
listen to the pronunciation of tac
İngilizce - Türkçe
(Askeri) taktik gelişmiş bilgisayar; terminal erişim kontrolörü; terminal taarrız kontrolü (tactical advanced computer; terminal access controller; terminal attack control)
(Askeri) taktik hava koordinatörü (hava indirme) ((A) tactical air coordinator (airborne))
tac log group
(Askeri) TAKTİK/LOJİSTİK GRUP: Kıta, malzeme ve ikmal maddelerinin gemiden kıyıya intikalinde, kontrol gemilerindeki deniz kuvvetleri kontrol subaylarına yardımcı olmak üzere kıta komutanları tarafından görevlendirilmiş temsilciler
tic tac toe
Oyuncuların sırayla O ve X işaretleriyle diziler oluşturmaya çalıştıkları oyun
Türkçe - Türkçe
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Gelinlerin başlarına koydukları cevahirli süslü başlık
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Müslümanların, Peygamberimizin sünnetine uygun olarak veya onu temsilen başlarına sardıkları örtü; sarık, imame
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Kuşların başındaki uzunca tüy
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Çiçeklerin ortalarındaki renkli parlak kısım
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Hükümdarların başlarına giydikleri mücevherli ve kıymetli taşlarla süslü başlık
(Osmanlı Dönemi) DÜVVAC
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Taç ve (üzerine oturulan) taht
tac mahal
Hindistan'ın Agra şehrinde bulunan anıt mezar
İngilizce - İngilizce
Tactical Air Command
The drug cannabis
Technical Assistance Center
tactical CP
Technical Architecture Committee
Type Approval Code
Technical Advisory Committee, an industry advisory group required by NSF for each research program or "thrust "
Texas Administrative Code (law)
Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre
A kind of customary payment by a tenant; a word used in old records
Tactical Air Command (USAF, now merged into ACC) TACAMO - TAke Charge And Move Out TACAN - TACtical Air Navigation TACCO - Tactical coordinator TADS - Target Acquisition and Designation Sight TANS - Tactical Air Navigation System TAS - (True Air Speed) -- Calibrated airspeed corrected for non-standard temperature and pressure TBO - Time Between Overhauls TCS - Television Camera System Teline - Telemetry intelligence TFR - Terrain Following Radar TIALD - Target Identification Airborn Laser Designation TINS - Tactical Inertial Navigation System TJS - Tactical Jamming System TRAM - Target Recognition and Attack Multisensor TOW - Tube-launched, Optically-sighted, Wire-guided TSSAM - Tri Service Stand-off Attack Missile
concatenate and print files in reverse
Class: ~ See : Tactical Air Command •
Texas Administrative Code
terminal area chart
Trunk Access Code(s)
Technical Advisory Committee
Is a method to gain access to the internet This is a dial-up terminal managed by a Terminal Access Controller
Technical Assitance Contractor
Teller acuity cards Tp toxoplasmosis
Transportation Association of Canada Traffic Advisory Center Transportation Advisory Center, used in DIRECT
Total Allowable Catch - represents the total amount of fish stock that can be sustainably removed in any one year It encompasses all removals by fishers (commercial and non-commercial) The Minister of Fisheries is required under 1996 Fisheries Act to set a TAC that will move a stock towards a biomass level that will support the Maximum Sustainable Yield
Total Allowable Catch
total available carbohydrates
tic tac
fussy, petty
a system of sign language used by bookmakers at racecourses to communicate odds and bets; an associated group of words for each sign
A game in which two players take turns putting circles and crosses on a 3x3 grid and try to get three of the same symbols in a line
tic tac toe
A game played by two people, each trying to make a line of three X's or three O's in a boxlike figure with nine spaces
A variant of ticktacktoe. a children's game in which two players draw X's or O's in a pattern of nine squares, trying to get three in a row British Equivalent: noughts and crosses (tic-tac-toe (1800-1900); from the sound of play)
Türkçe - İngilizce

You're the light of my eyes ... and crown of my head. - Gözümde nursun ...ve başımda tacın.

Are you looking at a crown? - Bir taca mı bakıyorsun?

tac mahal
The Taj Mahal
tetikleyici tac
(Denizbilim) trigger tac