
listen to the pronunciation of task
İngilizce - Türkçe

Görevi tamamlamak için daha fazla zamana ihtiyacı vardı. - He needed more time to complete the task.

Sonuna kadar görevi taşımalısın. - You must carry the task through to the end.

{f} yükle
vazife ver

Görevde onunla işbirliği yaptım. - I cooperated with him in the task.

O, iş için uygun değil. - He is not up to the task.

{i} ödev

O, çok dikkatli yazmasına rağmen, yazma ödevinde çok sayıda hataları vardı. - Although he was writing carefully, he had many mistakes in his writing task.

görev,v.yükle: n.görev
{f} yormak
{i} külfet
{f} suçlamak
{f} çalıştırmak
task force geçici işbirliği
itham etmek
külfet yüklemek
{i} angarya
{f} iş vermek
Göreve özgü
task force
(Askeri) GÖREV KUVVETİ: 1. Belirli bir harekatın veya vazifenin ifası maksadıyla teşkil edilmiş ve tek bir komutanın emri altında geçici olarak toplanmış birlikler. 2. Devam etmekte olan özel bir görevin ifa edilmesi amacıyla bir komutanın emri altında yarı devamlı olarak toplanmış birlikler 3. Bir filonun, görev donanma komutanı veya üst makam tarafından belirli bir görevin veya görevlerin ifa edilmesi amacıyla teşkil edilmiş bir ana unsuru. Ayrıca bak "forcce (s)
task analysis
(Askeri,Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) görev analizi
task analysis
iş analizi
task migration
görev göç ettirme
task oriented
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) görev yönelimli
task pane
(Bilgisayar) görev bölmesi
task scheduler
(Bilgisayar) görev zamanlayıcı
task unit
(Askeri) görev birliği
task force
özel görev timi
task force
iş gücü
task force
özel birlik
task master
task master
task master
task queue
görev kuyruğu
task wages
götürü vergin
task work
götürü iş
task area
görev sahası
task assignment
görev atama
task bar
görev çubuğu
task design
görev tasarımı
task for
task force
görev gücü
task force
Meclisde oluşturulan komisyonlar vs. gibi çalışma grubu- Prime minister, after the economic stabilization plan task-force meeting, met with cabinet members
task handling
görev taşıma
task lighting
ofis aydınlatması
task master
görev yöneticisi
task program
Görev programı
task programming
görev programlama
task to
task view
Görevi görüntülemek
İş/görev/ödev üzerine dayandırılmış
görev esas
task accept
(Bilgisayar) görev kabulü
task acceptance
(Bilgisayar) görev kabulü
task accepted
(Bilgisayar) görev kabulü
task accepted
(Bilgisayar) görev kabul tarihi
task air force
(Askeri) HAVAYA GÖRE KUVVETİ: Bak "air task force"
task behavior
ödev davranışı
task behaviour
ödev davranışı
task box
görv kutusu
task box
(Bilgisayar) görev kutusu
task card
görev kartı
task completed
(Bilgisayar) tamamlanan görev
task component
(Askeri) GÖREV TEŞKİLAT UNSURU: Bir filo, görev kuvveti, görev grubu veya görev birliğinin belirli görevlerin ifası için kendi komutanları veya üst makam tarafından teşkil edilmiş tali bir bölümü
task component
(Askeri) görev teşkilat unsuru
task decline
(Bilgisayar) görev reddi
task declined
(Bilgisayar) görev reddi
task details
(Bilgisayar) görev ayrıntıları
task element
(Askeri) GÖREV ELEMENTİ: Bir deniz görev birliğinin, bu birlik komutanı veya daha üst makam tarafından teşkil edilmiş bir ana unsuru
task entry view
(Bilgisayar) görev girdisi görünümü
task fleet
(Askeri) GÖREV DONANMASI: Belirli bir görevin ya da görevlerin (bunlar birbirini takip eder. mahiyette de olabilir) ifası için kurulmuş, gemilerden ve hava araçlarından ibaret seyyar bir birlik
task folder
(Bilgisayar) görev klasörü
task force
çalışma kolu,iş gücü
task force
(Askeri) görev kuvveti
task force
geçici bir süre için işbirliği yapanlardan oluşan grup
task force
ask. özel görev kuvveti
task force
task force
özel görev grubu
task force
özel tim
task force
(Askeri) Görev kuvveti (tb)
task force combat information ship
(Askeri) GÖREV KUVVETİ SAVAŞ HABER GEMİSİ: Görev kuvvetine dahil çeşitli gemilerin gemiler arası muharebe haber merkezi görevlerini koordine etmekle görevlendirilmiş gemi. Bu koordinasyon sayesinde, komutanların faydalanabilecekleri genel muharebe durumu ile ilgili bilgiler artırılmış olur. Bu gemi, normal olarak, görev kuvveti komutanının sancak gemisidir
task group
(Askeri) özel görev grubu
task group
(Askeri) GÖREV GRUBU: Bir deniz görev kuvvetinin, bu kuvvet komutanı veya üst makamca teşkil edilmiş bir kısmı
task history
(Bilgisayar) görev tarihçesi
task icon
(Bilgisayar) görev simgesi
task id
(Bilgisayar) görev no
task id
(Bilgisayar) görev ıd
task identity
(Ticaret) iş kimliği
task inventory
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) görev envanteri
task item
(Bilgisayar) görev öğesi
task items
(Bilgisayar) görev öğeleri
task last user
(Bilgisayar) görev son kullanıcısı
task launcher
(Bilgisayar) görev başlatıcısı
task leader
(Ticaret) iş önderi
task management
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) görev yönetimi
task management
gorev yonetimi
task manager
Görev Yöneticisi
task migration
gorev goc ettirme
task mode
(Bilgisayar) görev modu
task object
(Bilgisayar) görev nesnesi
task of inspection
(Avrupa Birliği) teftiş görevi
task options
(Bilgisayar) görev seçenekleri
task organization
(Askeri) GÖREV TEŞKİLATI: Deniz kuvvetlerinde; herhangi bir planlı harekatta sorumlu komutanlara vazifelerini yerine getirmek için gerekli vasıtalar tahsis eden bir teşkil
task performance observation
(Askeri) görev performans incelemesi
task recurrence
(Bilgisayar) görev yinelenme
task recurrence
(Bilgisayar) yinelenen görevler
task request
(Bilgisayar) görev isteği
task response
(Bilgisayar) görev yanıtı
task results
(Askeri) görev sonucu
task roles
vazife rolleri
task scheduler
Görev Zamanlayıcısı
task scheduler
Görev Planlayıcısı
task sharing
görev paylaşımı
task soc
(Bilgisayar) görev soc
task state
(Bilgisayar) görev durumu
task switching
(Bilgisayar) görev geçişi
task syllabus
(Dilbilim) görev temelli izlence
task team
(Çevre) görev ekibi
task timeline
(Bilgisayar) görev tarih cetveli
task to run
(Bilgisayar) çalıştırılacak görev
task unit
(Askeri) GÖREV BİRLİĞİ: Bir görev grubu komutanı veya üst makam tarafından teşkil edilmiş bir görev grubu unsuru
task update
(Bilgisayar) görev güncelleştirmesi
task update
(Bilgisayar) görev güncelleştirme
task updates
(Bilgisayar) görev güncelleştirmeleri
task vehicles
(Askeri) ESAS GÖREV ARAÇLARI: Birliklerin esas görevlerinin yapılmasında kullanılan araçlar Örneğin: zırhlı birliklerde tanklar topçu birliklerinde top cer araçları esas görev araçlarıdır
task vehicles
(Askeri) esas görev araçları
task version
(Bilgisayar) görev sürümü
task wages
götürü ücret
task, purpose, method, and effects
(Askeri) görev, amaç, yönetm ve etkiler
take sb to task
take sb to task
take sb to task
azarlamak, paylamak, fırça çekmek, ağzının payını vermek
take s.o. to task
birini azarlamak/paylamak
take to task
take to task
take to task
(deyim) take someone to task (for sth.) azarlamak,çıkışmak,paylamak
completing task
(Bilgisayar) görev tamamlanıyor
daily task
(Ticaret) günlük görev
declining task
(Bilgisayar) görev reddediliyor
design task
proje işi
design task
tasarım işi
do one's share of a task
görevini yerine getirmek
easy task
çok kolay
easy task
çocuk oyuncağı
edit task
(Bilgisayar) görevi düzenle
end task
(Bilgisayar) göreve son ver
end task
(Bilgisayar) görevi sonlandır
equal to the task
işin ehli
perform a task
görev yürütmek
perform a task
(Politika, Siyaset) bir görevi yerine getirmek
perform a task
görev görmek
pick a task
(Bilgisayar) bir görev seçin
pick a task
(Bilgisayar) görev seçin
pick a task
(Bilgisayar) görev seç
response task force
(Çevre) mukabele görev kuvveti
schedule task
(Bilgisayar) zamanlanacak görev
scheduled task
(Bilgisayar) zamanlanmış görev
(Dilbilim) ödev
(Dilbilim) etkinlik
urgent task
acil görev
disagreeable task
hoşa gitmeyen iş
go about a task
bir işi ele almak
(Dilbilim) görev

Belli görevler için bilgisayarım çok yararlı olabilir. - For certain tasks, my computer can be very useful.

Bizim sorunlarımız yok. Yalnızca görevlerimiz var. - We don't have problems. We only have tasks.

uphill task
ömür törpüsü
daunting task
zor görev
herculean task
Herkül görev
main task
ana görevi
mammoth task
mamut görev
off task
konuya ilgisiz,etkinlik dışı
primary task
Birincil görevi
rodent control task force
kemirgen kontrol görev gücü
saddle s.o. with a task
birine zor bir iş yüklemek
task of

Sen görevlerini yaptın mı? - Did you do your tasks?

Büyük, zaman alan görevleri parçalara ayırıyorum. - I break large, time-consuming tasks into chunks.

combined joint task force (NATO); commander, joint task force
(Askeri) birleşik müşterek görev kuvveti (nato); müşterek görev kuvveti komutanı
(Askeri) GÖREVLENDİRME, VAZİFELENDİRME: Tahsisat emirlerini özümleyerek kağıda dökmek ve bu emirleri ilgili birliklere yollamak. Normal olarak her emir uygulama yapacak teşkilat tarafından görevin başarıyla ifa edilmesini sağlamak üzere yeterli ayrıntılı talimatları kapsar
(Askeri) HAREKAT GÖREVLERİ: Temel teşebbüsler ve topyekün stratejik tasarılardan ortaya çıkan safhalanmış harekat tasarılarını başarıyla uygulamak için yapılması gereken kara, deniz, ve hava görevleri, harekat görevleri tespit edilirken kimin, neyi, ne zaman, nerede, ne için ve nasıl yapacağı, mümkün olduğu kadar, belirtilmiş olmalıdır. Harekat görevleri iki kategoriye ayrılır: a. İlk harekat görevleri (intial operatıons); b. Müteakip harekat görevler (subsequent operations)
İngilizce - İngilizce
To assign a task to, or impose a task on
A process or execution of a program
A piece of work done as part of one’s duties
An objective
A difficult or tedious undertaking
{n} a business imposed, employment, labor
{v} to impose something to be done, to set
assign a task to; "I tasked him with looking after the children"
If you are tasked with doing a particular activity or piece of work, someone in authority asks you to do it. The minister was tasked with checking that British aid money was being spent wisely
Tasks are generic activities that may be performed by any department within the company; and may also apply to any project Tasks are generic so that they may be applied to many projects A task associated with a particular project creates an activity
a specific piece of work required to be done as a duty or for a specific fee; "estimates of the city's loss on that job ranged as high as a million dollars"; "the job of repairing the engine took several hours"; "the endless task of classifying the samples"; "the farmer's morning chores"
The kernel abstraction for every user process, user thread, and kernel thread All of these are handled as tasks in the kernel Every task is described by its task_struct User processes/threads have an associated user_struct When in process context, the process's task_struct is accessible through the routine get_current, which does assembly magic to access the struct, which is stored at the bottom of the kernel stack When running in kernel mode without process context, the struct at the bottom of the kernel stack refers to the idle task
A finite sequence of user activities or system functions, which may or may not have an interactive embodiment
A recognized action or set of actions comprising a specific part of the operations of a functional entity in fulfilling the established manufacturing policy of the company It is the lowest level of functional decomposition of an enterprise that corresponds to the function of a single person or machine at a point in time A task corresponds to an information transformation in the usual definition of a CIM system
A task is an activity or piece of work which you have to do, usually as part of a larger project. She used the day to catch up with administrative tasks
{i} mission, assignment; obligation; role; burden, load
Business; employment; undertaking; labor
To oppress with severe or excessive burdens; to tax
Labor or study imposed by another, often in a definite quantity or amount
A task operates in parallel with other parts of the program It is written as a task specification (which specifies the name of the task and the names and formal parameters of its entries), and a task body which defines its execution A task unit is one of the kinds of program unit A task type is a type that permits the subsequent declaration of any number of similar tasks of the type A value of a task type is said to designate a task
An activity assigned to a user Forum indicates when the task is started, almost due, completed, or overdue Optionally, Forum can send e-mail to assigned users that informs them about the creation or the due date of the task
If you take someone to task, you criticize them or tell them off because of something bad or wrong that they have done. The country's intellectuals are also being taken to task for their failure to speak out against the regime. = rebuke. to give someone the responsibility for doing something be tasked with (doing) sth
The relatively small, independent unit of computational work that Pioneer executes on a single provider node A job to be performed on Frontier is divided into a set of tasks
A Mach abstraction consisting of a virtual address space and a port name space A task itself performs no computation; rather, it is the context in which threads run See also process; thread
a UNIX process belonging to a running program A serial executable usually starts one task (after the other) A parallel executable can consist of more than one task that are running at the same time Within LoadLeveler batch jobs for MPI programs, the number of tasks running at the same time on each of the requested number of nodes is controlled by the keyword #@ tasks_per_node
A task is a sequence of statements in a Neuron C program preceded by a when clause that specifies the event or events that must occur before the task can be executed Each Neuron C application can have multiple tasks For example, the tasks for a switch device might be
A task is a computation with its own stack and program counter, but that shares memory with other tasks within a processor We use the term task, rather than the more common term thread, for consistency with the documentation of SPOX and VxWorks
To charge; to tax, as with a fault
a piece of work done as part of one's duties
A feature imposed on the environment that can be triggered by certain actions of a creature, which will in turn cause the merit (and hence fitness) of that creature to increase
any piece of work that is undertaken or attempted; "he prepared for great undertakings"
A task is a set of physical and cognitive procedures that when combined serve to achieve a particular goal Characteristics that help define a task include: The starting and ending conditions The input event or stimuli that initiates the need for the task goal The output or results required and/or achieved The procedures, events, or items required to accomplish the task goal, including: Decisions or choices Actions or transformations Feedback information throughout task performance Error indicators for inappropriate actions or choices Knowledge to be retrieved (from memory or information sources)
To impose a task upon; to assign a definite amount of business, labor, or duty to
A specific, definable activity to perform an assigned piece of work, often finished within a certain time
{f} assign tasks; overburden, strain
A thread of execution that can be suspended, and later resumed
A discrete activity engaged in by a governmental entity to carry out a governmental responsibility or to achieve some purpose The name associated with intramural activities occurring at Level 5 in RaDiUS (RAND, 1997)
A single instance of a real-time computation that must complete by a certain time A real-time application may be comprised of several threads, each of which may perform many tasks Also, in the context of real-time scheduling theory, “task” is often used to refer to an entity with real-time requirements
(Ticaret) activity
A function to be performed In contract proposals, a unit of work that is sufficiently well defined so that, within the context of related tasks, readiness criteria, completion criteria, cost and schedule can all be determined
use to the limit; "you are taxing my patience"
A "piece of work"; within the context of GRADE business modeling, we use the term task to refer to an activity performed in a business system Tasks may be very large, for example, manufacturing within a multi-national enterprise, or very small, like signing a document An elementary task is one that has no further refinement in a BP diagram, e g , this might be a task like File rejection letter, which is not broken down further A task is called complex if it has at least one refinement via a BP; e g , Do morning chores might be further refined by the following tasks: Milk cows, Feed chickens, and Make breakfast for my lazy husband
An item associated with a web in FrontPage, representing an action you need to perform to complete or maintain the web Some tasks are automatically generated by wizards in FrontPage You can also add your own tasks Tasks are displayed in Tasks view
is described in terms of the goals or a desired end-result of activities a user wants to achieve More than one user procedure (a sequence of commands to be executed to carry out a task or to reach a goal) may exist to solve the task
An item associated with a FrontPage web representing one action you need to perform to complete a FrontPage web Some tasks are automatically generated by FrontPage wizards You can also add your own tasks Tasks are displayed in the FrontPage Explorer's Tasks view
A sequence of user actions with a definite beginning and an end User tasks relate to installation checkout operation, and maintenance of systems or equipment Tasks may contain procedures and in turn steps to complete the assigned task
An entry in PC208W on the Device Map representing a program scheduled for execution or a subsequent datalogger to be called for data retrieval Scheduling of execution can be done on a regular interval or following a call to a datalogger
assign a task to; "I tasked him with looking after the children
An item on a FrontPage To Do List representing one action you need to perform to complete a FrontPage web Some tasks are automatically generated by FrontPage Wizards You can also add your own tasks to the To Do list
task force
A group of people working towards a particular task, project, or activity, especially assigned in a particular capacity

The CEO's task force developed a thoroughgoing marketing strategy for the new product line.

task forces
plural form of task force
a temporary group of military units brought together, under a single commander, to accomplish a specific objective
a similar group of individuals assigned a task
1 A temporary grouping of units under one commander formed to carry out a specific operation or mission, or a semi-permanent organization of units under one commander to carry out a specific task 2 A battalion-sized unit of the combat arms consisting of a battalion control headquarters, with at least one of its major subordinate elements (a company), and the attachment of a least one company-sized element of another combat or combat support arm
a temporary military unit formed to accomplish a particular objective
a temporary grouping of individuals or representatives of groups, usually with a specific deadline, which is established for the purpose of accomplishing a definite objective and which reports its findings to a larger group or legislative body
A legislative committee authorized by legislative leadership to study a specific subject for a specified period of time A task force may contain lay members and is different from a committee in that it typically considers a narrow subject within a broader topic area: a task force would consider mental health in Oregon rather than health issues in Oregon
A team of experts tasked to investigate a problem and to develop and implement the necessary corrective action
a group of people brought together to work as a team for a limited period of time in order to accomplish a specific objective or task
Any combination of resources with common communications and a leader Technical Specialists: Personnel with special skills who are activated only when needed Technical Specialists may be needed in the areas of fire behavior, water resources, environmental concerns, resource use and training
A temporary grouping of units, under one commander, formed to carry out a specific operation or mission; a semi-permanent organization of units, under one commander, formed to carry out a continuing specific task [136]
1 A group of employees given the responsibility to research some aspect of a firm's business
a semipermanent unit created to carry out a continuing task
A term widely used during the Korean War It was used by the Army to identify an ad hoc organization composed of a variety of units temporarily assembled under a single designated commander to accomplish a specific mission For the Navy, "task force," and "task group" were routine subdivision of the fleet
A temporary interdepartmental group formed to study an issue and make recommendations
Established by grouping various site teams to meet a specific need and will be subsequently disbanded and reorganized
A group of resources with common communications and a leader assembled for a specific mission
A group of volunteers, assisted by staff, who work on and imploement a short term assignment for the Council
A combination of single resources assembled for a particular tactical need, with common communications and a leader
A group of naval ships such as a squadron, several squadrons, or a fleet with a specific military objective to accomplish
task bar
Usually at bottom of screen, shows START button, files & folders which are open
task bar
The menu at the bottom of your screen which contains the System Tray and all other currently active programs (applications) You can use the task bar to maximize and minimize programs that are in the way of your view
task bar
the bar beside the Start button; it shows what programs are open
task bar
Touch sensitive toolbar for launching applications In the series 5, this term is used to refer to the lower off-screen area from which applications are launched
task bar
The bar on the desktop where Windows places a button for every open application When a specified button is clicked, the application is restored to the desktop
task bar
the bar attached to the START button
task bar
The horizontal grey bar containing the Windows® Start Button at one end and time clock at the other end, usually located at the bottom of the Desk Top
task bar
An area that runs across the bottom of the Windows desktop The Start is at the left end of the task bar, and the clock can be displayed at the right end of the task bar Running applications are represented as buttons on the task bar, the current window is shown as a depressed button, all other applications are displayed as raised buttons Clicking the button for an inactive application activates that application and displays its window as the current window
task bar
The gray bar running across the bottom of the Windows screen; contains (from left): the Start button, the Quick Launch tray, the icons of any programs that are running in the background, the icons of programs that start automatically such as virus checking, and the time
task bar
This appears along the bottom of the Windows Desktop and is divided into sections : -
task bar
The bar at the bottom of the desktop that contains the Start button and task buttons representing open windows
task bar
The elements at the top or side of software interfaces or web browsers that enable activities and tasks to be executed
task button
button on the task bar which represents an active application and can be pressed on to return to the application
task force
A task force is a small section of an army, navy, or air force that is sent to a particular place to deal with a military crisis. The United States is sending a naval task force to the area to evacuate American citizens
task force
a temporary military unit formed to accomplish a particular objective a semipermanent unit created to carry out a continuing task
task force
number of units unified together for a combined mission under one commander
task force
A task force is a group of people working together on a particular task. We have set up a task force to look at the question of women returning to work
task forces
Temporary groups set up to solve coordination problems across several departments (15)
task forces
Temporary groups set up to solve coordination problems across several departments
task forces
These bodies are created by Council in order to study and recommend action on timely topics Each has a specific mandate and a limited life-span
task list
window that displays a list of active programs and allows users to move between programs (Computers)
task manager
tracks the progress of and provides necessary resources for separate tasks running on one processor
task manager
A member of the functional organization who has accepted responsibility for accomplishing project tasks for a project manager
task manager
A dialog which lists all the currently running tasks on the computer You can terminate each one or reboot the computer from this dialog
task wage
A wage paid by the day, or some fixed period, on condition that a minimum task be performed
task wage
When the workman is paid in proportion for excess over the minimum, the wage is one for piece-work
task work
contract work, free-lance work
task-oriented thinking
way of thinking in which the goal in considered to be of primary importance
take to task
To lecture, berate, admonish, or hold somebody accountable for his or her actions

hen any of his descendants chose to take him to task for the crudeness of his manners he was accustomed to look them coldly over and retort that things had come to a pretty pass when comparatively new people ventured to instruct the oldest of the old settlers as to what was or was not good form.

A task
Task Force
past of task
present participle of task
The activities that are required to produce the deliverable - usually many tasks per deliverable Commission content Select typesetter etc The 'how'
-A feature in Outlook that allows the user to keep a list of item to be done and track the progress of completion
"Stages" or sub-projects within a Project The Task facility can either be used entirely within the Resource ManagerTM system or can be used to link with an external "Critical Path" type of computer system
In human centred design, a task is what a person would do to complete a goal they have E g if their goal is to buy a book, it could be broken down into tasks such as: 1 Selecting a book, 2 Adding the book to their shopping basket 3 Entering personal informtation 4 Completing the transaction Each task would have sub-tasks Analysing transactions in this way helps to design effective interfaces
third-person singular of task
plural of task
Key tasks you can perform using DB2
Specific work actions
The individual things an actor must do to create a truthful inner and outer character
Activities broken down into specific assignments or duties Topic areas: Staff Development and Organizational Capacity, Accountability and Evaluation, Volunteer Management, Operations Management and Leadership