
listen to the pronunciation of strength
İngilizce - Türkçe
(Askeri) güç

Herkesin güçlü ve zayıf yönleri vardır. - Everyone has strengths and weaknesses.

İhracat pazarlarında rekabet gücünün güçlendirilmesi acil bir ihtiyaçtır. - The strengthening of competitiveness on export markets is an urgent need.

{i} kadro
{i} dayanma gücü
tesir derecesi
(Tekstil) dayanç, mukavemet Açıklama: Lifi koparmak için gerekli olan germe kuvvetinin ölçüsüdür

Çekim gücü mukavemeti mesafe ile hızlı bir şekilde azalır. - The strength of the gravitational force reduces quickly with distance.

kuvvet kaynağı
{i} derman
(Tıp) etki (ilaç vb)

Güçlülüklerinizi ve zayıflıklarınızı biliyor musunuz? - Do you know your strengths and weaknesses?

(Tıp) yitilik

Tom gücünü korumak zorundadır. - Tom must conserve his strength.

Büyük bir savaşçı güç yayar. O ölümüne savaşmak zorunda değildir. - A great warrior radiates strength. He doesn't have to fight to the death.

güçlü yön

İnsanların zayıf yönlerini araştırmayın ama güçlü yönlerini araştırın. - Do not search for people's weaknesses, but for their strengths.

on the strength of güvenerek
{i} askeri güç
(Askeri) BİRLİK MEVCUDU: Belirli bir zamanda veya belirli bir sürede mevcut personel adedi. Ayrıca bakınız: "economic potential", "unit strength"
(Tıp) Şiddet derecesi
{i} direnç

Bu sembol, direnç ve bütünlüğü simgeliyor. - This symbol stands for strength and integrity.

mukavemet gücü
{i} önem

Judoda teknik, güçten daha önemlidir. - In judo, technique is more important than strength.

Çeliğin önemli bir özelliği onun gücüdür. - An important characteristic of steel is its strength.

(Tıp) Güç, kuvvet, güç ve kuvvet derecesi
{i} etkinlik
strength level
(Askeri) dayanım düzeyi
strength loss
dayanım kaybı
strength test
direnç testi
strength test
(İnşaat) dayanım deneyi
Strength in numbers
birlikten kuvvet doğar
strength of
strength of materials
Cisimlerin mukavemeti
strength offunction
gücü offunction
strength, power, force; bravery
kuvvet, güç, kuvvet, cesaret
strength accountability
(Askeri) KUVVE SORUMU: Bir komutanlığın kendi kuruluşundaki askeri personel kuvveti ile emrine verilmiş birliklerin, günlük bölük raporlarını, işlem için kendi komutanlıklarına göndermelerine şartların uygun olmadığı zamanlarda bu birliklerin kuvvetleri hakkında yetkili üst makama hesap vermekten ibaret görevi
strength envelope
dayanım zarfı
strength for duty
(Askeri) GÖREV MEVCUDU, EĞİTİM MEVCUDU: Bir teşkilatta, görev için elde bulunan personel adedi. Bu adet günlük bölük yoklamasından anlaşılır
strength for rations
(Askeri) KAZAN MEVCUDU: Bir teşkilatın günlük olarak iaşe edeceği şahıs miktarı. Ayrıca bakınız: "daily telegram"
strength function
(Nükleer Bilimler) dayanıklılık fonksiyonu
strength group
(Askeri) kuvvet grubu
strength group
(Askeri) KUVVET GRUBU: Uçaklar ve tahsis edilmiş perde birlikleriyle birlikte en ağır muhrip gemilerden oluşan bir su üstü taarruz grubu (birliği, unsuru)
strength of enemy forces
(Askeri) DÜŞMAN KUVVETLER KUVVETİ: Bir düşman birlik veya kuvvetinin insan, silah veya teçhizat bakımından belirtilmesi. Ayrıca bak. "effective strength of enemy forces", "initial strength of enemy forces"
strength of mind
strength of will
irade gücü
strength report
(Askeri) MEVCUT RAPORU: Bak. "daily strength report"
strength return
(Askeri) GÜNLÜK KUVVET RAPORU: Bir karargah, birlik veya tesisin kuvvetini gösteren rapor. Bu rapor, kadrosunda makinalı kayıt kısmı bulunan ordu ve daha büyük birlik ve müesseselerce, günlük raporu özetlemek suretiyle hazırlanır
strength return
(Askeri) günlük kuvve raporu
stitch tearing strength
(Tekstil) dikiş yırtılma dayanımı
strategic authorized strength
(Askeri) STRATEJİK KOLORDU FİİLİ KADRO MEVCUDU: Birliğin; yürürlükteki kuruluşunu belirten Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı direktifinde gösterilmiş insan mevcudu. Bu mevcut; teşkilat ve personel kadro mevcuduna nazaran bir fazlalık veya malzeme kadrosu değişikliğini içerir. Toplu fiili kadro mevcudu Stratejik Kolordu birlik ve personel çizelgesinin "fiili kadro (Aut. Str) " sütununda görülür
strategic deployment strength
(Askeri) STRATEJİK KOLORDU TERTİPLENME MEVCUDU: Birliğin; görevlerini yerine getirmek üzere stratejik tertipleyeceği son insan mevcudu, Stratejik Kolordu teşkilat ve personel çizelgesinin "stratejik tertiplenme (Depl Str) " sütununda görülür.
strategic toe strength
(Askeri) STRATEJİK KOLORDU TEŞKİLAT VE MALZEME KADROSU MEVCUDU: Birliğin oluşturulmasına esas olan teşkilat ve malzeme kadrosunda gösterilen, tam veya azaltılmış, insan mevcudu. Toplu teşkilat ve malzeme ı kadrosu mevcudu, Stratejik Kolordu teşkilat ve malzeme çizelgesinin "Teşkilat ve Malzeme Kadrosu (TOE Str) " sütununda görülür.
gain strength
(Ticaret) güçlü yanlar

Tom'un birçok güçlü yanları var. - Tom has many strengths.

Şirketin güçlü yanları ve zayıf yanları nelerdir? - What are the company's strengths and weaknesses?

(Politika, Siyaset) güçlü yönler

İnsanların zayıf yönlerini araştırmayın ama güçlü yönlerini araştırın. - Do not search for people's weaknesses, but for their strengths.

yield strength
(Nükleer Bilimler) akma mukavemeti
actual strength
(Askeri) hakiki kuvvet
bending strength
(İnşaat,Teknik) eğilme dayanımı
bereft of strength
kuvvetten düşmüş
compression strength
(Gıda) basma dayanımı
compression strength
basınç mukavemeti
compression strength
(Fizik) basma mukavemeti
compressive strength
(Mekanik) sıkıştırma dayanımı
compressive strength
(Jeoloji) sıkışma dayanımı
compressive strength
(Havacılık) basma dayanımı
compressive strength
(Askeri,İnşaat) basınç mukavemeti
compressive strength
basınç dayanımı
daily ration strength return
(Askeri) günlük rasyon isteği
dielectric strength
dielektrik dayanım
exert all one's strength
kıçını yırtmak
fatigue strength
yorulma mukavemeti
fracture strength
kırılma direnci
fracture strength
kırılma dayanımı
gain strength
güç kazanmak
gain strength
inherent strength
bünyesel dayanım
ionic strength
(Tıp) iyonik güç
muscle strength
adale gücü
peak strength
(Askeri) azami kuvve
present strength
(Askeri) halihazır kuvvet
present strength
(Askeri) mevcut kuvvet
relative strength
göreli büyüklük
response strength
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) tepki gücü
rupture strength
(Mekanik) kopma dayanımı
shear strength
(Mekanik) kesme dayanımı
splitting tensile strength
(İnşaat) yarmada çekme dayanımı
tensile splitting strength
(İnşaat) yarmada çekme dayanımı
tensile strength
çekme direnci
tensile strength
çekme kuvveti
tensile strength
(Tekstil) mukavemet
tensile strength
(Mekanik,Teknik) çekme dayanımı
tensile strength
(Askeri,Teknik) kopma mukavemeti
tensile strength
gerilme dayanımı
tensile strength
çekme mukavemeti
tensile strength
(Tıp) gerilim kuvveti
tensile strength
(Matbaacılık, Basımcılık) kopma indeksi
tension strength
gerilme gücü
ultimate strength
(İnşaat) en yüksek dayanım
ultimate strength
kopma direnci
ultimate strength
kopma dayanımı
ultimate tensile strength
son çekme mukavemeti
yield strength
(İnşaat,Teknik) akma dayanımı
acidic strength
asit gücü
alcoholic strength
alkol miktarı
alcoholic strength
alkol yüzdesi
bending strength
eğilme mukavemeti
bond strength
bağlama kuvveti
bonding strength
bağlama kuvveti
breaking strength
kırılma mukavemeti
bursting strength
patlama mukavemeti
bursting strength
patlama gücü
bursting strength
patlama dayanıklılığı
cohesion strength
kohezyon gücü
compressive strength
basınç direnci
crushing strength
ezilme direnmesi
current strength
akım gücü
dielectric strength
dielektrik dayanımı
dynamic strength
dinamik mukavemet
electric strength
elektriksel dayanım
gain strength
direnç kazan
high strength steel
yüksek mukavemetli çelik
yüksek mukavemetli
yüksek dayançlı
insulating strength
yalıtım gücü
ionic strength
iyon gücü
low strength steel
düşük mukavemetli çelik
magnetic field strength
manyetik alan şiddeti
magnetic pole strength
manyetik kutup şiddeti
rupture strength
kırılma dayanımı
rupture strength
kopma dayancı
tensile strength
gerilme direnci
advanced high-strength steel
(Mühendislik) Geliştirilmiş yüksek mukavemetli çelik
brand strength
marka gücü
brightness or strength of color
parlaklık ve renk dayanımı
buckling strength
burulma direnci
concrete compressive strength class
beton basınç dayanımı sınıfı
concrete strength
beton dayanımı
coping strength
başetme gücü
core strength
çekirdek gücü
creep strength
metallerin direnme gücü
equal in strength, equal in ability
gücü, yeteneği eşit eşit
flexural strength
Bükülme dayanıklılığı, bükülme mukavemeti
from strength
gücü kimden
full strength
tam gücüne
gain in strength
Güçlennmnek, güç kazanmak
go from strength to strength
Gittikçe güçlenmek: gittikçe daha başarılı olmak
increasing in strength or intensity
güç ve yoğunluk artıyor
low strength concrete
Düşük mukavemetli beton
oscillator strength
osilatör gücü
physical strength
fiziksel gücü
pressure strength
Basınç dayanımı
shear strength
(Mühendislik) kesme dayanımı, kayma dayanımı
shear strength
makaslama direnci
tear strength
(Mühendislik) yırtılma mukavemeti
to risk a trial of strength
güçlü bir deneme riskine
torsional strength
(Mühendislik) burulma dayanımı
transverse rupture strength
(Mühendislik) Çapraz kopma mukavemeti
ultimate strength
(Mühendislik) maksimum mukavemet
ultimate tensile strength
son çekme mukavemeti, son çekme dayanci
union gives strength
(Atasözü) Birlikten kuvvet doğar
unity is strength
Birlikten güç doğar
go from strength to strength
büyük bir başarı yakalamak
go from strength to strength
gittikçe güçlenmek
go from strength to strength
gitgide güçlenmek
İngilizce - İngilizce
The intensity of a force or power; potency

Have the strength of ten men.

A positive attribute

We all have our own strengths and weaknesses.

The quality of being strong

It requires great strength to lift heavy objects.

The strongest part of something
Someone's strength in a difficult situation is their confidence or courage. Something gave me the strength to overcome the difficulty His strength is an inspiration to me in my life You need strength of mind to stand up for yourself. weakness
{n} force, power, armament
Strength is the ability of a part to resist bending (stiffness) or pulling (tensile strength) Strength is generally a bulk material property Coatings improve surface properties, not bulk properties Coatings generally do not make parts stronger
Power of resisting attacks; impregnability
To strengthen
{i} quality of being strong, might; being nentally strong; durability; determination, resolve; power; effectiveness; intensity, force; number of people that compose a group
An attribute of memory records and their associations that determines how active they can become (Anderson)
the power to induce the taking of a course of action or the embracing of a point of view by means of argument or entreaty; "the strength of his argument settled the matter"
a measure of the ability of a material to support a load
Intensity; said of light or color
Your strength is the physical energy that you have, which gives you the ability to perform various actions, such as lifting or moving things. She has always been encouraged to swim to build up the strength of her muscles He threw it forward with all his strength He leant against the wall, fighting for strength to continue
If a group turns out in strength, they arrive in large numbers. Mr Gore called on voters and party workers to turn out in strength Security forces have been out in strength
In the case of wine, usually quoted as per cent alcohol by volume
An Attribute, representing the wrestler's brute power and physical force
the property of being physically or mentally strong; "fatigue sapped his strength" the condition of financial success; "the strength of the company's stock in recent weeks
A strong place; a stronghold
capacity to produce strong physiological or chemical effects; "the toxin's potency"; "the strength of the drinks"
that property of a material concerned with how difficult it is to break A strong material requires a large force to break it
If a team or army is at full strength, all the members that it needs or usually has are present. He needed more time to bring US forces there up to full strength. a full-strength team
Strength is one of the components of truth value, which is a property of every CYC® assertion Its possible values are : default and : monotonic At the epistemological level, specifically, when the user is ASSERTing a formula to CYC®, strength is one of the parameters that must be specified At the heuristic level, i e , once assertions are stored in the KB, strength is subsumed by truth value, which is a combination of strength and whether or not the original formula was negated
Power to resist force; solidity or toughness; the quality of bodies by which they endure the application of force without breaking or yielding; in this sense opposed to frangibility; as, the strength of a bone, of a beam, of a wall, a rope, and the like
The stat that measures your physical power Naturally, it affects the way you fight and carry stuff
Intensity or degree of the distinguishing and essential element; spirit; virtue; excellence; said of liquors, solutions, etc
as, the strength of wine or of acids
the condition of financial success; "the strength of the company's stock in recent weeks"
the amount of energy transmitted (as by acoustic or electromagnetic radiation); "he adjusted the intensity of the sound"; "they measured the station's signal strength"
Ability of paper or board to withstand mechanical stress
Alcohol content of a wine
This ability determines how much your character can lift, how much weight he can carry, and the damage dealt in hand to hand combat
The strength of a drink, chemical, or drug is the amount of the particular substance in it that gives it its particular effect. Each capsule contains between 30 and 100 pellets of morphine sulphate according to the strength of dose required
If a person or organization goes from strength to strength, they become more and more successful or confident. A decade later, the company has gone from strength to strength
(i) The concentration of the drug substance (for example weight/weight, weight/volume, or unit dose/volume basis) and/or (ii) The potency, that is the therapeutic activity of the drug product as indicated by appropriate laboratory tests or by adequately developed and controlled clinical data (expressed, for example, in terms of units by reference to a standard )
The strength of a group of people is the total number of people in it. elite forces, comprising about one-tenth of the strength of the army
When you apply a texture to a polygon (or a Flare or a Fountain), you can control how strongly it shows up If you want just a faint, ghostly image of your texture, set the Strength lower If you want to put a painting on a wall or something equally sharp and clear, set the Strength to 100%
The strength of a person, organization, or country is the power or influence that they have. America values its economic leadership, and the political and military strength that goes with it The Alliance in its first show of strength drew a hundred thousand-strong crowd to a rally They have their own independence movement which is gathering strength
If you refer to the strength of a currency, economy, or industry, you mean that its value or success is steady or increasing. the long-term competitive strength of the American economy The drop was caused partly by the pound's strength against the dollar. weakness
lub zog loj; ua tau
physical energy or intensity; "he hit with all the force he could muster"; "it was destroyed by the strength of the gale"; "a government has not the vitality and forcefulness of a living man"
The ability to resist breaking or permanent deformation during elongation
That quality which tends to secure results; effective power in an institution or enactment; security; validity; legal or moral force; logical conclusiveness; as, the strength of social or legal obligations; the strength of law; the strength of public opinion; strength of evidence; strength of argument
One who, or that which, is regarded as embodying or affording force, strength, or firmness; that on which confidence or reliance is based; support; security
permanence by virtue of the power to resist stress or force; "they advertised the durability of their products"
the ability to move an external force or to lift a heavy object
The strength of a wind, current, or other force is its power or speed. A tropical storm is gaining strength in the eastern Atlantic
If you refer to the strength of a feeling, opinion, or belief, you are talking about how deeply it is felt or believed by people, or how much they are influenced by it. He was surprised at the strength of his own feeling What makes a mayor successful in Los Angeles is the strength of his public support. = intensity, depth
an asset of special worth or utility; "cooking is his forte"
the amount of ionization that occurs when an acid or a base is dissolved in a liquid
You can talk about the strength of a flavour, smell, colour, sound, or light to describe how intense or easily noticed it is. The wine has lots of strength of flavour
capability in terms of personnel and materiel that affect the capacity to fight a war; "we faced an army of great strength"; "politicians have neglected our military posture"
Strength is the resistance of a material or structure to rupture It is defined as the stress required to rupture the atomic bonds of a material It is not the same as stiffness
If an army or team is under strength or below strength, it does not have all the members that it needs or usually has. His regiments were considerably under strength They had been beaten by a below-strength side
The quality or state of being strong; ability to do or to bear; capacity for exertion or endurance, whether physical, intellectual, or moral; force; vigor; power; as, strength of body or of the arm; strength of mind, of memory, or of judgment
Someone's strengths are the qualities and abilities that they have which are an advantage to them, or which make them successful. Take into account your own strengths and weaknesses Tact was never Mr Moore's strength Organisation is the strength of any good army weakness
Force as measured; amount, numbers, or power of any body, as of an army, a navy, and the like; as, what is the strength of the enemy by land, or by sea? Vigor or style; force of expression; nervous diction; said of literary work
the maximum stress which a material is capable of sustaining
the condition of financial success; "the strength of the company's stock in recent weeks
the property of being physically or mentally strong; "fatigue sapped his strength"
The representation of the value of a classifier
The strength of an object or material is its ability to be treated roughly, or to carry heavy weights, without being damaged or destroyed. He checked the strength of the cables. the properties of a material, such as strength or electrical conductivity
may be defined as the ability to resist applied stress: the greater the resistance, the stronger the material Resistance may be measured in several ways One is the maximum stress that the material can endure before "failure" occurs Another approach is to measure the deformation or strain that results from a given level of stress before the point of total failure Strength of wood is often thought of in terms of bending strength This is certainly a useful yardstick of strength but is by no means the only one A number of other strength criteria are described below
Strength was an allegorical character based on Matt Graf because of his traditional character and physical power He was introduced when I made the Greater Arcana of the Tarot where he was shown holding open the jaws of the Lion thus earning the Lion's resentment Strength has been involved with fights with Logic, vain attempts at wooing Temperance and a moralistic attack of the Emperor's Other Son Over the years, Strength has increasingly become the but of my jokes and as Matt has long since moved on I have decided to kill him off and replace him with the second Strength though I have yet to commit this to paper Strength is often shown with the letter S on his shoulder or belt buckle which, can either stand for Strength or ape Superman The words "Ein" and "Primus" and the number 1 all reoccur around Strength as a reference to his lack of success with romance
If one thing is done on the strength of another, it is done because of the influence of that other thing. He was elected to power on the strength of his charisma
How much you can carry around with you, High strength also increases the chance of hitting mobs and the amount of damage you do
The ability of stainless steel to oppose applied forces when considering resistance to stretching, forming, compressing, etc
how vulnerable a part is for collisions with obstacles
strength of materials
Engineering discipline concerned with the ability of a material to resist mechanical forces when in use. A material's strength in a given application depends on many factors, including its resistance to deformation and cracking, and it often depends on the shape of the member being designed. See also fracture, impact test, materials science, tensile strength, testing machine
strength of materials
durability of materials in various environmental conditions
compressive strength
The property of a material that relates to its ability to resist compression loads
feat of strength
An act needing great strength to complete
go from strength to strength
To continue to get stronger

They go from strength to strength, every one of them in Zion appeareth before God. (King James Version); They go from strength to strength, till each appears before God in Zion. (New International Version) - Psalms 84:7.

in unity there is strength
More can be accomplished by a team with a common goal, than individuals
industrial strength
Made for use by businesses, as opposed to at home, and therefore typically larger, stronger and less attractive in appearance

The office was now large enough to need an industrial strength vacuum cleaner.

industrial strength
Unusually large or potent

That's one industrial strength cockroach! I'll need the industrial strength bug spray.

industrial strength
Strength or capacity, as related to industry

It was many decades before the war-ravaged country regained its industrial strength.

Having a level of potency, concentration, or durability suitable for industrial tasks, as opposed to merely household tasks
peel strength
The average load per unit width required to separate a flexible member from a rigid member or another flexible member
shear strength
The resistance to forces that cause or tend to cause two contiguous parts of a body to slide relative to each other in a direction parallel to their contrast
tensile strength
The resistance of a material to longitudinal stress (tension); a measure of the force required to pull it apart
tower of strength
Person who supplies strong and reliable support, especially in difficult times
towers of strength
plural form of tower of strength
compressive strength
The resistance of a material to breaking under compression
flexural strength
Flexural strength is also known as modulus of rupture, bend strength, or fracture strength. Flexural strength is measured in terms of stress, and thus is expressed in pascals (Pa) in the SI system
gain in strength
Get stronger, grow stronger

The miners they're here to help are gaining in strength.

in strength
In large numbers
go from strength to strength
succeed, have great success
plural of strength
The unique internal resources (things) of a family/child that include their capabilities and motivations and will assist in their development: i e , stubborn, good gross motor skills, cognitive intactness
These are the positive characteristics of an individual or family Everyone, no matter how severe their problems are, has things they do well, people they like, and activities they enjoy
Positive, internal, and controllable factors Should be exploited
Your capabilities and resources
Superior resources and skills that can be drawn on to exploit opportunities and deal with threats