
listen to the pronunciation of supervision
İngilizce - Türkçe
{i} teftiş

Tom'un bazen biraz denetime ihtiyacı var. - Tom sometimes needs a little supervision.

Denetime ihtiyacın var. - You need supervision.

{i} denetleme
{i} gözetim

Çocukların yetişkin gözetimine ihtiyaçları vardır. - The children need adult supervision.

Tom'un biraz yetişkin gözetimine ihtiyacı var. - Tom needs some adult supervision.

gözetim ve denetim
{i} kontrol
{i} idare
(Askeri) MURAKABE: Bir üstün; sevk ve idare, direktif, sorumluluk devri şeklinde verilmiş kaynaklar ve hareket tarzları yolları ile astları üzerinde icra ettiği kontrol. Astları görevden almak veya cezalandırmak, bilgi edinme ve verimlerini değerlendirme maksadıyla kendilerinden rapor istemek yetkisini içine alır
{i} gözetip denetleyerek idare etme, gözetim ve denetim
supervision boat
(Askeri) denetleme botu
supervision costs
(Ticaret) teftiş masrafları
supervision law
(Ticaret) teftiş kanunu
supervision of employees
çalışanların denetimi
supervision of manufacture
(Avrupa Birliği) imalat denetimi
supervision of manufacture
(Avrupa Birliği) (annex III) imalat denetimi
supervision office
(Ticaret) teftiş dairesi
supervision state
gözetim devleti
subject to public supervision
kamu denetime tabi
strict supervision
sıkı inceleme
technical supervision
(Askeri) teknik denetleme
self supervision
kendinin gözetimi
under police supervision
sakçı nezaretinde
Intensive Supervision Probation
Yoğun Gözetim Sistemi
bank supervision
banka denetim
construction supervision
inşaat kontrollüğü
insurance supervision law
Sigorta Murakabe Kanunu
production supervision
Prodüksiyon Denetimi
site supervision
(İnşaat) İnşaat alanı denetimciliği
under one's supervision
United Nations Truce and Supervision Organization
(Askeri) BM Ateşkes Sağlama ve Denetleme Teşkilatı
adult supervision
yetişkin gözetimi
labor supervision area
(Askeri) İŞÇİ İDARE BÖLGESİ: Bak. "labor supervision unit"
labor supervision center
(Askeri) İŞÇİ İDARE MERKEZİ: Bak. "labor supervision unit"
labor supervision company
(Askeri) İŞÇİ İDARE BÖLÜĞÜ: Bak. "labor supervision unit"
labor supervision unit
(Askeri) İŞÇİ İDARE BİRLİĞİ: Bir işçi birliğinin idare ve kullanılmasını murakabe maksadıyla, çekirdek halinde, fiilen teşkil edilmiş, teçhizat ve malzeme kadrolu birlik. Bu birlikte; bir işçi idare takımı bir işçi takımını; bir işçi idare bölüğü bir işçi bölüğünü murakabe eder; bir işçi idare merkezi 4: 8 işçi bölüğünü; bir işçi idare bölgesi 16: 32 işçi bölüğünü kontrol eder
police supervision
gözaltına alma
staff supervision
(Askeri) karargah denetimi
staff supervision
(Askeri) PERSONEL NEZARETİ: Komutanın emrindeki diğer karargah subayları ile şahıslara, komutanın plan ve prensipleri hakkında fikir vermek, bunları yorumlamak, tatbik şeklini tespit etmek ve sonuçları komutana bildirmek suretiyle yapılan kontrol ve nezaret
technical supervision
(Askeri) TEKNİK MURAKABE: Teknik doktrinlerin yayınlanmasını ve yayınlanan doktrinlerin tatbik edilip edilmediklerini tespit maksadıyla, denetleme usullerinin geliştirilmesini, aletlerin ve malzemenin kullanılmasını, istenen standartlar için lüzumlu olan usulleri ve esasları belirten talimnamelerin hazırlanmasını ve dağıtılmasını ihtiva eden bir nezaret usulü. (bu murakabe, bir tesisin işletme kontrolünden farklıdır. )
turbine plant control and supervision
(Nükleer Bilimler) türbin tesisi kontrol ve denetleme
İngilizce - İngilizce
Responsible oversight

Do not attempt this without adequate supervision.

The act or instance of supervising

Under his parents supervision he drilled the holes in the wood.

{n} inspectin, superintendence
Supervising personnel must be available to review and approve treatment plans and to provide assistance and direction to the auxiliary provider performing the services
Supervision is the supervising of people, activities, or places. A toddler requires close supervision and firm control at all times The plan calls for a cease-fire and UN supervision of the country. when you supervise someone or something
the use of some tools or processes should always be supervised by an adult
Where supervision by PPQ is not practical, supervision by State quarantine officials or other reliable agencies is acceptable The details of all disinfesting or disinfecting treatments (fumigation, insecticide sprays, dips, etc ) will always be included on the certificate All treatments must be conducted in an approved manner and certified to by a reliable source, preferably a Government official experienced in supervising such treatments On occasion and when circumstances warrant, a notarized statement from a licensed pest control operator (certified for the type of treatment applied) may be accepted in lieu of official supervision Treatment schedules should be those provided by foreign plant protection officials or those approved by PPQ and in accordance with the PPQ Treatment Manual or product label directions
The act of overseeing; inspection; superintendence; oversight
(see Clinical Supervision)
Personnel who have been delegated the responsibility for the execution of specific accounting and control procedures should be adequately supervised to provide assurance, inter alia, that exceptions not processed are reviewed, corrected and resubmitted for processing If control procedures are not supervised, or there is no evidence of supervision, it would be unwise for auditors to place significant, if any, reliance upon them
The act of overseeing another's work
(in teacher education) The monitoring and evaluation of a student teacher's teaching performance by a supervisor Current approaches to supervision differ with respect to whether the supervisor's primary role is seen to be as an evaluator of teaching performance or as a facilitator or consultant When the former is the case, the supervisor seeks to point out the differences between actual teaching performance and ideal teaching behavior, guiding the student teacher's development and offering suggestions for improvement When the supervisor acts more as a consultant or facilitator, the goal is to explore aspects of teaching that have been determined through negotiation, and to encourage teacher self development through reflection and selfobservation
Guidance and/or direction provided either administratively or clinically
management by overseeing the performance or operation of a person or group
The formal responsibility for enforcing directives and disciplining subordinates The responsibility, which is delegated to a position, is to direct employees and to ensure the satisfactory performance of subordinates This formal authority includes such tasks as assigning and reviewing work, evaluating performance through service ratings, approving leave requests, taking disciplinary actions, reviewing and certifying subordinates' position descriptions, and counseling subordinates
- Period after a child is placed with a family for adoption and before the adoption is finalized During this period, the supervising agency maintains regular contact with the child and family to provide supportive services, report on the progress of the adoption and eventually make recommendations as to whether or not the adoption should be finalized
(1) Very important tool of learning within Cambridge for which you will have prepared work and turn up to on time hopefully every time
{i} direction, management, administration
The direction and management of other bank employees
subject to public supervision
is liable to criticism from government institutions
Intensive Probation Supervision
An individual who commits a crime may be sentenced to prison or granted a term of probation by the courts. In certain cases, a defendant may be placed on intensive supervision probation, also called intensive probation supervision (IPS). IPS is a highly structured program, similar to home arrest, and the defendant must comply with strict terms of probation. Standard probation has a more lenient reporting schedule, usually monthly, and defendants are not required to stay at home. This intensive probation supervision is also available for juveniles
Intensive Supervision Probation
An individual who commits a crime may be sentenced to prison or granted a term of probation by the courts. In certain cases, a defendant may be placed on intensive supervision probation, also called intensive probation supervision (IPS). IPS is a highly structured program, similar to home arrest, and the defendant must comply with strict terms of probation. Standard probation has a more lenient reporting schedule, usually monthly, and defendants are not required to stay at home. This intensive probation supervision is also available for juveniles
bank supervision
bank management
careful supervision
close watch, close surveillance, careful inspection
municipal supervision department
division which enforces local laws (i.e. parking, sanitation, etc.)
public supervision
overseeing of state institutions by the public (i.e. public ombudsman)
under supervision
being watched carefully, being observed extensively