(Tıp) Ön mediyastende bulunan bir bez olup, püberteye kadar yaptığı hormonla kemiklerin ve jenital bezlerin gelişmesine ve sinir çalışmalarına tesir eder ve sonra küçülür,timus
a lymphoid organ located behind the upper portion of the sternum (breastbone) The thymus is the chief educator of T-cells This organ increases in size from infancy to adolescence, and then begins to shrink
Thymus gland is an organ in the base of the neck, above and in front of the heart The thymus is enclosed in a capsule and divided internally by cross walls into many lobules, each full of T-lymphocytes (white blood cells associated with antibody production) T-lymphocytes migrate from the bone marrow to the thymus, where they mature and differentiate until activated