the general public

listen to the pronunciation of the general public
İngilizce - Türkçe

the general public teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

general public

Benim profesör kamu için yazılan bilim kitaplarını küçümsüyor. - My professor sneers at science books for the general public.

general public

Belediye başkanı halka hitap etti. - The mayor addressed the general public.

the public
the public

Önemli olan, kamuoyunun sizi nasıl algıladığıdır. - What matters is the way the public perceives you.

Bu skandal, şirketimizin kamuoyundaki imajına ciddi olarak zarar verdi. - This scandal has severely damaged the public image of our company.

the public
the public
İngilizce - İngilizce
populace, all of the population
general public
Those members of the public who have no special role in a specific public area, such as an airport, hospital or railway station; there will typically be restrictions on their access
general public
Members of the public not in the attentive public of any given issue; laypeople
general public
The general public [also + plural verb British English] the ordinary people in a country, rather than people belonging to a particular group. "health education aimed at the general public"
general public
In children's court proceedings, the only members of the public that can view the proceedings are the immediate family of the accused child, unless the court otherwise allows •Children & Criminal Law
general public
You can refer to the people in a society as the general public, especially when you are contrasting people in general with a small group. These charities depend on the compassionate feelings and generosity of the general public Unemployment is 10 percent among the general public and about 40 percent among North African immigrants. the ordinary people in a country, rather than people belonging to a particular group
general public
means anyone who lives in the UK
general public
Literally, any non-staff member who visits a park Coaster enthusiasts use this term to describe non-enthusiasts, people who tend to like their coasters milder than the enthusiast does Just because you don't belong to a coaster club does not mean you fall into this category however
general public
Literally, any non-staff member who visits a park Coaster enthusiasts use this term to describe, non-enthusiasts, people who tend to like their coasters milder than the enthusiasts does Just because you don't belong to a coaster club, does not mean you fall into this category however
the general public


    the gen·er·al pub·lic

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    dhi cenrıl pʌblîk


    /ᴛʜē ˈʤenrəl ˈpəblək/ /ðiː ˈʤɛnrəl ˈpʌblɪk/