Individual color or colors that are utilized to highlight illustrations or type Spot color is frequently printed with nonprocess color inks, although process inks can be used
On a standard printed page, the use of colored ink to highlight an area If this page were printed it would have yellow and blue spot color
Spot colors are printed on a printing press with premixed inks, to achieve an exact color match (to a Pantone number) To lighten a color, smaller halftone dots of the base color are created in a process called screening
A special ink added to a job as a solid color rather than a combination of the four process colors When the job is color separated, each spot color has its own separation
A premixed color ink used on a printing press A widely used system for selecting spot colors is the Pantone Matching System (PMS)
Ink colors designated by the Pantone or similar system, in which the ink used is the actual color desired (I e , green ink rather than the process yellow and process cyan to simulate green) to top
The technique of coloring for emphasis some areas of basic black-and-white advertisements, usually with a single color
Individual color or colors that are utilized to highlight illustrations or type Spot color is frequently printed with non-process color inks, although process inks can be used
Color printing method which uses one or more custom-mixed inks; appropriate for stationery and some brochures-not appropriate for reproducing photographs
A single color ink or varnish applied to printed material Primarily used when process colors are not appropriate The effective use of spot color can add heightened interest to printed materials without incurring the cost of process colors
A custom mixed ink color used in printing A separate plate is used to print each spot color Pantone is a commonly used spot color matching system (See Process color) Each spot channel holds data for an individual custom color
n A method of handling color in a document in which a particular color of ink is specified and each page having elements in that color is printed as a separate layer The printer then prints one layer for each spot color in the document See also color model, color separation (definition 1) Compare process color
Printing of one or more solid (not process) color of ink It's used very often to cut down printing costs and give the printed product one and up to three colors to enhance looks and reading Used on Newsletters, Stationery, books, etc Also used when a color can not be simulated very well using process colors (like gold and silver)