
listen to the pronunciation of stunden
Almanca - Türkçe
ödemeyi yapması için süre tanımak
İngilizce - Türkçe

stunden teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı


Saatlerdir bekliyorum. - I've been waiting for hours.

O saatlerdir yürümekteydi. - He had been walking for hours.

(Bilgisayar) saatte bir doğrula
for hours

Hepimiz tükenene kadar saatlerce müzik eşliğinde dans ettik. - We danced to the music for hours until we were all exhausted.

O, sık sık oturur ve saatlerce denize bakar. - He will often sit and look at the sea for hours.


Yarın on saat çalışmak zorunda kalacağım. - I'll have to study ten hours tomorrow.

Günde en az yedi saat uyumak zorundayız. - We must sleep at least seven hours a day.


O, müzisyenlik ve dansçılık dersleri alıyor; yüzme ve tenis derslerini saymıyorum. - She takes singing and dancing lessons, not to mention swimming and tennis lessons.

Haftada bir kez piyano dersleri alır. - She takes piano lessons once a week.

mesai saatleri

Senin mesai saatlerin ne? - What are your office hours?

Almanca - İngilizce
teaching periods
class hours
for hours

They talked over the plan for hours. - Sie redeten stundenlang über den Plan.

I've been waiting for hours. - Ich warte seit Stunden.

eight-hour duty
Das Baby schlief 12 Stunden am Stück.
The baby slept 12 hours solid
Das Video wurde in 24 Stunden mehr als eine Million Mal aufgerufen / angeklickt.
The video received more than a million views in 24 hours
Der Hinweg wird drei Stunden dauern.
The journey there will take three hours
Der Reporter wurde am Kontrollpunkt mehrere Stunden lang festgehalten.
The reporter was held at the checkpoint for several hours
Der Schmerz wird in ein paar Stunden abklingen.
The swelling will abate/subside in a couple of hours
Der acht Kilometer lange Rückstau löste sich erst nach einigen Stunden auf.
It took a couple of hours for the five-mile tailback/backup to clear
Die Batterien liefern genug Strom für neun Stunden durchgehenden Gebrauch.
The batteries provide enough power for nine hours of continuous use
Die Fahrt soll 2 Stunden dauern.
The journey is scheduled to last 2 hours
Die Fahrtdauer beträgt 4 Stunden.
It will take 4 hours to get there
Die Geschäfte waren innerhalb von Stunden ausverkauft.
Shops sold out within hours
Er machte vernünftigerweise beim Fahren alle zwei Stunden eine Pause.
He was sensible enough to take a break every two hours of driving
Es dauerte gute zwei Stunden.
It took a good two hours
Ich brauchte zwei Stunden dorthin.
It took me two hours to get there
Nach drei Stunden ließ der Wind nach.
After three hours the wind relented
Seit ich Stunden nehme, muss ich mir mein bisheriges Gitarrespiel abgewöhnen.
I've had to unlearn the way I played guitar since I started taking lessons
Sie bekamen vier Stunden Zeit, um ihre Waffen zu übergeben.
They were given four hours to surrender their weapons
Sie hat unzählige Stunden in Bibliotheken verbracht und Kataloge durchgesehen.
She has spent countless hours in libraries perusing catalogues
Sie waren/saßen zwei Stunden in Haft.
They were held/kept in detention for two hours
Sie wurden zwei Stunden in Haft genommen.
They were held/kept in detention for two hours
Wir haben 2 Stunden am Stück telefoniert.
We talked for 2 hours straight on the phone
Wir mussten drei Stunden lang Schlange stehen, um hineinzukommen.
We had to queue/line up for three hours to get in
Zwei Stunden kalt stellen, damit die Aromen eine schmackhafte Verbindung eingehe
Chill for two hours to allow the flavours to blend together deliciously
alle paar Stunden
every few hours
alle zwei Stunden
at two-hourly intervals
die Zahlung von Schulden stunden
to grant a respite (for payment) of a debt
glückliche Stunden
golden hours
im 24-Stunden-Rhythmus
innerhalb zwei Stunden
within the space of two hours
jdm. einen Betrag stunden
to give somebody extra time to pay a sum
jdm. einen Betrag stunden
to allow somebody to defer a payment
jmd., der auf Arbeit nur seine Stunden absitzt
jmd., der auf Arbeit nur seine Stunden absitzt
knapp zwei Stunden
a scant two hours
siderische Stunden
sidereal hours
so bald wie möglich, in jedem Fall aber / jedenfalls aber 36 Stunden vor der Abr
as soon as possible, and in any event 36 hours before the departure
zwei Stunden Physik pro Woche
two periods of physics per week
zwei Stunden vor Abfahrt/Abflug
two hours before departure/prior to departure