square, square

listen to the pronunciation of square, square
İngilizce - Türkçe

square, square teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

{i} (şehirdeki bina veya sokakların oluşturduğu) meydan
{i} (Geometri) kare, dördül
{f} karesini almak
speed square
(Gemicilik) 45'lik alüminyum marangoz gönyesi
{s} dört köşeli
{i} kare şeklinde şey
karelere ayırmak
dik açılı
{s} kare şeklinde

Bizim kare şeklinde bir masamız var. - We have a square table.

{i} meydan

Şehir meydanında çok sayıda güvercin vardır. - There are many pigeons in the City Square.

Victor Hugo'nun evi Paris'teki Vosges meydanındadır. - Victor Hugo's house is in Vosges Square in Paris.

square deal
(deyim) adil anlaşma
square knot
(Askeri) camadan bağı

Tom Mary'ye camadan bağını nasıl bağlayacağını gösterdi. - Tom showed Mary how to tie a square knot.

square meter
eski kafalı
back to square one
(deyim) sil baştan
carpenter's square
(İnşaat) dülger gönyesi
least square method
en küçük kareler metodu
perfect square
(Matematik) tam kare
pounds per square inch
basınç birimi
beraberliği sağlamak (spor)
{i} dörtgen

Bir kare hem dikdörtgen hem de eşkenar dörtgendir. - A square is both a rectangle and a rhombus.

örümcek kafalı

Tayvan adasının yüz ölçümü 36.000 kilometre kare. - The Island of Taiwan's surface area is thirty-six thousand square kilometers.

rüşvet vermek
square file
(Mekanik) dörtköşe eğe
square inch
(Otomotiv) inçkare
square nut
(Mekanik) dörtköşe somun
square rigged
(Askeri) kabasorta arma
square with
-e uymak
square with
square with
ile bağdaşmak
square yard
(Askeri) yarda kare
try and miter square
marangoz gönyesi
{f} k.dili. (hesabı) görmek, kapatmak
a square peg in a round hole
yerine uymayan kimse
bevel square
eğri gönye
chi square distribution
ki kare dağılımı
chi square test
ki kare testi
closed square
kapalı kare
fair and square
fair and square
dürüst bir şekilde
fair and square
fair and square
hakkaniyet ve dürüstlükle
least square
en küçük kare
magic square
sihirli kare
mitre square
şev gönye
root mean square
ortalama karekök
set square
yoluna koymak
-e uymak
dört köşe yapmak
{f} karesini al

Beijing'e gideceksen, kesinlikle Tiananmen Meydanı'na bir bak. - If you go to Beijing, definitely have a look at Tiananmen Square.


Bir karenin dört kenarı vardır. - A square has four sides.

Kutular dikdörtgendir, kare değil. - The boxes are rectangular, not square.

eski kafalı kişi
çağının gerisinde kalmış

Tom Mary'ye bir yastık attı ve yastık doğrudan onun yüzüne çarptı. - Tom threw a pillow at Mary and the pillow hit her squarely in the face.


Bir kare dört eşit kenara sahiptir. - A square has four equal sides.

Hipotenüsün karesi diğer iki kenarın kareleri toplamına eşittir. - The square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.


Ben dürüstçe kazandım. - I won fair and square.

Ben seni dürüstçe yenerim. - I beat you fair and square.


Bugün 4 Haziran. Çin hükümetinin Tiananmen alanında barışsever bir gösteride yüzlerce insanı öldürdüğü bir gün. - Today is the 4th of June — a day when Chinese government killed hundreds of people on a peaceful demonstration on the Tiananmen square.

Norveç 385.252 kilometrekarelik toplam bir alana ve yaklaşık 5 milyonluk bir nüfusa sahiptir. - Norway has a total area of 385,252 square kilometres and a population of about 5 million.

rüşvetle bir işi halletmek
(hesabı) ödemek

Bir marangoz gönyesine sahip olmalısın. - You ought to have a carpenter's square.

square accounts with
fit olmak (ödeşmek)
square centimetre
santimetre kare
square deal
dürüst muamele
square engine
kare motor
square foot
ayak kare
square inch
inç kare
square kilometer
kilometre kare
square matrix
kare matris
square meal
doyurucu yemek
square meal
dört dörtlük yemek
square measure
yüzey ölçü birimi
square meter
metre kare

Odanın alanı iki buçuk metre karedir. - The room's area is two and half square meters.

square mile
square millimetre
milimetre kare
square number
kare sayı
square nut
dört köşe somun
square off
boks için hazırlanmak
square one
en baş
square one
başlangıç çekidi
square one's shoulders
omuzlarını dikleştirmek
square root
square sail
kare yelken
square stern
düz kıç şekli
square stern
ayna kıç
square the circle
olmayacak duaya amin demek
square timber
square timber
dördül direk
square up
hesabı ödemek
t square
try square
ayarlı gönye
a round peg in a square hole
bulunduğu yere hiç uygun olmayan kimse. clothes-peg i., ıng. çamaşır mandalı
a square deal
k. dili adil bir anlaşma
a square peg in a round hole
(deyim) Uyumsuz kişi
back to square one
Başlanılan noktaya geri. ... "We were forced to go back to square öne in our efforts to change the name of the company."
back to square one
(deyim) Silbaştan
carpenter's square
Marangoz gönyesi
combination square
Ayarlı gönye
fair and square
özde ve sözde
fair and square
(deyim) Dürüst bir şekilde, dürüstçe

They won a victory over us fair and square.

get square with creditors
alacaklılarla kare olsun
in square brackets
Köşeli parantez içindeki
inverse square law
ters kare yasası
main square
ana meydan
mean solar time ortalama günes zamani mean square deviation
ortalama üstikisel sapma
per square foot
kare başına ayak
semiotic square
göstergebilimsel dörtgen
shoot square
(deyim) Adil davranmak, işi dürüst yapmak
square brackets
Köşeli parantez
square deal
dürüst pazarlık
square footage
kare görüntüleri
square pegs
kare mandal
square pyramid
kare piramit
square set
kasa tahkimat, dördül destek
square the circle
daire kare
square yard
kare avluya
kare (a)
square-cut masonry
kare kesilmiş yığma
squelch or square
şap veya kare
tiananmen square
Tiananmen Meydanı
İngilizce - İngilizce

square, square teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı

Latin square
An n-by-n arrangement of n different integers such that each row, each column and each of the two diagonals contains each of the integers once and once only
Punnett square
A graphical representation used to determine the probability of an offspring expressing a particular genotype
Red Square
A large historical square in central Moscow
Rice Krispie square
a light snack consisting of Rice Krispies packed tightly together into a cube or cuboid by caramel or other sticky edible substances
Square Mile
the City of London
a rule with a short perpendicular crosspiece at one end, used by draughtsmen to draw parallel lines
Tiananmen Square
A large plaza in Beijing, China
Tiananmen Square
A protest event held in the square on June 4, 1989
Times Square
A wide intersection in New York City extending from 42nd to 47th Streets where Broadway and Seventh Avenue intersect in Manhattan
Trafalgar Square
a square in Westminster; the site of Nelson's Column|Nelson's Column]], National Gallery|National Gallery]] and frequent demonstrations
all square
both players or sides having the same score; tied, drawn
antimagic square
A heterosquare in which the sums form a sequence of consecutive numbers
back to square one
Back to the start, as after a dead-end or failure

After spending six hours on the intake we realized that there was nothing wrong with it, so we went back to square one.

back to square one
Located back at the start, as after a dead-end or failure

After spending six hours on the intake we realized that there was nothing wrong with it, so we are back to square one.

be there or be square
Used to encourage someone to go somewhere

There's a huge party on Saturday night; be there or be square.

carpenter's square
A tool used to measure out right angles
A test statistic used in the chi-square test
chi-square distribution
a probability distribution used in inferential statistics
chi-square distributions
plural form of chi-square distribution
chi-square test
any statistical hypothesis test in which the test statistic has a chi-square distribution if the null hypothesis is true
chi-square tests
plural form of chi-square test
deep square leg
A fielding position on the leg side, square of the batsman's wicket; a fielder in that position
fair and square
Within the applicable rules
fair and square
Totally fairly and undoubtedly

We won the game fair and square.

four square
A sport played by four players where players have to hit a ball into other people's squares, and attempt to make a return hit
inverse-square law
any physical law, such as that of gravitation, in which a quantity varies inversely with distance from a source as the square of that distance
kid on the square
To be joking, but at the same time really mean it

At least he likes historical characters, I kidded on the square. No one laughed so I went to work recruiting other directors.

magic square
An n-by-n arrangement of n2 numbers such that the numbers in each row, in each column and along both diagonals all have the same sum
magic square
A palindromic square word arrangement, usually in the form of a magic amulet. Probably the best-known is the 5x5 square consisting of the words ROTAS OPERA TENET AREPO SATOR
market square
An open area in a town housing a public market, often on just one day per week; a marketplace
on the square
A discreet, unassuming reference to freemasonry
on the square
Honest and open
over square
A type of internal combustion engine design in which the diameter of the piston is greater than its stroke distance
pocket square
A handkerchief used as an accessory to a suit
root mean square
The square root of the arithmetic mean of the squares
root mean square velocity
the root mean square of the velocities of all the molecules in a volume of gas; directly proportional to its temperature in the case of an ideal gas
set square
a right angle tool used to determine if two surfaces join at a 90-degree angle, composed of two arms, usually made from metal
set square
A flat triangular piece of plastic or other material, having corners of precise angles, used in technical drawing

Descartes extended this classification by introducing his set-square compass. This is mechanism of sliding set squares that push each other... .

A unit used in measuring roof area equivalent to 100 square feet (9.29 m2) of roof area
Of a value, term, or expression, to multiply by itself; to raise to the second power
Honest; straightforward

It may be prison, but at least I'm getting three square meals a day.


I'm just looking for a square deal on my car repair.

To adjust so as to align with or place at a right angle to something else

The casting was mounted on a milling machine so that its sides could be squared.

Correctly aligned with respect to something else
At right angles to
A dessert cut into rectangular pieces, or a piece of such a dessert
To draw, with a pair of compasses and a straightedge only, a square with the same area as

square the circle.

Socially conventional; boring
An L- or T-shaped tool used to place objects or draw lines at right angles

There are so many uses for the square, in fact, that a new model will usually come complete with a booklet enumerating its applications. -.

A socially conventional person; typically associated with the 1950s

Why do you always wear a tie? Don't be such a square!.

Used in the names of units of area formed by multiplying a unit of length by itself

square mile.

in line with the batsman's popping crease
The second power of a number, value, term or expression

64 is the square of 8.

To adjust or adapt so as to bring into harmony with something

I cannot square the results of the experiment with my hypothesis.

The central area of a cricket field, containing several pitches laid out next to one another - only one being used at a time

An ideal playing area is roughly circular in shape with a central area, the cricket square, measuring 27.44 metres by 27.44 metres and boundaries 45.75 metres from the sides of the square.

An open space in a town, not necessarily square in shape, often containing trees, seating and other features pleasing to the eye

You're not in Wisconsin, Dave. The big story isn't about a cow wandering into the town square. NewsRadio.

A cell in a grid

You may not move a piece to a square already occupied by one of your own pieces.

Shaped like a square (the polygon)
To resolve

These results just don't square.

A mortarboard
A square meal

Even when times were tough, we got three squares a day.

A polygon with four sides of equal length and four angles of 90 degrees; a regular quadrilateral whose angles are all 90 degrees

I took refuge in the square form and exhibited a picture which consisted of nothing more than a black square on a white field.—Kazimir Malevich.

The symbol # on a telephone; hash

Enter your account number followed by a square.

A unit of measurement of area, equal to a 10 foot by 10 foot square, ie. 100 square feet or roughly 9.3 square metres. Used in real estate for the size of a house or its rooms, though progressively being replaced by square metres in metric countries such as Australia

2007: The house is very large and open and boasts 39 squares of living space plus over 13 squares of decking area on 3 sides and 17 squares of garage and workshop downstairs. — Your Estate advertisement for Grindelwald Tasmania.

square away
To finish, complete, tidy or put in order

I have almost squared away the last of the paperwork from that job.

square bashing
Army jargon for marching drills and other military exercises practiced on a parade ground
square bracket
Either of a pair of symbols, , used for various purposes, e.g. to enclose text inserted or replaced by an editor, to indicate various mathematical operations, and to indicate a link in MediaWiki syntax

We must, in short, employ a special bracket for operative relations ; and the square bracket is the most convenient. Hence x denotes that a + bβ operates on x, and n denotes that φ operates on itself n - 1 times.

square brackets
plural form of square bracket
square centimeter
A unit of area equal to that of a square, of sides 1cm
square centimeters
plural form of square centimeter
square centimetre
Alternative spelling of square centimeter
square centimetres
plural form of square centimetre
square circle
a cancellation mark consisting of an outer ring of concentric circles, cropped into a square shape
square dance
A particular instance of square dancing

There's a square dance at the school tonight.

square dance
To take part in square dancing; to dance this type of dancing

I square danced for three hours last night.

square dance
Square dancing

Square dance is America's folk dance.

square dancer
Someone who does square dancing
square dances
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of square dance
square dances
plural form of square dance
square dancing
A type of dance in which eight dancers are arranged in a square as four couples, with a caller calling or singing out the movements that the dancers are to perform
square division
a division composed of four regiments
square division
a division composed of two brigades
square division
a division composed of two brigades of two regiments each
square divisions
plural form of square division
square drive
a shot played by swinging the bat down through the line of the ball, hitting it along the ground in the direction of point
square feet
plural form of square foot
square foot
A unit of area (abbreviation sq ft or sq. ft. or ft2) equal to the area of a square the sides of which are each one foot long
square footage
Area (an extent of surface), especially of real estate
square footage
Area (the measure of an extent of surface), in square feet
square footages
plural form of square footage
square inch
A unit of area (abbreviation sq in or sq. in. or '''in2) equal to the area of a square the sides of which are each one inch long
square kilometer
US spelling of square kilometre: Standard unit of area, symbol km2, equal to the area of a square whose sides are one kilometer long
square kilometers
plural form of square kilometer
square kilometre
Standard unit of area, symbol km2, equal to the area of a square whose sides are one kilometre long
square kilometres
plural form of square kilometre
square knot
A common binding knot
square knots
plural form of square knot
square leg
A fielding position on the leg side, square of the batsman's wicket, between leg gully and midwicket; a fielder in that position
square leg umpire
The umpire who stands at or near square leg to rule on decisions at the batsman's end of the wicket. In some circumstances, the umpire may stand at the equivalent position on the opposite side of the batsman (between gully and point), but is still referred to as the square leg umpire in these circumstances
square matrix
A matrix having the same number of rows as columns
square meal
A satisfying meal, especially suitable for one performing physical labor

Football lineman seem to need more than just a square meal.

square meter
US spelling of square metre: Standard unit of area, equal to the area of a square whose sides are one meter long
square meters
plural form of square meter
square metre
Standard unit of area, symbol m2, equal to the area of a square whose sides are one metre long
square metres
plural form of square metre
square mile
A unit of area (abbreviation sq mi or sq. mi. or mi2) equal to the area of a square the sides of which are each one mile long
square off
to get ready for a fight
square off
to get in the fighting position
square one
the place where one begins; a lack of progress

We discovered that our first idea would never work, so we were back to square one.

square peg into a round hole
Something that does not fit well (or at all); something that will not work as attempted, except possibly with much force and effort
square pyramid
A three-dimensional geometric figure with a square base and four triangular sides that connect at one point. An example is the Great Pyramid of Giza
square pyramids
plural form of square pyramid
square rigged
Of a sailing ship, having the horizontal spars perpendicular to the keel of the ship
square rod
a unit of area used for measuring small quantities of land. Equal in size to a square with sides 1 rod in length. Equal to 30¼ square yards or 1/160 acre. Sometimes known, simply, as a rod
square rod
a solid, elongated bar whose shape is a square prism

A square rod could be made of acrylic, nylon, wood, or brass.

square root
Of a number, another number which, when squared, yields the original number; sometimes constrained to be the positive number where two solutions exist

Every complex number has two square roots; for example, the square roots of -4 are 2i and -2i.

square roots
plural form of square root
square sail
A sail bent to a horizontal yard set athwartships
square sails
plural form of square sail
square tab shingle
Shingle with tabs that are all the same size and exposure
square tab shingles
plural form of square tab shingle
square up
to get in the fighting position
square up
to face (someone) in a contest
square up
to get ready for a fight
square up
to pay back money that is owed

Let me know how much my share is and I'll square up with you tomorrow.

square wave
A nonsinusoidal waveform, commonly encountered in electronics and signal processing, that alternates regularly and instantaneously between two levels
square yard
A unit of area (abbreviation sq yd or sq. yd.) equal to the area of a square the sides of which are one yard long. (i.e. 3 feet by 3 feet or 9 square feet)
To participate in a square dance
Having square sails rigged onto spars perpendicular to the keel
A square-rigged ship
Attributive form of square root

In √a̅+̅b̅, the horizontal bar or vinculum is actually a parenthesis that groups a+b. Without it, √a+b might mean b+√a̅ or it might mean √a̅+̅b̅. Nevertheless, the square-root sign without the vinculum is often used .

town square
An open area commonly found in the heart of a traditional town, used for community gatherings
try square
A tool used to measure if a piece of wood is at right angle
under square
Of internal combustion engine designs, having piston diameter less than its stroke distance
{a} having right angles, fit, adjust
back to square one
Back to where one started. "We were forced to go back to square one in our efforts to change the name of the company."
be there or be square
(deyim) We do not owe each other, it is a wash, we are even

I bought the pizza; you bought the beer. Let's call it square.

A test statistic that is calculated as the sum of the squares of observed values minus expected values divided by the expected values
chi-square tests
A test that uses the chi-square statistic to test the fit between a theoretical frequency distribution and a frequency distribution of observed data for which each observation may fall into one of several classes
cross in square
(Mimarlık) The term cross-in-square (French, église à croix inscrite; German, Kreuzkuppelkirche) denotes the dominant architectural form of middle and late Byzantine churches. The first cross-in-square churches were probably built in the late 8th century, and the form has remained in use throughout the Orthodox world until the present day
perfect square
An integer that is the square of an integer
pound-force per square inch
The pound per square inch or, more accurately, pound-force per square inch (symbol: psi or lbf/sq in) is a unit of pressure or of stress based on avoirdupois units. It is the pressure resulting from a force of one pound-force applied to an area of one square inch: 1 lbf/sq in ¡Ö 6,894.757 Pa (the SI unit of pressure)
public square
An open area at the meeting of two or more streets, square
punnett square
(Biyoloji) The Punnett square is a diagram that is used to predict an outcome of a particular cross or breeding experiment. It is named after Reginald C. Punnett, who devised the approach, and is used by biologists to determine the probability of an offspring having a particular genotype. The Punnett square is a summary of every possible combination of one maternal allele with one paternal allele for each gene being studied in the cross
A right-angled triangular plate for drawing lines, especially at 90°, 45°, 60°, or 30°
shoot square
(deyim) Deal fairly and honestly

We always shoot square with our customers.

square peg in a round hole
(deyim) Someone who is uncomfortable or who does not belong in a particular situation
square up
(deyim) Assume the attitude of a person about to fight
Türkçe - İngilizce

square, square teriminin Türkçe İngilizce sözlükte anlamı

(Fizik) inverse
square, square