the main reasoning in her book is ecological

listen to the pronunciation of the main reasoning in her book is ecological
İngilizce - Almanca
Im Zentrum ihrer Argumentation steht in dem Buch die Ökologie
the main reasoning in her book is ecological


    the Main rea·son·ing in her book I·s e·co·lo·gi·cal

    Türkçe nasıl söylenir

    dhi meyn rizınîng în hır bûk îz ikıläcîkıl


    /ᴛʜē ˈmān ˈrēzənəɴɢ ən hər ˈbo͝ok əz ēkəˈläʤəkəl/ /ðiː ˈmeɪn ˈriːzənɪŋ ɪn hɜr ˈbʊk ɪz iːkəˈlɑːʤɪkəl/