
listen to the pronunciation of summarize
İngilizce - Türkçe

Sunumun içeriğini özetlemek ve bir sonuç çıkarmak istiyorum. - I want to summarize the content of the presentation and draw a conclusion.

hulasa etmek

Onun hepsini özetleyeceğim. - I'll summarize it all.

Sunumun içeriğini özetlemek ve bir sonuç çıkarmak istiyorum. - I want to summarize the content of the presentation and draw a conclusion.

{f} kısaltmak
{f} özet çıkarmak
summarize by
(Bilgisayar) özetleme
summarize slide
(Bilgisayar) slayt özetle
{f} özetle
f., İng., bak. summarize
İngilizce - İngilizce
To prepare a summary of something
To give a recapitulation of the salient facts; to recapitulate or review
to tell in or reduce to a summary; to cover the main points succinctly; to condense This is a type of paraphrase in which the summary is based on a single source or in which the summaries of more than one item are dealt with individually Note that you must properly cite the source of your summary
When you request information from members of the group that could be of interest/benefit to others in the group, some may request that you summarize It is considered good netiquette to offer to summarize at the time you post your initial query
To make a summary of To make a brief version of something
When perfoming a Truncate operation, this is the mechanism for inserting "stub" Clauses that justify the Variable Assignments at the Horizon
be a summary of; "The abstract summarizes the main ideas in the paper"
be a summary of; "The abstract summarizes the main ideas in the paper
What this means exactly will depend upon the context It might be the same as a brief outline, or a brief discussion Generally the term warns you that you should be as concise as possible in your answer E g "Summarize the reasons given by the federal court for lifting the ban on the Joyce's novel Ulysses "
To encapsulate a number of responses into one coherent, usable message Often done on controlled mailing lists or active newsgroups, to help reduce bandwidth
{f} present in a condensed form, list the main points in a brief and comprehensive manner, sum up; be a summary of (also summarise)
sum·ma·rize summarizes summarizing summarized in BRIT, also use summarise If you summarize something, you give a summary of it. Table 3.1 summarizes the information given above Basically, the article can be summarized in three sentences To summarise, this is a clever approach to a common problem. to make a short statement giving only the main information and not the details of a plan, event, report etc = sum up
When you are asked to summarize or present a summarization, you should give in condensed form the main points or facts All details, illustrations and elaboration are to be omitted
give a summary (of); "he summed up his results"; "I will now summarize"
To comprise in, or reduce to, a summary; to present briefly
{f} précis
- Give a brief and full presentation of the Main points or statements Leave out minor details, illustrations and explanations e g summarise the ways we can preserve food
To give a recapitulation of the salient facts; to recapitulate or review
Outline the main points briefly
be a summary of; "The abstract summarizes the main ideas in the paper"
give the main features omitting details
To prepare a summary of something
Give a concise account of the main points of a matter, omitting details and examples
give a summary (of); "he summed up his results"; "I will now summarize"
Express, concisely, the relevant details
{f} present in a condensed form, list the main points in a brief and comprehensive manner, sum up; be a summary of (also summarize)
past of summarise
third-person singular of summarise
present participle of summarise
A summary; the result of summarizing
The process of concisely restating the essential ideas of a text or passage, and synthesizing the ideas into an overarching, or superordinate, idea
(short citations, thumbnails, etc ) [Arms, 2001, p 159]
Processing a project's cost, revenue, commitment, and budget information to be displayed in the Project, Task, and Resource Project Status windows You must distribute costs for any expenditure items, accrue and release any revenue, create any commitments, and baseline a budget for your project before you can view summary project amounts Formerly known as accumulation
{i} act of summarizing, act of presenting material in a concise form; written work that lists the main points in a brief and comprehensive manner
the process of summarizing
Consolidated data summarized on one or more dimensions, or axes
the act of summarizing
the act of preparing a summary (or an instance thereof); stating briefly and succinctly
past of summarize
{i} one who expresses in a shortened form, one who makes a brief abstract (also summariser)
third-person singular of summarize
A learning strategy that involves concisely restating the main ideas of sections of reading or listening tasks that involve units of information greater than a single paragraph For example, you would summarize the main ideas of an entire lesson, a story, or a section of history textbook to facilitate understanding and remembering
Concisely synthesizing the essential ideas of a text or passage
present participle of summarize
Creating a short description of a document or information object that includes its most salient features for a purpose Some computer programs that summarize text use statistical methods and document structure to identify and rank sentences in a document as candidates for inclusion in a summary
Summarizing is a process in which a reader synthesizes the important ideas in a text Teaching students to summarize helps them generate main ideas, connect central ideas, eliminate redundant and unnecessary information, and remember what they read