staging area teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı
(Askeri) HAREKAT TOPLANMA BÖLGESİ: 1. Bir amfibi veya hava indirme kuvvetinin bindirme bölgesi ile hedefi arasında, bu kuvvet veya kısımlarının, bindirmeyi müteakip yeniden akaryakıt ikmali, gemilerin yeniden gruplanması, kıtaların tatbikatı, denetlemesi ve yeniden bölünmesi için, içinden geçtikleri genel bir saha. 2. Askeri birliklerle transit durumdaki personelin intikal yolları üzerinde yaptıkları intikaller arasında toplanmaları için tesis edilmiş ve kıtalar için barınacak yerleri bulunan genel bir mevki. Bak. "marshalling", "stage"
staging area teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı
A designated area within the outer perimeter to which responding members and agencies will report with rescue and other equipment when ready for assignments
A temporary on-incident location where incident personnel and equipment are assigned on a (3) minute available status
Employer involvement in arranging areas where alternate mode users meet to facilitate alternate mode usage; i e , dropoff/pickup area for alternate mode users
an area where troops and equipment in transit are assembled before a military operation
A collection of data extracted from OLTP systems and provided for population into DSS systems (back to top)
An area where resources are kept while awaiting assignment See also Incident Command System
Locations set up at an incident where resources can be placed while awaiting a tactical assignment on a three-minute available basis Staging areas are managed by the operations section
Either the holding area or some area near the waste transfer airlock where containerized asbestos waste has been placed prior to removal from the work area
That location where incident personnel and equipment are assigned awaiting tactical assignment
Buffer area used to accumulate data from multiple data sources prior to processing the data with an ETL tool
Staging Areas are locations set up at an incident where resources can be placed while awaiting a tactical assignment Staging Areas are managed by the Operations Section
A place where troops or equipment in transit are assembled and processed, as before a military operation. a place where soldiers meet and where military equipment is gathered before it is moved to another place
A prearranged, strategically located area where personnel, apparatus, and other equipment can be held in readiness for use during an emergency