softly hairy south african herb having flowers with bright blue rays

listen to the pronunciation of softly hairy south african herb having flowers with bright blue rays
İngilizce - İngilizce
kingfisher daisy
softly hairy south african herb having flowers with bright blue rays


    soft·ly hai·ry south Af·ri·can Herb ha·ving flowers with Bright Blue rays

    Türkçe nasıl söylenir

    sôfli heri sauth äfrıkın hırb hävîng flauırz wîdh brayt blu reyz


    /ˈsôflē ˈherē ˈsouᴛʜ ˈafrəkən ˈhərb ˈhavəɴɢ ˈflouərz wəᴛʜ ˈbrīt ˈblo͞o ˈrāz/ /ˈsɔːfliː ˈhɛriː ˈsaʊθ ˈæfrəkən ˈhɜrb ˈhævɪŋ ˈflaʊɜrz wɪð ˈbraɪt ˈbluː ˈreɪz/