling in an oven It is used in accelerated reliability testing
thermal cycling
Subjecting a product to predetermined temperature changes, between hot and cold extremes
thermal efficiency
relation between the amount of heat that is preserved to the amount of heat that is wasted
thermal energy
Internal energy of a system in thermodynamic equilibrium (see thermodynamics) by virtue of its temperature. A hot body has more thermal energy than a similar cold body, but a large tub of cold water may have more thermal energy than a cup of boiling water. Thermal energy can be transferred from one body, usually hotter, to a second body, usually colder, in three ways: conduction (see thermal conduction), convection, and radiation
thermal energy
heat energy
thermal equilibrium
a state in which all parts of a system are at the same temperature
thermal expansion
change in dimensions of a material resulting from a change in temperature
thermal expansion
An increase in size due to an increase in temperature expressed in units of an increase in length or increase in size per degree, i e inches/inch/degree C
thermal expansion
Change in dimension of a material as a result of temperature change
thermal expansion
An increase in the volume of a substance due to temperature change
thermal expansion
Expansion caused by increase in temperature May be linear or volumetric
thermal expansion
A form of mechanical weathering in which heat causes a mineral's crystal structure to enlarge
thermal expansion
an increase in size due to an increase in temperature expressed in units of an increase in length or increase in size per degree, i e , inches/inch/degree C
thermal expansion
The increase in volume (or decrease in density) of ocean water as a result of increased temperature of the water Results in sea level rise
thermal expansion
The increase in a linear dimension and volume of a material accompanying a change of temperature
thermal expansion
coefficient The rate of change of length with respect to °temperature for a particular material
thermal expansion
The expansion of a material when subjected to heat
thermal expansion
Increase in volume of a material as its temperature is increased, usually expressed as a fractional change in dimensions per unit temperature change. When the material is a solid, thermal expansion is usually described in terms of change in length, height, or thickness. If a crystalline solid has the same structural configuration throughout, the expansion will be uniform in all dimensions. Otherwise, there may be different expansion coefficients and the solid will change shape as the temperature increases. If the material is a fluid, it is more useful to describe the expansion in terms of a change in volume. Because the bonding forces among atoms and molecules vary from material to material, expansion coefficients are characteristic of elements and compounds
thermal expansion
Lengthening of shafting caused by thermal changes in environment
thermal expansion
Water, a non-compressible liquid, expands when heated
thermal expansion
– The increase in size of a material due to temperature increase The coefficient of thermal expansion indicates the linear expansion of a material with increasing temperature, expressed in units of inch per inch per degrees C or F Values for common plastics range from 0 00001 to 0 0002 in/in/degrees C This is measured using ASTM D696
thermal expansion
change in pipe length due to a change in crude oil temperature
thermal neutron analyzer
A device that detects explosives by sensing gamma radiation given off when nitrogen in the explosive is bombarded with and absorbs low-energy neutrons. It is used, for example, for bomb detection in airports
thermal noise
Unwanted currents or voltages in an electronic component resulting from the agitation of electrons by heat. Also called Johnson noise
thermal paper
paper that is sensitive to heat and used in some fax machines
thermal phenomenon
occurrence that is related to heat
thermal photography
photography that presents a picture that was created the different emission of heat from various parts of an object
thermal pollution
harm to lakes and rivers resulting from the release of excessive waste heat into them
thermal pollution
Industrial discharge of heated water into a river, lake, or other body of water, causing a rise in temperature that endangers aquatic life
thermal printer
printer which uses heat to create images on paper
thermal printer
a printer that produces characters by applying heat to special paper that is sensitive to heat
thermal radiation
radiation of heat
thermal radiation
Process by which energy is emitted by a warm surface. The energy is electromagnetic radiation and so travels at the speed of light and does not require a medium to carry it. Thermal radiation ranges in frequency from infrared rays through visible light to ultraviolet rays. The intensity and frequency distribution of the emitted rays are determined by the nature and temperature of the emitting surface; in general, the hotter the object, the shorter the wavelength. A hotter object is a better emitter than a cooler one, and a blackened surface is a better emitter than a silvered one. An example of thermal radiation is the heating of the Earth by the Sun
thermal reactor
A high-volume thermally isolated chamber replacing the exhaust manifold and providing a place for high-temperature afterburning of exhaust pollutants
thermal reactor
A reactor that uses thermal (or slow) neutrons to sustain the chain reaction
thermal reactor
A reactor in which the fission chain reaction is sustained primarily by slow neutrons, and hence requiring a moderator (as distinct from Fast Neutron Reactor)
thermal reactor
A reactor in which the fission chain reaction is sustained primarily by slow neutrons (as distinct from Fast Neutron Reactor)
thermal reactor
a nuclear reactor in which nuclear fissions are caused by neutrons that are slowed down by a moderator
thermal reactor
A reactor in which the fission chain reaction is sustained primarily by slow or thermal neutrons
thermal shock
sudden change in temperature
thermal stability
Resistance of a material to drastic changes in temperature
thermal stability
It is polymers thermal characteristic It is the time interval for which polymer remains stable at certain temperature Beyond that time if the polymer is exposed to longer duration for a given temperature, it degrades
thermal stability
Ability of a polymer to maintain its physical properties when exposed to high temperatures
thermal stability
Ability of a fuel or lubricant to resist oxidation under high temperature operating conditions
Relating to heat or temperatures
British thermal unit
The quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit at a particular temperature (there are several different precise definitions) and a pressure of one atmosphere
British thermal units
plural form of British thermal unit
differential thermal analysis
the branch of materials science that studies the temperature dependant properties of materials compared with some reference material
nuclear-thermal rocket
a rocket with a thermal gas exhaust engine, whereby the thermal fluid is heated by the nuclear reactor
nuclear-thermal rockets
plural form of nuclear-thermal rocket
The process of reaching thermal equilibrium by mutual interaction
plural form of thermal
thermal underwear
british thermal unit
The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water (about one pint) by one degree Fahrenheit
british thermal unit
The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit; equal to 252 calories
british thermal unit
The amount of heat required to produce a temperature change of one degree Fahrenheit in one pound of water
british thermal unit
A measure of the energy required to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit
british thermal unit
(Btu) A unit of heat energy equal to the heat needed to raise the temperature of one pound of water from 60øF to 61øF at one atmosphere pressure
british thermal unit
a unit of heat equal to the amount of heat required to raise one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit at one atmosphere pressure; equivalent to 251 997 calories
british thermal unit
The quantity of heat required to increase the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit (The Recycler's Lexicon: A Glossary of Contemporary Terms and Acronyms, Resource Recycling Inc , 1995)
british thermal unit
the quantity of heat necessary to raise the temperature of 1 pound of water by 1 oF
british thermal unit
Measurement unit for heat It is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree from 62 to 63 degrees Fahrenheit One Btu is equal to 252 calories and to 1055 joules
british thermal unit
The amount of energy necessary to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit
british thermal unit
the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water 1 degree Fahrenheit at the maximum density of water
british thermal unit
BTU A measure of heat energy One BTU is the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit
british thermal unit
The amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit Compare with calorie
british thermal unit
Unit of heat energy equal to the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit at sea level
british thermal unit
The quantity of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 pound of water by 1°F at or near 39 2°F
british thermal unit
The standard unit for measuring quantity of heat energy It is the amount of heat energy necessary to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit
british thermal unit
energy required to raise one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit
british thermal unit
A British thermal unit The amount of heat required to change the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit at sea level
british thermal unit
The most basic energy measurement unit of all fuels, defined as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit
british thermal unit
(BTU) A standard unit for measuring the quantity of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 pound of water by 1 degree Fahrenheit at or near 39 2 degrees Fahrenheit
british thermal unit
(BTU)-a unit of heat used to describe the capacity of boilers and furnaces One BTU equals the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree Farenheit at sea level
british thermal unit
A unit for measuring heat energy equivalent to the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit
british thermal unit
a unit of heat equal to the amount of heat required to raise one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit at one atmosphere pressure; equivalent to 251
british thermal unit
(BTU) (heat) (meas) The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree FAHRENHEIT under stated conditions of temperature and pressure (e g sea level) In the Imperial system of measurements (as compared to the International System, SI, of measurements) it is the standard unit for measuring quantity of HEAT ENERGY One Btu is about equal to the heat released from burning one kitchen match It is also equal to 1,055 joules, the SI unit of measurement Generally abbreviated as Btu F - British thermal unit S - unidad termica britanica
british thermal unit
997 calories
british thermal unit
One British thermal unit, or Btu, is roughly equivalent to burning one kitchen match The standard of measurement used for measuring the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree (Fahrenheit) That may not sound like much, but a typical home consumes about 100 million Btus per year Approximately one-half for the total is used for space heating
british thermal unit
A unit of heat or cooling That required to change the temperature of a pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit
british thermal unit
The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit at one atmosphere
coefficient of thermal expansion
total increase in volume of a solid liquid or gas for a temperature increase of one degree (Physics)
solar thermal system
a system that converts sunlight into heat
Regarding heat
by means of heat, in thermal form
In a thermal manner
by means of heat or with respect to thermal properties
plural of thermal