Sen sahip olduğum birkaç arkadaştan birisin.
- You're one of the few friends I have.
Çekirdek aile genç bir önyargıdır; aslında, aileler sadece göreli zenginliğin son 50 ya da 60 yılı içinde birkaç yakın üyenin etrafında inşa edilmiştir.
- The nuclear family is a young prejudice; in fact, families have only been built around the few immediate members in the last 50 or 60 years of relative wealth.
Sadece birkaç kişi beni anladı.
- Only a few people understood me.
Birkaç yıl önce Romanya'yı gördüm.
- I visited Romania a few years ago.
Birkaç yıl önce, bizim odanın içinde az miktarda mobilya vardı.
- A few years ago, our room had little furniture in it.
Amerika Birleşik Devletleri dünyadaki en modern silahlardan bazılarına sahip olmasına rağmen, çok az sayıda savaş kazandı.
- Although the United States has some of the most modern weapons in the world, it has won very few wars.
Sepette birçok çürük elmalar vardı.
- There were quite a few rotten apples in the basket.
Birçok insan konsere gitti.
- Quite a few people went to the concert.
Many are called, but few are chosen.
Many are called, but few are chosen.
I don't know how many drinks I've had, but I've had a few.
NOAA definition of the term few clouds: An official sky cover classification for aviation weather observations, descriptive of a sky cover of 1/8 to 2/8. This is applied only when obscuring phenomenon aloft are present--that is, not when obscuring phenomenon are surface-based, such as fog.
... agency, just a few months ago, had to be slapped down from its plan to put hidden microphones ...
... work week, where few professionals take any meaningful vacation time, and when they do ...