
listen to the pronunciation of subsidiary
İngilizce - Türkçe
alt eşik
(Kanun,Politika, Siyaset) bağlı ortaklık
(Ticaret) bağlı kuruluş
(Ticaret) bağlı şirket
ikinci planda gelen
(isim-müzik) ikinci tema
Subsidiary company: tabi şirket, yan kuruluş
(sıfat) yardımcı; ek; bağlı, tabi (şirket)
(Nükleer Bilimler) alt kuruluş
ikinci tema
{s} ikinci derecede
{s} tamamlayıcı, bütünleyici: subsidiary details tamamlayıcı ayrıntılar. i
{i} bağlı kimse
tabi şirket
{s} bağımlı
subsidiary company tabi şirket
{i} yan kuruluş
{s} yardımcı, ek; ikincil, yan: subsidiary company yan şirket
{s} tâli
(Ticaret) yavru şirket
(Hukuk) ikame edilen
(Hukuk) tali şirket
subsidiary account
(Askeri,Ticaret) yardımcı hesap
subsidiary agreement
subsidiary agreement
subsidiary company
(Ticaret) bağlı ortaklık
subsidiary details
tamamlayıcı ayrıntılar
subsidiary industry
(Ticaret) yan sanayi
subsidiary ledger
(Ticaret) yardımcı defter
subsidiary account
tali hesap
subsidiary company
bağlı şirket
subsidiary company
tali şirket
subsidiary company
bağımlı ortaklık
subsidiary occupation
tali iş
subsidiary company
(Finans) Yan kuruluş
subsidiary industry
(Endüstri) yan sanayi, yardımcı sanayi
subsidiary protection
(Kanun) (Avrupa Birliği) Mülteciler hakkındaki 1951 Cenova Konvansiyonu kapsamına girmeyen, kendi ülkelerinde eziyet gören kişilerin yasal korunması
subsidiary account
(Askeri) YARDIMCI HESAP, TALİ HESAP: İlgili muvazene hesabının bakiyesine eşit olarak gösterilebilen ve muvazene hesabına özet olarak geçirilen teferruatlı muamelelere ait ve birbiri ile ilgili hesapların toplam bakiyesi
subsidiary accounts
(Ticaret) tali hesaplar
subsidiary and supporting operations
subsidiary beam
tali kiriş
subsidiary belt
(Askeri) yardımcı engel kuşağı
subsidiary belt
(Askeri) YARDIMCI ENGEL KUŞAĞI: Esas kuşağı takviye etmek, cephe istikametinde veya gerisine doğru derinlik vermek ya da yanları korumak üzere seçilmiş bir engel kuşağı. Yardımcı kuşaklar üzerindeki çalışmalara normal olarak istihkamcıların esas kuşağa tahsisleri yapıldıktan sonra başlanır
subsidiary books
(Ticaret) yardımcı defterler
subsidiary branch
alt branş
subsidiary branch
(Ticaret) tali şube
subsidiary clause
(Kanun) tali kloz
subsidiary company accounting
(Ticaret) tali şirket muhasebesi
subsidiary dam
yardımcı baraj
subsidiary demolition belt
(Askeri) TALİ TAHRİP KUŞAĞI: Kanatları korumak veya ileriye ya da geriye doğru derinliği arttırmak amacıyla esas kuşağa yapılan ek. Bak. "demolition belt"
subsidiary demolition belt
(Askeri) tali tahrip kuşağı
subsidiary expense ledger
(Ticaret) masraf yardımcı defteri
subsidiary fold
(Jeoloji) bağlı kıvrım
subsidiary journals
(Ticaret) yardımcı yevmiyeler
subsidiary landing
(Askeri) tali çıkartma
subsidiary landing
(Askeri) TALİ ÇIKARTMA: Bir amfibi çıkartmada ana çıkartmayı desteklemek amacıyla genellikle tayin edilmiş çıkartma bölgesinin dışında bir bölgeye yapılan çıkartma
subsidiary legislation
(Kanun) ikinci derecede mevzuat
subsidiary money
(Ticaret) yardımcı para
subsidiary organ
(Politika, Siyaset) ikincil kuruluş
subsidiary organ
(Politika, Siyaset) yan kuruluş
subsidiary payments
(Ticaret) para yardımı
subsidiary powers
(Politika, Siyaset) yardımcı kuvvetler
subsidiary product
yan ürün
subsidiary sewer
ikincil kanal
subsidiary sources
(Kanun) yardımcı kaynaklar
subsidiary station
ikincil istasyon
subsidiary trial balance
(Ticaret) yardımcı defter mizanı
subsidiary undertaking
(Ticaret) bağlı kuruluş girişimi
subsidiary weir
mansap eşiği
foreign subsidiary
(Ticaret) yabancı şube
(Ticaret) bağlı ortaklık
(Politika, Siyaset,Ticaret) iştirakler
foreign subsidiary
(Ekonomi) A company owned in a foreign country by a parent company
material subsidiary
(Finans) İştirak, katılım
material subsidiary
(Finans) İştirak
principle of subsidiary
yetki ikamesi ilkesi
wholly-owned subsidiary
(Ekonomi) Tamamına sahip olunan bağlı ortaklık
be subsidiary to
yardımcı olmak
offshore finance subsidiary
(Ticaret) sınır ötesi finans şubesi
İngilizce - İngilizce
secondary or subordinate
A company owned by the parent company or holding company
auxiliary or supplemental
of, or relating to a subsidy
a subordinate theme
{a} assistant, helping brought in aid
One who, or that which, contributes aid or additional supplies; an assistant; an auxiliary
relating to something that is added but is not essential; "an ancillary pump"; "an adjuvant discipline to forms of mysticism"; "The mind and emotions are auxilliary to each other"
functioning in a subsidiary or supporting capacity; "the main library and its auxiliary branches"
Furnishing aid; assisting; auxiliary; helping; tributary; especially, aiding in an inferior position or capacity; as, a subsidiary stream
a company owned or controlled by another company
A company of which more than 50% of its voting shares are owned by another corporation, called the parent company Compare with affilliate BACK TO TOP
A foreign operation incorporated in the host country and owned 50% or more by a parent corporation Foreign operations that are not incorporated are called "branches "
A corporation that is either wholly owned or controlled through ownership of a majority of its voting shares, by another corporation or business entity
A company that is legally controlled by another company
A corporation owned by another corporation
a company under the control or parentage of another company which owns all or most of it It is its own entity and pays its own tax
A company that is owned and controlled by another company, but that operates separately from the controlling company
A subsidiary or a subsidiary company is a company which is part of a larger and more important company. British Asia Airways, a subsidiary of British Airways
a company partly or wholly owned by a holding company or a parent company
a corporation, company, partnership, or association that is controlled by another (per WAC 208-660-010)
A paper on this subject by the Council of Europe states that "subsidiarity is a fashionable idea today, although its meaning remains unclear" It is not a term with a limited technical meaning applying to governmental structures Rather, it conveys a political philosophy, which is the constant search for a decision-making level as close to the citizen as possible For some, this also implies that the political power in a society rests inherently with the individual, not the state
A company that is owned by another company, its parent
A separate business entity filing reports under state and federal account numbers-different than those of the parent company (Also see: Division)
{i} subsidiary company, company that is owned or controlled by another company
{s} supplementary, auxiliary; secondary, lesser in importance; of or pertaining to a subsidy
A company whose stock is owned by a controlling company
For TPO Home Mortgages, a Subsidiary is a corporation that is controlled by a Seller through the Seller's ownership of sufficient shares of voting stock to control the appointment of the members of the board of directors of the Subsidiary (Source: FHLMC Single- Family Seller/Servicer Guide, Glossary)
A company owned by another corporation
owned or controlled by another company
an incorporated enterprise in the host country in which another entity directly owns more than a half of the shareholder's voting power and has the right to appoint or remove a majority of the members of the administrative, management or supervisory body
A subsidiary is a company which is owned or controlled by another firm or company Subsidiaries include firms in which your company owns more than 50 percent of the outstanding voting stock, as well as firms in which your company has the power to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies
If something is subsidiary, it is less important than something else with which it is connected. The economics ministry has increasingly played a subsidiary role to the finance ministry. = secondary. subsidiaries a company that is owned or controlled by another larger company. connected with, but less important than something else = secondary
A company which is controlled by another company, usually by owning the majority of the first company's shares
Of or pertaining to a subsidy; constituting a subsidy; being a part of, or of the nature of, a subsidy; as, subsidiary payments to an ally
an assistant subject to the authority or control of another
a company that is completely controlled by another company
subsidiary ledger
The subledger, or subsidiary ledger, is a subset of the general ledger used in accounting. The subledger shows detail for part of the accounting records such as property and equipment, prepaid expenses, etc. The detail would include such items as date the item was purchased or expense incurred, a description of the item, the original balance, and the net book value. The total of the subledger would match the line item amount on the general ledger
subsidiary protection
(Kanun) (European Community) The term used for the protection given to certain categories of persecuted people, who are not covered by the 1951 Geneva Convention on refugees
subsidiary cell
A plant epidermal cell that is associated with guard cells and differs morphologically from other epidermal cells. Also called accessory cell
subsidiary clause
small clause, part of a larger clause, secondary clause
subsidiary company
a company that is completely controlled by another company
subsidiary company
A company having more than half of its stock owned by another company
subsidiary company
daughter company, small company that belongs to the larger central company
subsidiary ledger
Contains accounts for the reconciliation account They give more details on the postings made to the reconciliation account in the G/L Example: the subsidiary ledger for accounts payable contains all the amounts owing by vendors, while the reconciliation account contains only the total for all vendors
subsidiary ledger
A group of subsidiary accounts the sum of the balances of which is equal to the balance of the related control account in the general ledger For example, the general ledger contains a control account for "Appropriations" (i e , the approved budget) while the subsidiary ledger contains the detail of subsidiary accounts where the appropriations are allotted and allocated For this reason, the subsidiary ledger that records the approved budget appropriations is sometimes referred to as the "allotment ledger" or the "allotment-expenditure ledger "
subsidiary ledger
The section of the system in which all the revenue and expenditure accounts are maintained All SL accounts have a leading digit (legder number) of 1-7 Most departments use Subsidiary Ledger information rather than General Ledger information
subsidiary ledger
A grouping of individual accounts that in total equal the balance of a control account in the General Ledger
subsidiary ledger
A group of accounts that support the total shown in the general ledger of accounts For example, the individual customer accounts receivable ledger cards (possibly hundreds of cards) form the subsidiary ledger The total of these cards is the amount presented in the general ledger balance This one-line total is what you see on the balance sheet as accounts receivable Subsidiary ledgers are the details of the totals presented on the financial statements
subsidiary ledger
This ledger form will summarize a single general ledger account (for example, a typical subsidiary ledger for any accounts payable would contain only accounts for vendors from whom items are purchased or bought on account [i e individual subsidiary ledger meaning one ledger for accounts payable, accounts receivable ])
subsidiary ledger
The subsidiary ledgers (Ledgers 1-9) identify the revenues and expenses of the operation as of the date of the ledger report
subsidiary ledger
details of an account supporting the amount stated in the general ledger
subsidiary ledger
A group of subsidiary accounts, the sum of the balances of which equal the balance of the related controlling account
subsidiary legislation
regulations and by-laws that the government authorizes the authorities to create as they deem appropriate
material subsidiary
(Finans) (a)in which the Borrower owns (directly or indirectly) more than 50% of the issued share capital and voting rights; (b)whose total assets (being the total of fixed assets and current assets) represent at least 5 per cent of the total assets (being the total of fixed assets and current assets) of the Borrower and its subsidiaries from time to time (as shown in the latest consolidated financial statements of the Borrower)
wholly-owned subsidiary
(Ekonomi) A wholly-owned subsidiary is a company whose stock is entirely owned by another company. The owner of a wholly-owned subsidiary is known as the parent company or holding company
fellow subsidiary
subsidiary company, company whose controlling interest is owned by another company
jointly owned subsidiary
company that is controlled in partnership by several other companies
plural of subsidiary
A company in which between 50% and 100% of the shares are held by another company is deemed to be a subsidiary It is normal practice to assume that the parent controls the subsidiary It is important for accounting and analysis, because 100% of the revenue and profits down to the pre-tax level are ascribed to the parent company The amount of profit due to the other shareholders is deducted at a line called minorities
Controlled companies with more than 50 % participation
Subsidiaries are those entities over whose financial and operating policies the Group has power to exercise control, so as to obtain benefits from their activities
In a subsidiary manner; so as to assist
wholly-owned subsidiary
A wholly-owned subsidiary is a company whose shares are all owned by another company. The Locomotive Construction Company Ltd is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Trust