(Askeri) STRATEJİ: Zafer olasılıklarını ve bundan doğacak faydaları çoğaltmak, yenilgi olasılıklarını azaltmak için; politik, ekonomik, psikolojik ve askeri güçleri izlenen politika ve prensipleri azami derecede destekleyecek şekilde, gereği gibi geliştirme, kullanma sanat ve bilimi. Ayrıca bak. "military strategy" ve "national strategy"
strategies teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı
Are the specific methods, processes, or steps used to accomplish Goals and Objectives Strategies impact resources (Inputs) in some positive or negative way and they are executed in a tactical manner so as to link Goals and Objectives to day-to-day operations They link "upward" to Goals and Objectives and also link directly to Output/Efficiency measures but may also be linked to Outcomes/Effectiveness measures Action Plans (tactical planning) should be developed from Strategies to support Operations Management
Patterns of action, decisions, and policies that guide a group toward a vision or goals Strategies are broad statements that set a direction They are pursued through specific actions, i e , those carried out in the programs and services of individual components of the local public health system
broad statements that set the direction for the organization to take in realizing its mission and vision [5] Strategy - the pattern of decisions that determines and reveals a company's goals, policies, and plans to meet the needs of its stakeholders [5] Stretch goals (breakthrough objectives) - challenging goals that force an organization to think in a radically different way [7]
The principles that show how an organisation's major objectives or goals are to b achieved over a defined time period Usually confined only to the general logic for achieving the objectives
Broadly defined initiatives that which will provide the foundation to allow the agency to achieve its mission (FEDSIM, 1993) The strategies are the directions in which the organization will go to achieve its objectives
Strategies are the actions taken by the program to ensure that the program achieves its goal The strategies makeup the last part of the program's undergraduate strategic plan
Any mental operations that the individual uses, either consciously or unconsciously, to help him- or herself learn Strategies are goal oriented; that is, the individual initiates them to learn something, to solve a problem, to comprehend something Strategies include, but are not limited to, what have traditionally been referred to as study skills such as underlining, note taking, and summarizing as well as predicting, reviewing prior knowledge, and generating questions
Projects or initiatives considered necessary to improve the delivery of Outputs and achieve the desired Outcomes
The ability to implement primary goals compared to the time and resource cost of implementing those goals
The methods that the organization will use to deliver services and implement activities in order to achieve its goals Topic areas: Governance, Staff Development and Organizational Capacity, Volunteer Management, Operations Management and Leadership
Children with ADD may need to learn strategies for self-monitoring their attention, organizing school work, completing homework, dealing with parents and teachers, resolving conflict, and dealing with social situations Children with ADD may also have concerns about medication and about what the diagnosis of ADD means for their futures A primary area of focus when "coaching" a child with ADD is social skills Often children with ADD are viewed by other children as unfriendly, aloof, awkward, domineering, or too aggressive An ADD coach might work with a child to analyze what specifically is contributing to his or her social difficulties and generate alternative ideas and behavioral strategies to improve social interractions
the methods and activities developed to achieve outcomes Strategies are included in the IFSP
Strategies are the 'translation' of concepts into adapted frameworks which are more practical and situation-specific Their implementation depends on the method chosen (see Methods)
A long-term plan, a vision for the future It is a fundamental framework through which an organisation can assert its continuity, while at the same time adapting to a changing environment The ultimate objective of a Strategy is to address stakeholders benefits
An agreed-upon course of action and direction that helps manage the relationship between an organization and its environment The goal is to achieve alignment or synergy so that an optimal flow of resources to the institution is achieved
(1) Hypotheses that propose the direction a company or agency should go to fulfil its vision and maximize the possibility of its future success (2) Unique and sustainable ways by which organizations create value (from Kaplan & Norton) Answers the question, "Are we doing the right things?"
A statement that describes how the program will achieve its objective That is, which activities will help the program achieve its objectives most effectively and feasibly
While matching in a dictionary serveral methods for comparing words can be used These methods are named strategies and include exact match, regular expression match, and soundex match The available strategies depends on the server, but a special name can be used to denote a server-default strategy
A strategy is a general plan or set of plans intended to achieve something, especially over a long period. Next week, health ministers gather in Amsterdam to agree a strategy for controlling malaria What should our marketing strategy have achieved? = policy
A general direction set for the organization and its various components to achieve a desired state in the future Strategy results from the detailed strategic planning process Strategy in this general sense should not be confused with Strategies
Strategy is the art of planning the best way to gain an advantage or achieve success, especially in war. I've just been explaining the basic principles of strategy to my generals. In warfare, coordinated application of all the forces of a nation to achieve a goal. In contrast to tactics, strategy's components include a long-range view, the preparation of resources, and planning for the use of those resources before, during, and after an action. The term has expanded far beyond its original military meaning. As society and warfare have steadily grown more complex, military and nonmilitary factors have become more and more inseparable in the conduct of war and in programs designed to secure peace. In the 20th century, the term grand strategy, meaning the art of employing all the resources of a nation or coalition of nations to achieve the objects of war (and peace), steadily became more popular in the literature of warfare and statecraft
The manipulation of power relationships by a power (e g an army) in order to draw the necessary boundaries of a place from where exteriorities (e g enemies) can be managed In order for a strategy to exist, time must have allowed a space to be proper and the actions within the space to be predictable
The general approach that will be employed to attain a goal Your organization may have broad overall strategies or specific ones Strategies may also be embodied in your objectives