theologian who speaks in defense of christianity

listen to the pronunciation of theologian who speaks in defense of christianity
İngilizce - Türkçe
theologian who speaks in defense of christianity


    the·o·lo·gi·an who speaks in de·fense of Chris·ti·a·ni·ty

    Türkçe nasıl söylenir

    thiılōciın hu spiks în dîfens ıv krîsçiänîti


    /ˌᴛʜēəˈlōʤēən ˈho͞o ˈspēks ən dəˈfens əv ˌkrəsʧēˈanətē/ /ˌθiːəˈloʊʤiːən ˈhuː ˈspiːks ɪn dɪˈfɛns əv ˌkrɪsʧiːˈænɪtiː/