Oraya gitmeye çok hevesli.
- He is very eager to go there.
Bu yol sizi oraya götürür.
- This road leads you there.
O, kahvaltısını sık sık orada yer.
- He often eats breakfast there.
Onlar orada garip bir hayvan gördü.
- They saw a strange animal there.
Şurada gazete okuyan adam benim dayım.
- The man reading a paper over there is my uncle.
Parkta kuşlar burada şurada ötüyorlar.
- Birds are singing here and there in the park.
O yerde birçok insan kalıntısı vardı.
- There were a lot of human remains in that place.
İnternette Tatar dilinde çok az site vardır.
- There are few sites in the Tatar language on the Internet.
Teoride, teori ve pratik arasında hiçbir fark yoktur. Fakat pratikte, var.
- In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is.
Şuradaki yüksek binayı görüyorsun değil mi?
- You see that tall building over there, don't you?
Şuradakini görebiliyor musun?
- Can you see that over there?
O konuda hiçbir sorun yoktu.
- There was no question about that.
O konuda Tom'un yapabileceği hiçbir şey yok.
- There's nothing that Tom can do about that.
Her işte bir hayır vardır!
- There is a silver lining to every dark cloud!
İşte hocamız geliyor.
- There comes our teacher.
O, oradaki kuleyi işaret etti.
- He pointed to the tower over there.
O, oradaki erkek çocuktan daha yaşlıdır.
- He is older than the boy who is over there.
Haydi, Tom, oradan çıkmalısın.
- Come on, Tom, you've got to get out of there.
Haydi Arianna, hızlan, yoksa asla oraya ulaşamayacağız!
- Come on, Arianna, speed up or we'll never get there!
Oralarda bir yerde bir çay molası verelim.
- Let's have a tea break somewhere around there.
Hemen sahilin oralarda beğeneceğini düşündüğüm gerçekten iyi bir lokanta var.
- There is a really good restaurant just off the beach that I think you'd enjoy.
Bunu bana yanıtla. Onu orada gördün mü?
- Answer me this. Did you see her there?
Oh, buyur bakalım. Gördün mü? Tam olacağını söylediğim gibi oldu. Şimdi git ambulans çağır.
- Oh, there you go. See? It happened exactly like I said it would. Now go call the ambulance.
Unzen dağı öylesine güzel bir yer ki birçok insan orayı ziyaret eder.
- Mt. Unzen is such a nice place that many people visit there.
Hazine için orayı burayı kazdılar.
- They dug here and there for treasure.
Her işte bir ölçüde stres vardır.
- There's a degree of stress in every job.
Her işte bir hayır vardır!
- There is a silver lining to every dark cloud!
Bu sınıfta kırk öğrenci var.
- There are 40 pupils in this class.
Bu bölgede çok az kitapçı var.
- There are few bookstores in this area.
Teoride, teori ve pratik arasında hiçbir fark yoktur. Fakat pratikte, var.
- In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is.
Evimin arkasında bir kilise var.
- There is a church at the back of my house.
Gökyüzünde görülen çok sayıda yıldızlar vardı.
- There were several stars to be seen in the sky.
Sınıfta az sayıda çocuk vardı.
- There were few children in the classroom.
Tom'un orada olmak istemediğini biliyorum.
- I know Tom doesn't want to be there.
Biz zamanında orada olmak zorundayız, bu yüzden yarın beni bekletme.
- We have to be there on time, so don't stand me up tomorrow!
Onun için orada olman gerekiyor.
- You need to be there for her.
Onun için orada olman gerekiyor.
- You need to be there for him.
There are beginning to be complications.
There, there! Everything is going to turn out all right.
Spend their good there it is reasonable.
The law that threaten’d death becomes thy friend / And turns it to exile; there art thou happy.
There arose a great wind out of the east.
You get it ready; I'll take it from there.
No, there isn't.
Note: There is much used in composition, and often has the sense of a pronoun. See thereabout, thereafter, therefrom, etc.
These firms do not want the truth to get out and are financing these flights in the hope of dazzling the public. Yet the record of the gas engine is there for all to see.
There! That knot should hold.
Darkness there might well seem twilight here.
There is no rose without thorns.
- There is no rose without a thorn.
Every rose has its thorn.
- There is no rose without a thorn.
You don't need to tell me about depression. I've been there and back.
There are three zeros in a “1000”.
There is a flaw in your argument.
On the lee-beam, about two miles off! a school of them!.
This key doesn't seem to fit the lock... ah, there we go; it's starting to turn now.
There ya go, yelling again. Will you shut up?.
Right, the committee has considered your request and denied it, so there you are.
There you go, yelling again. Will you shut up?.
There'll be hell to pay if you don't.
I say there’re no depressed words just depressed minds.”.
There’s been an accident!.
Thank you for donating all of these blankets to the orphanage. ― There's more where that came from!.
There, there. Even though you broke up with her, you'll be fine.
... There's no reason to be derogatory. ...
... Then there's type three, galactic. Like the Empire of The Empire Strikes Back.. They ...