substring teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı
A string of characters that is contained in another string, like "ello" in "Hello". Precisely, a string A is a substring of B, if B = C . A . D for some strings C and D, where "." is a concatenation operator, and C and D are possibly empty
A contiguous portion of a scalar character string Do not confuse this with the substring selector in an array section, where the result is another array section, not a substring
The call substring(s, i, n) returns n character from string s at position i The first character is at position 0 - substring("delicatessen",4,3); val it = "cat" : string
A function of form substr(variable,start,length) that returns a contiguous substring of the specified variable from the start position, and of the length specified
A contiguous portion of a scalar character string (Although an array section can specify a substring selector, the result is not a substring )
(n ) a contiguous portion of a scalar character string Note that an array section can include a substring selector, the result is called an array section and not a substring