
listen to the pronunciation of syndrome
İngilizce - Türkçe

Bileğim ve ön kolum acıyor. Bence karpal tünel sendromunun acısını çekiyor olabilirim. - My wrist and forearm hurt, I think I might be suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome.

Ben huzursuz bacak sendromundan muzdaribim. - I suffer from restless leg syndrome.

tüm semptomlar
hastalık belirtileri
(Diş Hekimliği) Belli bir hastalığın veya lezyonun varlığını ifade eden semptomlar topluluğu
(Nükleer Bilimler) sendrom (belirti)
(Tıp) Bir hastalıkta gözüken semptomların bütünü, sendrom
i., tıb. sendrom
gas bloat syndrome
(Geometri) Gaz şişkinliği sendromu
glass ceiling syndrome
(Tıp) Cam tavan sendromu: Bir organizasyonda kadın ya da erkek veya azınlıkların üst yönetim basamaklarına çıkmasını engelleyen, ayrımcılık gibi görünmeyen engellerle başetme durumu
burnout syndrome
(Tıp,Ticaret) tükenmişlik sendromu
burnout syndrome
(Tıp) tükenme sendromu
cope syndrome
(Tıp) cope sendromu
here syndrome
(Bilgisayar) buraya tıkla hastalığı
inferior vena cava syndrome
(Tıp) vena kava inferiyor sendromu
irritable bowel syndrome
(Tıp) irritabl bağırsak sendromu
neglect syndrome
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) ihmal sendromu
ostrich syndrome
devekuşu sendromu; apaçık ortada ve aşıkar olan bir gerçeği devekuşunun başını kuma saklaması gibi inkar etmek ya da reddetmet
polycystic ovarian syndrome
(Tıp) polikistik over sendromu
sick building syndrome
hasta bina sendromu
sudden infant death syndrome
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) ani bebek ölümü sendromu
tumor lysis syndrome
(Tıp) tümör lizis sendromu
abstinence syndrome
yoksunluk sendromu
adrenogenital syndrome
adrenogenital sendrom
battered child syndrome
hırpalanmış çocuk sendromu
child abuse syndrome
hırpalanmış çocuk sendromu
Down's Syndrome
Down sendromu
Fetal alcohol syndrome
(Tıp, İlaç) Annenin hamileliğinde alkol kullanmasına bağlı olarak oluşan vücut deformasyonu veya gelişimsel ya da zihinsel gelişimde oluşan gerilikle karakterize tıbbi durum
acquired immune deficiency syndrome
acute respiratory distress syndrome
akut solunum sıkıntısı sendromu
asperger syndrome
Asperger sendromu
asperger's syndrome
Asperger Sendromu
aspergers syndrome
Aspergers sendromu
boiling frog syndrome
Haşlanmış kurbağa sendromu: Kişinin etrafındaki değişikliğe yavaş yavaş alışması ve bu değişikliğin yavaş yavaş kendine zarar verdiğiini farketmemesi durumu
capgras syndrome
(Psikoloji, Ruhbilim) Capgras sendromu
carpal tunnel syndrome
karpal tünel sendromu
dry eye syndrome
(Tıp, İlaç) Göz kuruluğu
empty nest syndrome
boş yuva sendromu
guillain-barré syndrome
Guillain-Barré sendromu
hyperthymestic syndrome
(Tıp, İlaç) Hipertimestik sendromu
layoff survivor syndrome
İşten çıkartılma korkusu (sendromu)
leaky gut syndrome
(Tıp, İlaç) Sızıntılı bağırsak sendromu
multiple personality syndrome
(Psikoloji, Ruhbilim) Çok kişilik sendromu
post ejaculation syndrome
(Tıp, İlaç) Boşalma sonrası sendromu
precordial catch syndrome
prekordiyal yakalamak sendromu
premenstrual syndrome
(Tıp, İlaç) Premenstrüel Sendrom

Adetten önce olan hastalik belirtisi.

restless legs syndrome
(Tıp, İlaç) Huzursuz bacak sendromu
reye's syndrome
Reye's sendromu
savant syndrome
Savant sendromu
shaken baby syndrome
Sarsılmıuş bebek sendromu: Bebeğin kollarından veya bedeninden tutularak aşırı sarsılması dolayısıyla beyninin kafatası duvarlarına çarparak, beyninde hasar, körlük hatta ölümü
sicca syndrome
(Tıp, İlaç) Göz kuruluğu
survivor syndrome
İşten çıkartılma korkusu (sendromu)
survivor syndrome
kurtulan sendromu
tourette syndrome
Tourette sendromu
tourettes syndrome
Tourettes sendromu
Conn's syndrome
(Tıp) Fazla miktarda aldosteronun mevcut olması
Edward's Syndrome
(Tıp) Mental anomalilerle birlikte görülen otozomal trizomi
Felty's Syndrome
(Tıp) Lökopeni ve splenomegali ile birlikte görülen kronik artrit tablosu
Horton's Syndrome
(Tıp) Vücutta fazla miktarda histamin serbestleşmesine bağlı olarak meydana gelen şiddetli başağrısı
Klinefelter's Syndrome
(Tıp) 44 otozom kromozomu bulunan, seks kromozomlarının çatkısı ise XXY şeklinde olan, yani toplam olarak 47 kromozoma sahip olan kimse
Meig's Syndrome
(Tıp) Hyidroperitoneum ve hydroothorax ile birlikteg örülen selim huylu solid ovarium tümörü
Sjögren Syndrome
(Tıp) Gözyaşı, tükürük guddeleri veya diğer saglı bezlerinde meydana gelen sekresyon azalması
Turner's Syndrome
(Tıp) Gonadal diskinezi, doğum sırasında teşhis edilebilir
abstinence syndrome
(Tıp) rejim sendromu
abstinence syndrome
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) perhiz sendromu
acquired immune deficiency syndrome
(Askeri) kazanılmış bağışıklık yetersizliği sendromu
acute radiation syndrome
(Çevre) akut radyasyon sendromu
adrenogenital syndrome
(Tıp) Hidrokortizon yetersizliğine veya yokluğuna sebep olan konjenital durum
battered bay syndrome
(Tıp) Hırpalanmış bebek sendromu
behcet's syndrome
(Diş Hekimliği) ( Hulusi Behçet, 1889 - 1948, Türk deri hastalıkları uzmanı ) virüs, allerji, otoimmünite, mikoplazma gibi nedenlere bağlı olduğu sanılan, erkeklerin daha fazla tutulduğu, ilk belirtisi aftöz stomatit olan sendrom
behçet's syndrome
(Tıp) Hulusi Behçet tarafından 1937'de tanımlanan sendrom
bronze baby syndrome
(Tıp) bronz bebek sendromu
caplan's syndrome
(Tıp) Romatoid pnomokonyoz, pnömokonyozlu kömür ve amyant işçilerinde görülür
carcinoid syndrome
(Tıp) Barsaklarda bulunan bir karsinoid tümörün veya akciğer karsinomasının 5-hidroksi triptamin salgıladığı, çok ender bir durum
cheese syndrome
(Tıp) peynir hastalığı
child syndrome
(Tıp) child sendromu
chinese restaurant syndrome
(Tıp) çin restoranı sendromu
christian syndrome
(Tıp) christian sendromu
cohen syndrome
(Tıp) cohen sendromu
collins syndrome
(Tıp) collin sendromu
costen's syndrome
(Diş Hekimliği) yanlış oklüzyona bağlı temporo mandibüler eklem zedelenmesi ile, baş, göz, dil ve nasal sinüslerde ağrı, çiğneme halinde ağrılı kas spazmları görülen bir sendrom
culture specific syndrome
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) kültüre özgü sendrom
cushing's syndrome
(Tıp) Klinik bakımından Cushing hastalığına benzer
cyclical syndrome
(Tıp) Menstruasyon öncesi meydana gelen semptomların tümüne birden verilen ortak ad
cylic vomiting syndrome
(Tıp) tekrarlayan kusma sendromu
da costa's syndrome
(Tıp) Kardiyak nevroz, palpitasyonla kendini belli eden bir anksiyete durumu
damaged goods syndrome
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) hasarlı mal sendromu
disaster syndrome
(Tıp) afet sendromu
disconnection syndrome
kopukluk sendromu
disconnection syndrome
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) bağlantısızlık sendromu
early demyelination syndrome
(Tıp) erken demiyelinazyon sendromu
effort syndrome
(Tıp) Bir çeşit anksiyete nevrozu
folk hero syndrome
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) halk kahramanı sendromu
frey’s syndrome
(Tıp) frey sendromu
frochilich's syndrome, dystrophia adiposogenitalis
(Tıp) Hipotalamusla ilgili bozukluk dolayısıyla sekonder olarak gelişen hipofiz ön lob yetersizliği nedeniyle meydana gelen, ender, ancak karakteristik özellikler gösteren bir hastalık
gilbert syndrome
(Tıp) gibert sendromu
goodpastures syndrome
(Tıp) Glomerulonefrit ile birlikte görülen hemorajik akciğer hastalığı
gray syndrome
(Tıp) grey sendromu
grebe syndrome
(Tıp) grebe sendromu
gulf war syndrome
(Tıp) körfez savaşı sendromu
happy puppet syndrome
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) mutlu kukla sendromu
hemolytic uremic syndrome
(Tıp) hemolitik üremik sendrom
horner's syndrome
(Tıp) Bir taraftaki servikal sempatik sinirlerin felcini takiben ortaya çıkan klinik tablo
horner’s syndrome
(Tıp) horner sendromu
immobile cüiary syndrome
(Tıp) hareketsiz silya sendromu
impostor syndrome
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) kimlik hırsızı sendromu
intermediate syndrome
(Tıp) intermediyat sendrom
irritable colon syndrome
(Tıp) irritabl kolon sendromu
jet syndrome
uçak yolculuğu sonrası sersemlik
jet syndrome
saat farkından dolayı rahatsızlık
koro syndrome
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) koro sendromu
marfan's syndrome
(Tıp) Sebebi bilinmeyen herediter genetik bir hastalık
median line syndrome
(Tıp) mediyan çizgi sendromu
mendelson's syndrome
(Tıp) Mide muhtevasının akciğerlere aspirasyonu ile meydana gelen durum
mental syndrome of automatism
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) özdevim belirtileri
nelson’s syndrome
(Tıp) nelson sendromu
patau's syndrome
(Tıp) Otozomal trisomi
persecution syndrome
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) zulüm sendromu
peutz jeghers syndrome
(Diş Hekimliği) Ağız çevresinde melanotik çillerle kendini belli eden, barsakta çok sayıda poliplekarakterik herediter hastalık; habisleşebilir
post myocardial infarction syndrome
(Tıp) Plevranın, akciğerin veya perikardın iltihabı ile birlikte, göğüs ağrısı ve yüksek ateş ile kendini gösteren bir durum
postconcussional syndrome
(Tıp) Kafa travmalarından sonra uzun süre var olabilen başağrısı, sersemlik ve bayılma duygusu gibi durumlar
postgastrectomy syndrome
(Tıp) Dumping sendromu, gastrektomi ameliyatlarından sonra meydanag elen bir durum
pseudo turner syndrome
(Tıp) psödoturner sendromu
rape trauma syndrome
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) tecavüz travması sendromu
reiter's syndrome
(Tıp) Sebebi bilinmeyen bir şekilde uretrit, poliartrit ve konjunktivit'in meydana gelmesi
restrictive pulmonary syndrome
(Tıp) restriktif respiratuar sendrom
revolving door syndrome
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) döner kapı sendromu
sticker syndrome
(Tıp) artrooftalmopati
suicide syndrome
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) intihar sendromu
survivor syndrome
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) hayatta kalma sendromu
triple X syndrome
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) üç X sendromu
usher's syndrome
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) usher sendromu
vermis syndrome
(Tıp) vermiş sendromu
İngilizce - İngilizce
A recognizable pattern of symptoms or behaviours
{n} a concurrence in action, union
– A combination of signs and/or symptoms that form a distinct clinical picture indicative of a particular disorder
You can refer to an undesirable condition that is characterized by a particular type of activity or behaviour as a syndrome. It's a bit like the exam syndrome where you write down everything you know regardless of what has been asked. acquired immunodeficiency syndrome severe acute respiratory syndrome battered woman syndrome carpal tunnel syndrome chronic fatigue syndrome Cushing syndrome Down syndrome fetal alcohol syndrome Gulf War syndrome irritable bowel syndrome Klinefelter syndrome Korsakoff syndrome Marfan syndrome polycystic ovary syndrome Stein Leventhal syndrome premenstrual syndrome respiratory distress syndrome Reye syndrome sudden infant death syndrome Tourette syndrome toxic shock syndrome Turner syndrome
refers to a constellation of signs (what the examiner sees) and symptoms (what the patient reports) that recur regularly in clinical populations
A group of symptoms and/or deformities that occur together in a recognizable pattern, defining a specific disease or condition
meaning a group of signs and symtpoms that occur together and characterize a particular abnormality
a pattern of symptoms indicative of some disease
Generally, a number of characteristics, features, events or behaviours that seem to go with each other or are believed to be coordinated or interrelated in some way More specifically, in medicine and clinical psychology, a cluster of characteristics or symptoms which tend to occur together and be indicative of a specific disorder or abnormality
a collection of traits, health problems, and/or birth defects in an individual which usually has a single underlying cause
A set of signs or series of events occurring together that often point to a single disease or condition as the cause [113]
A characteristic pattern of anomalies resulting from one underlying cause (e g Down syndrome, Turner syndrome, Meckel syndrome, DeLange syndrome etc )
A collection of characteristics that occur together
A syndrome is a medical condition that is characterized by a particular group of signs and symptoms. Irritable bowel syndrome seems to affect more women than men see also Down's syndrome, premenstrual syndrome
A combination of symptoms that occur together and is indicative of a specific condition or disease
Group of signs and symptoms that together are known or presumed to characterize a disorder
A complex of symptoms; a set of symptoms which occur together
symptoms and signs that characterize a specific abnormality
{i} particular group of symptoms that appear together and characterize a particular disease or disorder (Medicine)
A group of signs or symptoms characteristic of a particular disease
a set of symptoms that occur together
The aggregate of signs and symptoms associated with any morbid process, and constitution together the picture of the disease
One of the states of a syndrome subsystem It is often used more narrowly for one of a distinguished set of basis states of a syndrome subsystem
A set of symptoms and/or signs occurring together [Quick find]
a complex of concurrent things; "every word has a syndrome of meanings" a pattern of symptoms indicative of some disease
A collection of symptoms that characterize a specific disease or condition
a complex of concurrent things; "every word has a syndrome of meanings"
A recognizable pattern or group of multiple signs, symptoms or malformations that characterize a particular condition; syndromes are thought to arise from a common origin and result from more than one developmental error during fetal growth
A set of signs or a series of events occurring together that make up a disease or health problem
The group or recognizable pattern of symptoms or abnormalities that indicate a particular trait or disease
A group of signs and symptoms that occur together and characterize a particular abnormality
A symptom complex characteristic of a particular abnormality
A set of signs and symptoms that occur together often enough to constitute a specific condition or entity
Allan-Herndon-Dudley syndrome
A rare brain-development disorder, almost exclusively in males, that causes moderate to severe mental retardation and problems with movement
Anton-Babinski syndrome
A rare symptom of brain damage occurring in the occipital lobe, in which the patient is "cortically blind" but affirms that he or she is capable of seeing
Asperger syndrome
Alternative spelling of Asperger's syndrome
Asperger's syndrome
A person diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome
Asperger's syndrome
An autism related developmental disorder characterised by sustained impairment in social interaction and nonverbal communication and by restricted, repetitive, pedantic and stereotyped activities, interests, speech and routines
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome
A congenital overgrowth disorder characterized by an increased risk of childhood cancer and certain physical defects
Behçet's syndrome
Behçet’s disease
Bloom syndrome
A particular genetic disease; its most apparent symptom is stunted growth
Bloom's syndrome
A particular genetic disease; its most apparent symptom is stunted growth
Cheadle-Möller-Barlow syndrome
The disease scurvy especially in infants
China syndrome
One instance of such a nuclear mishap

Contrary to accounts in the media, he states, bugs of this nature don't cause China Syndromes or missile launches, at least not generally..

China syndrome
A rare disease, first characterized in the early 1990s, which resembles poliomyelitis but which has somewhat different characteristics and occurs in persons vaccinated for poliomyelitis

Unlike poliomyelitis, paralysis in China syndrome is symmetrical. In addition, cases are seasonal.

China syndrome
A behavior, policy, or situation characteristic of or involving China; an actual or potential catastrophe, especially one involving China

And then there is the China syndrome. . . . China now represents about 20% of Korea's total trade.

China syndrome
A hypothetical kind of catastrophic failure in which a nuclear reactor melts through the floor of its containment system and penetrates the earth's surface, continuing downward as if (from a Western Hemispheric point of view) traveling through the planet toward China

The molten mass did not even fully penetrate the 0.5-cm cladding, confirming tests in Karlsruhe, Germany, and in Idaho, that the China syndrome is not a credible possibility.

Chinese restaurant syndrome
A syndrome associated with consumption of the westernized version of Chinese food, characterized by various symptoms such as burning and tingling sensations, rapid heartbeat, and drowsiness, and tentatively ascribed to monosodium glutamate in the food
Costen's syndrome
A set of symptoms thought to involve hearing difficulties, facial pain, tinnitus, and dizziness, of unclear scientific validity
Cushing's syndrome
Hyperadrenocorticism or hypercorticism, an endocrine disorder caused by high levels of cortisol in the blood
DiGeorge syndrome
A syndrome caused by the deletion of a small piece of chromosome 22 in humans, associated with various birth defects
Down syndrome
Condition caused by a chromosomal excess, whereby the patients bear a certain resemblance to the Mongoloid race, such as a small head and tilted eyelids
Down's syndrome
Condition caused by a chromosomal deficiency, whereby the patients bear a certain resemblance to the Mongoloid race, such as a small head and tilted eyelids
FG syndrome
A rare genetic disorder linked to the X chromosome, causing physical anomalies and developmental delays, characterised by retardation, hyperactive behaviour, constipation, hypotonia, and a characteristic facial appearance
Gerstmann syndrome
A neurological disorder characterized by a constellation of symptoms that suggest the presence of a lesion in a particular area of the brain
Gilles de la Tourette syndrome
Alternative name for Tourette syndrome
Gorlin's syndrome
Either of nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome or focal dermal hypoplasia
Grisel's syndrome
A nontraumatic subluxation of the atlantoaxial joint caused by inflammation of the adjacent tissues
Guillain-Barré syndrome
A disease of the nervous system caused by damage to the myelin sheath
Hallgren syndrome
Usher syndrome
Jerusalem syndrome
A group of mental phenomena involving religious delusion or obsession relating to the city of Jerusalem
Kearns-Sayre syndrome
Oculocraniosomatic disease
Klinefelter syndrome
A genetic condition in which a male is born with two X chromosome
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome
A rare inherited genetic disorder, caused by a deficiency of HGPRT, in which uric acid builds up in all body fluids
Lyell's syndrome
toxic epidermal necrolysis
Marfan syndrome
A genetic disorder of the connective tissue that causes defects in the heart valves and aorta
Martin-Bell syndrome
Fragile X syndrome
Miller syndrome
A particular genetic disease, characterized by facial anomalies and missing toes
Münchausen syndrome
A psychiatric disorder in which those affected feign illness or psychological trauma in order to garner attention or sympathy
Noonan syndrome
A relatively common autosomal-dominant congenital disorder, a form of dwarfism accompanied by heart defect, learning difficulties, and a characteristic facial appearance
Ohtahara syndrome
A progressive condition with a combination of severe epilepsy and cerebral palsy. It is characterised by severe physical and mental retardation and partial seizures
Paris syndrome
An alleged transient psychological disorder encountered by some people visiting or vacationing in Paris, France
Parkinson's syndrome
A neurological syndrome characterized by tremor, hypokinesia, rigidity, and postural instability
Peter Pan syndrome
The supposed psychological phenomenon of immaturity among some men, who, like the fictional character, remain childish and fail to assume appropriate adult social roles and responsibilities

The husband himself (called he to emphasize his role as Typical Male) comes across as a rather dense, naughty adolescent boy. He is clearly suffering from a terminal case of the Peter Pan syndrome.

Pickwickian syndrome
obesity hypoventilation syndrome
Pinkerton Syndrome
The tendency of some Asians to consider Caucasians superior, and to be biased in favour of Caucasians over Asians
Prader-Willi syndrome
A particular human disease, caused by deletion of part of chromosome 15, and manifested by mental retardation and other problems
Proteus syndrome
A congenital disorder that causes skin overgrowth and atypical bone development, often accompanied by tumors
RAS syndrome
redundant acronym syndrome syndrome
Rett syndrome
An inherited, neurological disease of (mostly female) children characterized by a small head, and by repetitive hand movements
Reye's syndrome
A potentially fatal disease that causes numerous detrimental effects to many organs, especially the brain and liver
Sjögren's syndrome
An autoimmune disorder in which immune cells attack and destroy the exocrine glands that produce tears and saliva
Stevens-Johnson syndrome
A life-threatening condition affecting the skin in which cell death causes the epidermis to separate from the dermis
Stockholm syndrome
A psychological condition in which the hostage emotionally bonds to their captor

Natascha Kampusch, the 18 year old Austrian woman who escaped from her kidnapper last week after eight years in captivity, thought to be suffering from an extreme version of Stockholm syndrome, in which victims begin to associate and sympathise with their attackers.

Tourette syndrome
A neurological disorder characterized by the presence of physical and vocal tics

Tourette syndrome is a condition characterized by involuntary vocalizations exacerbated by stress.

Tourette's syndrome
Alternative name for Tourette syndrome
Turner syndrome
A particular disease, caused usually by monosomy of a sex chromosome, and causing sterility and other problems
Usher syndrome
A relatively rare genetic disorder that is a leading cause of deafblindness
Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome
A rare X-linked recessive disease characterized by eczema, thrombocytopenia, immune deficiency, and bloody diarrhea
XYY syndrome
An aneuploidy of the sex chromosomes in which a human male receives an extra Y chromosome, giving a total of 47 chromosomes instead of the usual 46; the condition is associated with learning difficulties and above-average height
Zellweger syndrome
A rare congenital disorder characterized by the reduction or absence of peroxisomes in the cells of the liver, kidneys, and brain and the inability to beta-oxidize very-long-chain fatty acids
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
A disorder where increased levels of the hormone gastrin are produced, causing the stomach to produce excess hydrochloric acid; often caused by a tumor (gastrinoma) of the duodenum or pancreas, and resulting in peptic ulcers
acquired immune deficiency syndrome
An infectious disease, caused by HIV, that causes the gradual degeneration of the body's immune system
aniridia-Wilms' tumor syndrome
A particular human disease, caused by deletion of part of chromosome 11, and causing aniridia and other problems
aortic arch syndrome
Takayasu's arteritis
baby duck syndrome
The tendency of computer users to always think the operating system they started on is better
carpal tunnel syndrome
A form of repetitive stress injury caused by compression of the median nerve travelling through the carpal tunnel
cheese syndrome
A hypertensive crisis caused by the ingestion of foods high in tyramine (such as some cheeses) while the monoamine metabolism is compromised by the use of monoamine oxidase inhibitors
chronic fatigue syndrome
A condition that is characterised by fatigue, extremely low stamina, weakness, muscle pain, lymph node swelling, depression and hypersensitivity
cri du chat syndrome
A rare genetic disorder identified by the catlike cry of the infant
economy class syndrome
deep vein thrombosis
empty nest syndrome
a feeling of loneliness or depression experienced by some parents when their children have matured and left home
false memory syndrome
A recollection of a childhood incident which had not taken place
fetal alcohol syndrome
Any of a spectrum of birth defects that result from excessive alcohol consumption by the mother during pregnancy
floppy baby syndrome
floppy infant syndrome
foetal alcohol syndrome
Alternative form of fetal alcohol syndrome
foreign accent syndrome
An extremely rare disorder, which may be temporary or permanent, in which a person who has suffered a stroke or other brain trauma recovers but subsequently speaks with a seeming foreign accent

A Baltimore man suddenly began speaking with a Scandinavian accent after suffering a stroke. . . . The man had foreign accent syndrome, a rare condition in which a brain malfunction produces speech alterations that sound like a foreign accent.

fragile X syndrome
A particular, genetic syndrome, caused by the excessive repetition of a particular trinucleotide
gender identity syndrome
gender identity disorder
irritable bowel syndrome
A functional disorder causing the nerves and muscles of the large intestine to be oversensitive, leading to symptoms such as cramp, bloating, flatulence, diarrhoea and constipation
kapang syndrome
A way of speaking Tagalog that reflects the fact that he is not from Metro Manila where the "official" version of the language is spoken
kapang syndrome
By extension, a way of speaking a language that betrays one's foreign or rural origin
locked-in syndrome
A rare, severe physical disorder in which a person cannot speak and is paralyzed—with the possible exception of some voluntary eye movement—while his or her mental faculties remain fully intact

The locked-in syndrome is a medical condition in which, though both level and content of consciousness may be fairly normal, the patient is so severely paralyzed it may appear on superficial examination that he or she has diminished consciousness.

long QT syndrome
a heart disease in which there is an abnormally long delay between the electrical excitation (or depolarization) and relaxation (repolarization) of the ventricles of the heart
metabolic syndrome
A combination of medical disorders that increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and diabetes
nephrotic syndrome
neuroleptic malignant syndrome
A life-threatening neurological disorder, exhibiting muscle rigidity, fever, delirium, etc., most often caused by an adverse reaction to neuroleptic or antipsychotic drugs
old hag syndrome
A form of sleep paralysis in which the sleeper sees a figure resembling a witch sitting on them while still in bed
parental alienation syndrome
A controversial term for a disturbance in which children are obsessively preoccupied with depreciation and/or criticism of a parent
polycystic ovary syndrome
A syndrome characterised by polycystic ovaries, menstrual disturbance, and high levels of androgens or insulin
premenstrual syndrome
The physical and psychological malaise experienced by many women between ovulation and the onset of menstruation; premenstrual tension

The physical symptoms of this premenstrual syndrome include bloating, weight gain, breast tenderness, abdominal discomfort, lethargy and headache whilst the psychological symptoms include anxiety, irritability, aggression and loss of control.

red man syndrome
An infusion reaction to vancomycin, causing flushing of the skin and an erythematous rash on the upper body
red neck syndrome
Alternate name for red man syndrome
sick building syndrome
the symptoms experienced by people who work there
sick building syndrome
the adverse environmental conditions in a building that pose a health risk to its occupants
small man syndrome
Humorous or supposed condition affecting short men which makes them excessively competitive as a way of compensating for their lack of stature
smoking stool syndrome
a symptom of severe phosphorus poisoning in which stools laden with phosphorus are passed
sudden infant death syndrome
The sudden and unexplained death of an infant aged one month to one year, normally while sleeping
sundown syndrome
Alternative form of sundowner syndrome
sundowner syndrome
A state of agitation, confusion, or delirium, especially in elderly patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease or other forms of dementia, which begins daily at nightfall and which is alleviated by daylight

Patients who become easily confused, such as elderly patients with sundowner syndrome or dementia, and patients recovering from drug-related hallucinations may manifest symptoms during flight regardless of the time of day.

sundowner's syndrome
Alternative form of sundowner syndrome
sundowners syndrome
Alternative form of sundowner syndrome
tall poppy syndrome
The tendency to disparage conspicuously successful people
toxic oil syndrome
An unusual disease that broke out in Spain in 1981, resembling a lung infection but unaffected by antibiotics, caused by the consumption of imported rapeseed oil, intended for industrial use, that had been sold as olive oil
toxic shock syndrome
An acute infection by Staphylococcus bacteria, characterised by sudden high fever, muscle aches, joint pain, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, and fainting, abbreviated TSS
true believer syndrome
Alternative spelling of true-believer syndrome
true-believer syndrome
A phenomenon in which witnesses to a staged event continue to believe in its authenticity even after it has been debunked
tube feeding syndrome
A potentially fatal condition caused by a feeding regimen given through a tube that provides too little water and too much protein in the diet
white nose syndrome
A malady associated with the deaths of bats in North America, identifiable by a distinctive ring of fungal growth around the muzzles and on the wings
Cushing syndrome
Disorder named for Harvey Williams Cushing, caused by adrenal cortex overactivity. If caused by a pituitary gland tumour, it is called Cushing disease. Symptoms include obesity of the trunk and face ("moon face"), muscle wasting, high blood pressure, easy bruising, osteoporosis, diabetes mellitus, and fat between the shoulders ("buffalo hump"). Excess glucocorticoid hormones, whether produced by the adrenal gland or given as drugs, cause the symptoms, which are treated by surgery, radiation, cortisol-blocking drugs, or ending of glucocorticoid treatment. Cortisol treatment may be necessary after surgery
Tourette syndrome
(Geometri) Tourette syndrome (also called Tourette's syndrome, Tourette's disorder, Gilles de la Tourette syndrome, GTS or, more commonly, simply Tourette's or TS) is an inherited neuropsychiatric disorder with onset in childhood, characterized by multiple physical (motor) tics and at least one vocal (phonic) tic. These tics characteristically wax and wane, can be suppressed temporarily, and are preceded by a premonitory urge. Tourette's is defined as part of a spectrum of tic disorders, which includes provisional, transient and persistent (chronic) tics
sore foot syndrome
Erosion of the pads in recently captured large cats caused by ceaseless walking and pivoting on a concrete floor
Turner syndrome
(Tıp, İlaç) Turner syndrome is a chromosomal condition that affects development in females. The most common feature of Turner syndrome is short stature, which becomes evident by about age 5. An early loss of ovarian function (premature ovarian failure) is also very common. The ovaries develop normally at first, but egg cells (oocytes) usually die prematurely and most ovarian tissue degenerates before birth. Many affected girls do not undergo puberty unless they are treated with the hormone estrogen. A small percentage of females with Turner syndrome retain normal ovarian function through young adulthood
Turner syndrome
Turner syndrome or Ullrich-Turner syndrome (also known as "Gonadal dysgenesis") encompasses several conditions in human females, of which monosomy X (absence of an entire sex chromosome, the Barr body) is most common. It is a chromosomal abnormality in which all or part of one of the sex chromosomes is absent (unaffected humans have 46 chromosomes, of which two are sex chromosomes). Normal females have two X chromosomes, but in Turner syndrome, one of those sex chromosomes is missing or has other abnormalities. In some cases, the chromosome is missing in some cells but not others, a condition referred to as mosaicism or 'Turner mosaicism'
Ullrich-Turner syndrome
Turner syndrome or Ullrich-Turner syndrome (also known as "Gonadal dysgenesis") encompasses several conditions in human females, of which monosomy X (absence of an entire sex chromosome, the Barr body) is most common. It is a chromosomal abnormality in which all or part of one of the sex chromosomes is absent (unaffected humans have 46 chromosomes, of which two are sex chromosomes). Normal females have two X chromosomes, but in Turner syndrome, one of those sex chromosomes is missing or has other abnormalities. In some cases, the chromosome is missing in some cells but not others, a condition referred to as mosaicism or 'Turner mosaicism'
brown's syndrome
Brown's syndrome is an eye disorder, involving fibrous adhesions in the upper medial quadrant of the orbit. These lesions involve the superior oblique tendon and trochlea and mechanically limit eye elevation. Limitation of elevation is most marked in the adducted position, and elevation improvement occurs gradually as the eye is abducted. Differential diagnosis is concerned mainly with paresis of the inferior oblique muscle. Forced duction testing is diagnostic, since there is an upward restriction to elevation in adduction when Brown's syndrome is present. The condition is usually unilateral and idiopathic, though rarely it may be due to trauma or inflammation
capgras syndrome
(Psikoloji, Ruhbilim) The Capgras delusion (or Capgras's syndrome) is a rare disorder in which a person holds a delusional belief that an acquaintance, usually a spouse or other close family member, has been replaced by an identical looking impostor. The Capgras delusion is classed as a delusional misidentification syndrome, a class of delusional beliefs that involves the misidentification of people, places or objects. It can occur in acute, transient, or chronic forms
distal syndrome
(Tıp, İlaç) Lower-crossed syndrome, pelvic crossed syndrome
dry eye syndrome
(Tıp, İlaç) Keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS), also called keratitis sicca, sicca syndrome, xerophthalmia, dry eye syndrome (DES), or simply dry eyes, is an eye disease caused by decreased tear production or increased tear film evaporation commonly found in humans and some animals. Keratoconjunctivitis sicca is Latin and its literal translation is "dryness of the cornea and conjunctiva". It may be helpful to know that "sicca" is part of the English word "desiccate."
dysmotility syndrome
(Tıp, İlaç) Dysmotility syndrome: A vague, descriptive term used to describe diseases of the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract (esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines) in which the muscles do not work normally (hence the term dysmotility). Other terms that are sometimes used for dysmotility problems are gastroparesis when the stomach is involved, and chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction when the intestines and stomach are involved
empty nest syndrome
Empty nest syndrome is a general feeling of loneliness that parents/other guardian relatives may feel when one or more of their children leave home. While more common in women, it can happen to both sexes. The marriage of a child can lead to similar feelings, with the role and influence of the parents often becoming less important compared to the new spouse
hyperthymestic syndrome
(Tıp, İlaç) Hyperthymesia, also known as piking or hyperthymestic syndrome is a condition in which an individual possesses a superior autobiographical memory, meaning he or she can recall the vast majority of personal experiences and events in his or her life. The term “hyperthymesia" is derived from the Greek words "thymesis," meaning "remembering," and "hyper," meaning "excessive."
information fatigue syndrome
people highly stressed through trying to cope with the huge amounts of information from books, fax messages, the telephone, journals, and the Internet. The symptoms include "a hyper-aroused psychological condition", "paralysis of analytical capacity", "anxiety and self-doubt", leading to "foolish decisions and flawed conclusions"
layoff survivor syndrome
'Layoff Survivor Syndrome' is a condition coined by experts to describe the anxiety, depression, fear and sometimes physical illness that employees feel as a result of the implementation of layoffs at organizations
leaky gut syndrome
(Tıp, İlaç) Leaky gut syndrome is a proposed condition of an altered or damaged bowel lining. The term is used by some alternative medicine practitioners, but the syndrome is not a recognized diagnosis
lower-crossed syndrome
(Tıp, İlaç) Distal syndrome, pelvic crossed syndrome
multiple personality syndrome
(Psikoloji, Ruhbilim) A hysterical neurosis in which the personality becomes dissociated into two or more distinct but complex and socially and behaviorally integrated parts each of which becomes dominant and controls behavior from time to time to the exclusion of the others ― called also multiple personality
parinaud's syndrome
A failure of up-gaze is caused by an uper brainstem lesion, such as a supratentorial mass pressing from above, or a tumour of brainstem (e.g. a pinealoma). When the pupillary convergence reflex fails as well, this combination is called Parinaud's syndrome
pelvic crossed syndrome
(Tıp, İlaç) Distal syndrome, lower-crossed syndrome
proximal syndrome
(Tıp, İlaç) Upper-crossed syndrome, shoulder girdle crossed syndrome
savant syndrome
Savant syndrome, sometimes abbreviated as savantism, is not a recognized medical diagnosis, but researcher Darold Treffert describes it as a rare condition in which persons with developmental disorders (including autism spectrum disorders) have one or more areas of expertise, ability, or brilliance that are in contrast with the individual's overall limitations. Treffert says the condition can be genetic, but can also be acquired
shoulder girdle crossed syndrome
(Tıp, İlaç) Proximal syndrome, upper-crossed syndrome
sicca syndrome
(Tıp, İlaç) Keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS), also called keratitis sicca, sicca syndrome, xerophthalmia, dry eye syndrome (DES), or simply dry eyes, is an eye disease caused by decreased tear production or increased tear film evaporation commonly found in humans and some animals. Keratoconjunctivitis sicca is Latin and its literal translation is "dryness of the cornea and conjunctiva". It may be helpful to know that "sicca" is part of the English word "desiccate."
survivor syndrome
'Layoff Survivor Syndrome' is a condition coined by experts to describe the anxiety, depression, fear and sometimes physical illness that employees feel as a result of the implementation of layoffs at organizations
tethered spinal cord syndrome
(Tıp, İlaç) Tethered Spinal Cord Syndrome or Occult Spinal Dysraphism Sequence is a neurological disorder caused by tissue attachments that limit the movement of the spinal cord within the spinal column
tourette syndrome
A familial neurological disorder of variable expression that is characterized by recurrent involuntary tics involving body movements (as eye blinks or grimaces) and vocalizations (as grunts or utterance of inappropriate words), often has one or more associated conditions (as obsessive-compulsive disorder), is more common in males than females, and usually has an onset in childhood and often stabilizes or ameliorates in adulthood
upper-crossed syndrome
(Tıp, İlaç) Proximal syndrome, shoulder girdle crossed syndrome
Alagille syndrome
(Medicine) genetic condition characterized by facial and skeletal abnormalities and stricture of the pulmonary artery and bile ducts (often causes jaundice in newborn infants)
Asperger syndrome
{i} (Psychiatry) Asperger's syndrome, moderate autistic disorder which is observed mainly during the early school years (characterized by severe impairment of social interactions, meticulousness in speech and preoccupation with very limited interests), disorder named after Hans Asperger
Asperger's syndrome
{i} (Psychiatry) Asperger syndrome, moderate autistic disorder which is observed mainly during the early school years (characterized by a severe impairment of social interactions, meticulousness in speech and preoccupation with very limited interests), disorder named after Hans Asperger
Chinese restaurant syndrome
A group of symptoms, including dizziness, facial pressure, sweating, and headache, that may occur after the ingestion of food containing large amounts of monosodium glutamate
Clerambault-Kandinsky syndrome
{i} (Psychiatry) erotomania, Kandinsky complex, disorder in which a person believes and has a delusion that another person of higher social status is in love with them
Cushing's syndrome
A syndrome caused by an increased production of ACTH from a tumor of the adrenal cortex or of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, or by excessive intake of glucocorticoids. It is characterized by obesity and weakening of the muscles
Down syndrome
or trisomy 21 Congenital disorder caused by an extra chromosome (trisomy) on the chromosome 21 pair. Those with the syndrome may have broad, flat faces; up-slanted eyes, sometimes with epicanthal folds (whence its former name, mongolism); mental retardation (usually moderate); heart or kidney malformations; and abnormal fingerprint patterns. Many persons with Down syndrome can live and work independently or in a sheltered environment, but they age prematurely and have a short (55-year) life expectancy. The risk of bearing a child with the disorder increases with the mother's age; it can be detected in the fetus by amniocentesis
Down syndrome
A congenital disorder, caused by the presence of an extra 21st chromosome, in which the affected person has mild to moderate mental retardation, short stature, and a flattened facial profile. Also called trisomy
Down's syndrome
type of mental retardation caused by a person having abnormal chromosomes
Down's syndrome
Down's syn·drome in AM, usually use Down syndrome Down's syndrome is a disorder that some people are born with. People who have Down's syndrome have a flat forehead and sloping eyes and lower than average intelligence. Variant of Down syndrome. a condition that someone is born with, that stops them from developing in a normal way, both mentally and physically (J. H. L. Down (1828-96), English doctor)
Ganser syndrome
{i} factitious psychiatric disorder that a person (usually prisoner) adopts and gives absurd or wrong answers to questions (such as when asked how many legs a dog has, he might say: "five", or if asked how much is 2x2, he might say "5" indicating that he knows the correct answer but is intentionally just off)
Gulf War syndrome
A medical condition affecting some veterans of the Gulf War, characterized by fatigue, headache, joint pain, skin rashes, nausea, dizziness, and respiratory disorders, and attributed to reactions to prophylactic drugs and vaccines, infectious diseases, or exposure to pesticides and other chemicals, radiation, and smoke from oil fires. Also called Persian Gulf illness. one or more illnesses suffered by soldiers who fought in the Gulf War, which some people believe may have been caused by chemicals or drugs used in the war. The most common illnesses are head pains, damage to the memory, and permanent tiredness. Cluster of illnesses in veterans of the Persian Gulf War (1990-91). These illnesses are characterized by variable and nonspecific symptoms such as fatigue, muscle and joint pains, headaches, memory loss, and posttraumatic stress reactions. The cause is unknown. The disorder does not appear to be fatal but can be associated with considerable distress and disability
Klinefelter syndrome
Chromosomal disorder that occurs in one out of 500 males. With an extra X chromosome in each cell (XXY), patients look male, with firm, small testes, but they produce no sperm and may have enlarged breasts and buttocks and very long legs. Testosterone is low and pituitary reproductive hormones high. Intelligence is usually normal, but social adjustment can be difficult. Rarer variants cause additional abnormalities, including mental retardation. In the XX male syndrome, Y chromosome material has been transferred to another chromosome, causing changes typical of Klinefelter syndrome. All variants are treated with androgens
Klinefelter's syndrome
{i} (Genetics) XXY syndrome, disorder in males caused by the presence of an extra X chromosome (characterized by small testicles, decreased sperm production, gynecomastia, long legs and mental retardation)
Klippel-Feil syndrome
{i} cervical fusion syndrome, congenital fusion of the neck vertebrae and abnormalities of the brainstem and cerebellum (named after Andre Feil and Maurice Klippel who independently described the syndrome in 1912)
Korsakoff syndrome
or Korsakoff psychosis or Korsakoff disease Neurological disorder marked by severe amnesia despite clear perception and full consciousness, resulting from chronic alcoholism, head injury, brain illness, or thiamin deficiency. Persons with the syndrome typically cannot remember events in the recent or even immediate past; some retain memories only a few seconds. Longer periods up to 20 years may also be forgotten. Confabulation (recounting detailed, convincing "memories" of events that never happened) sometimes coexists with the syndrome, which may be transient or chronic
Mallory-Weiss syndrome
(Medicine) condition characterized by small tears in the esophagogastric junction (caused by frequent vomiting)
Marfan syndrome
Rare hereditary disorder of connective tissue. Affected persons are tall, with long, thin limbs and spiderlike fingers (arachnodactyly). The lens of the eye is dislocated, and many have glaucoma or detached retina. Heart muscle abnormalities and various malfunctions and malformations occur; rupture of the aorta is the most common cause of death. Severity varies; affected individuals may die young or live essentially normal lives. The underlying abnormality cannot be cured, but some of the defects can be surgically corrected
Meniere's syndrome
{i} disorder of the inner ear characterized by repeated occurrences of loss of balance together with deafness and a ringing sensation
Munchausen syndrome
disorder in which an individual pretends to have certain symptoms in order to be admitted into a hospital or undergo various medical tests
Munchausen syndrome by proxy
A psychological disorder in which a parent or other caregiver gains attention from medical professionals by repeatedly causing or fabricating disease symptoms in a child
Raynaud's syndrome
{i} Raynaud's disease, vascular disease (named after Maurice Raynaud) that causes numbness and cyanosis of the fingers and toes (caused by exposure to cold)
Reye syndrome
Acute neurological illness in children, following influenza, chickenpox, or other viral infections. Vomiting, lethargy, and confusion begin as the child appears to be recovering. These symptoms are followed hours or days later by drowsiness, disorientation, seizures, respiratory arrest, and coma. At worst, the syndrome includes fatty liver degeneration and potentially fatal brain swelling. There is no specific cure, but treatment of imbalances helps over 70% of patients survive (some with brain damage). The incidence has decreased since the recognition that it often follows use of aspirin or other salicylic acid derivatives in children during a viral illness. It can also result from aflatoxin or warfarin poisoning
Reye's syndrome
An acute encephalopathy characterized by fever, vomiting, fatty infiltration of the liver, disorientation, and coma, occurring mainly in children and usually following a viral infection, such as chicken pox or influenza
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
{i} SARS, highly contagious atypical form of pneumonia originating in Guangdong (Province in China)
Stockholm syndrome
A phenomenon in which a hostage begins to identify with and grow sympathetic to his or her captor
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
crib death, syndrome in which healthy infants die from unknown causes (usually during sleep) , SIDS
Tourette syndrome
Rare neurological disease that causes repetitive motor and vocal tics. Named for Georges Gilles de la Tourette, who first described it in 1885, it occurs worldwide, is usually inherited, generally begins at ages 2-15, and is three times more common in males. Motor tics occur first in about 80% of cases, compulsions to utter abnormal sounds in the rest. A compulsion to utter obscenities, once thought characteristic, is often absent. Repetition of words heard and spontaneous repetition of one's own words are two distinctive symptoms. Other vocal tics may include meaningless sounds. Motor tics may be virtually unnoticeable; more complex ones may appear intentional (e.g., hopping, clapping). Sleep, intense concentration, and exertion tend to suppress the tics; emotional stress worsens them. Unlike psychiatric compulsive disorders, Tourette syndrome has a neurological origin and may improve with psychogenic drugs. Brain neurotransmitter abnormalities may be involved, but the underlying cause remains uncertain
Tourette's syndrome
Tourette's syndrome is a brain disorder that causes the sufferer to make sudden uncontrolled movements and sometimes swear and spit. a Tourette's sufferer
Tourette's syndrome
{i} (Medicine) neurological disorder that causes vocal tics and many body and facial tics and movement and coprolalia
Turner syndrome
{i} (Medicine) XO syndrome, genetic syndrome in females caused by the absence of an X chromosome that causes infertility
Turner syndrome
Chromosomal disorder (from the presence of only one sex chromosome, X, in all or some of the body's cells) that causes abnormal sexual development in females. The syndrome may include absent or undeveloped ovaries, underdeveloped secondary sex characteristics, low hairline, webbed neck, shield-shaped chest with wide-spaced nipples, and kidney and heart malformations with coarctation (narrowing) of the aorta. It may not be recognized until a girl fails to undergo puberty at a normal age. Estrogen treatment results in puberty, adult appearance, and normal sex drive but not fertility. Surgery can correct malformations
XO syndrome
{i} (Genetics) Turner syndrome, genetic disorder in females caused by the absence of an X chromosome that causes infertility
XXY syndrome
{i} (Genetics) Klinefelter's syndrome, disorder in males caused by the presence of an extra X chromosome (characterized by small testicles, decreased sperm production, gynecomastia, long legs and mental retardation)
acquired immune deficiency syndrome
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome is the same as AIDS. AIDS
acquired immune deficiency syndrome
a serious (often fatal) disease of the immune system transmitted through blood products especially by sexual contact or contaminated needles
acquired immune deficiency syndrome
a disease that weakens the immune system of an individual caused by the infection of the HIV virus Therefore the individual is subject to opportunistic infections in which the body cannot fight off
acquired immune deficiency syndrome
{i} incurable disease characterized by a deterioration of the immune system and susceptibility to a number of infections and cancers (caused by the HIV virus)
acquired immune deficiency syndrome
A breakdown in the Immune system resulting from infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) This breakdown leads to a series of specific infections not normally seen in a person with a properly functioning immune system
acquired immune deficiency syndrome
the late stage of HIV disease AIDS involves the loss of function of the immune system as CD4 cells are infected and destroyed, allowing the body to succumb to opportunistic infections (e g , Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, toxoplasmosis) that are generally not pathogenic in people with intact immune systems Common symptoms of AIDS include malignancies and wasting syndrome The CDC defines AIDS as the presence of at least one of several opportunistic infections or the presence of fewer than 200 CD4 cells/mm3 in an HIV positive individual (AIDS)
acquired immune deficiency syndrome
A viral disease transmitted from individual to individual most often through sexual intercourse; however, can be transmitted by sharing contaminated hypodermic needles and by receiving a transfusion with contaminated blood
acquired immune deficiency syndrome
a disease, caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which kills or impairs cells of the immune system and progressively destroys the body's ability to fight infections and certain cancers HIV is most commonly spread in teens and adults by sexual contact with an infected partner HIV is most commonly spread in infants and children by vertical transmission from an infected mother while in the womb or during delivery
acquired immune deficiency syndrome
a viral disease that destroys the body's ability to fight infections, leaving the body susceptible to many other diseases caused by infection with human immune deficiency virus (HIV)   See Feline immune-deficiency syndrome (FAIDS) and Feline immune deficiency virus (FIV)
acquired immune deficiency syndrome
A severe disruption of the body's immune mechanism caused by viral (HIV) infection of certain lymphocytes (white blood cells) needed to initiate immune responses 170A severe disruption of the body's immune mechanism caused by viral (HIV) infection of certain lymphocytes (white blood cells) needed to initiate immune responses 170
acquired immune deficiency syndrome
Severe manifestation of infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lists numerous opportunistic infections and neoplasms which, in the presence of HIV infection, constitute an AIDS diagnosis In addition, a CD4 count below 200/mm3 in the presence of HIV infection constitutes an AIDS diagnosis
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
{i} AIDS, incurable disease characterized by a deterioration of the immune system and susceptibility to a number of infections and cancers (caused by the HIV virus)
adult respiratory distress syndrome
defined by acute onset of diffuse pulmonary infiltrates and hypoxemia in the absence of cardiac failure; or evidence of diffuse capillary leak manifested by acute onset of generalized edema, or pleural or peritoneal effusions with hypoalbuminemia
adult respiratory distress syndrome
This is a syndrome, (constellation of symptoms and signs) in which the lung reacts to a severe shock-like condition to the body such as multiple trauma, severe infection, aspiration, etc in an otherwise healthy individual with no previous manifestation of lung disease Within 24-48 hours after the precipitating event in patients at risk to develop ARDS, the lungs become severely inflamed and scarred (fibrosis) interfering with the gas (02, CO2) exchange function of the lungs
adult respiratory distress syndrome
acute lung injury characterized by coughing and rales; inflammation of the lungs which become stiff and fibrous and cannot exchange oxygen; occurs among persons exposed to irritants such as corrosive chemical vapors or ammonia or chlorine etc
adult respiratory distress syndrome
a clinical syndrome that includes pulmonary insufficiency caused by sepsis, trauma, severe metabolic conditions or exposure to toxic gases; clinical manifestations include arterial hypoxemia (low oxygen) and the presence of bilateral infiltrates in the lung
asperger syndrome
A condition similar in some of its manifestations to autism
Türkçe - İngilizce

syndrome teriminin Türkçe İngilizce sözlükte anlamı

Alagille Syndrome
(Tıp) Bebeklerin ilk yaşında görülen bir durumdur.Karaciğer içindeki safra kanalları görülmez.Dışındaki kanallar ise genellikle çok dardır.Karaciğer içinde safra birikmesine neden olarak Karaciğer Hücrelerini ve diğer organları hasara uğratabilir
Budd-Chiari Syndrome
(Tıp) Bloke olmuş veya daralmış karaciğerden damarların kan sızdırması şeklindeki nadir bir karaciğer hastalığı
Cylic Vomiting Syndrome
(Tıp) (CVS) Tekrarlayan Kusma Sendromu.Görünen bir sebep olmaksızın,Ani ve tekrar eden ataklar halinde ağır kusma (Özellikle çocuklarda),mide bulantısı ve fiziki yorgunluk.Birkaç saatten 10 güne kadar sürebilir.Olay aniden başlar ve son bulur.Vücutta sıvı kaybı ve Vücut Kimyasının değişmesi,acil tıbbi bakıma ihtiyaç gösterebilir. Keza Abdominal Migraine olarak da adlandırılır
Dubin-Johnson Syndrome
(Tıp) bkz: Dry Mouth
Dumping Syndrome
(Tıp) Yiyecekler Mideden İnce Barsaklara çok hızlı geçtiğinde oluşan bir Rahatsızlık.Semptomları(Belirtileri): Mide Bulantısı,Ağrı,Zayıflık ve Terleme şeklinde görülür.Bu sendrom,Mide ameliyatı geçirmiş kimseleri çok sık etkiler. Rapid gastric emptying (Hızlı mide boşalması) olarak da anılır
Eagle-Barrett Syndrome
(Tıp) bkz: Prune Belly Syndrome
Gardner's Syndrome
(Tıp) Gardner sendromu.Sindirim kanalları boyunca birçok Polip formunun bulunduğu durum.Bu polipler Kanser sebebi gibi göründüğünden,kolon ve rektum Kolorektal Kanser riskinden korunmak için genellikle alınır
Gilbert Syndrome
(Tıp) Gibert sendromu.Kanda bilirubin yükselmesi.Bilirubini parçalamak için ihtiyaç duyulan karaciğer enziminin eksikliğinden olur.Bakınız keza; Bilirubin
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
(Tıp) (IBS) Zaman zaman görülüp kaybolan bir rahatsızlık.Sindirim sistemindeki kasları idare eden sinirler çok aktiftir.Sindirim sistemi yiyeceklere,atıklara,gaz ve strese karşı hassaslaşır. Karın ağrısı,mide bulantısı,kabızlık veya ishale yol açan bir rahatsızlıktır.Spastik kolon(Spastic Colon) veya Mukoza koliti (mucous colitis)de denir
Levator Syndrome
(Tıp) Anüs ve rektumda arasıra ağrılı olana sıkışma (Doluluk) hissi.Kas spazmları neden olur
Nutcracker Syndrome
(Tıp) Yemek borusunda anormal kas sıkılığı
Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome
(Tıp) Kalıtsal bir bozukluk.Barsaklarda birçok polip çeşidi yaşar.Bunlar az da olsa kanser riski taşır
Postcholecystectomy Syndrome
(Tıp) Safrakesesinin alınmasından sonra oluşan bir rahatsızlık.İnce barsakla karaciğer arasındaki kas normal çalışmaz ve ağrı,bulantı ve hazımsızlığa neden olur.Biliary dyskinesia olarak da adlandırılır
Postgastrectomy Syndrome
(Tıp) Midenin alınması operasyonundan(gastrectomy) sonra oluşan bir rahatsızlık.bkz: Dumping Syndrome
Prune Belly Syndrome
(Tıp) Yeni doğan bebeklerde görülen bir bozukluk.Bebekte karın içi kasları(abdominal muscles) hiç yoktur ve mide buruşmuş kuru erik görünümündedir.Eagle-Barrett sendromu da denir
Short Bowel Syndrome
(Tıp) ııÖÖçşProblems related to absorbing nutrients after removal of part of the small intestine. Symptoms include diarrhea, weakness, and weight loss. Also called Kısa Barsak Sendromu.İnce barsağın bir kısmı alındıktan sonra besinlerin emilmesi ile ilgili sorunlar. Belirtileri;ishal, zayıflık ve kilo kaybı şeklindedir.Short gut syndrome da denir
Short Gut Syndrome
(Tıp) bkz: Short Bowel Syndrome
Shwachman's Syndrome
(Tıp) Çocuklarda sindirim ve solunum bozukluğu.Belirli sindirim enzimleri kaybolur ve Beyaz kan hücreleri azalır.Belirtileri ishal ve boyda kısalık şeklinde görülebilir
Splenic Flexure Syndrome
(Tıp) Kolonun üst kısmında hava veya gaz biriktiğinde meydana gelen durum.Üst sol karın boşluğunda ağrıya neden olur.Bu ağrı sıkça sol göğse hareket ederek Kalp problemleri ile karıştırılabilir
Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome
(Tıp) Pankreasta Gastrinoma denen bir tümör oluştuğunda görülen bir gurup semptom.(belirti) Kansere neden olabilen bu tümör,çok miktarda Gastrin denen hormon salgılar.Gastrin ise duodenumda(Oniki parmak barsağı), ülserler,kanama ve delinmelerle sonuçlanan çok miktarda asite sebep olur