
listen to the pronunciation of simpson
İngilizce - Türkçe

simpson teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

family name

Onların soyadı posta kutusunda yazılıdır. - Their family name is written on their mailbox.

Sadece soyadınızı büyük harflerle yazın. - Write only your family name in capitals.

family name
aile adı

Aile adın nasıl yazılır? - How is your family name written?

Watanabe benim aile adımdır. - Watanabe is my family name.

İngilizce - İngilizce
An English habitational surname for someone who lived in either of several places in Devon
A Scottish and northern English patronymic surname derived from Sim, the short form of Simon
{i} family name
American athlete who was the first professional football player to rush more than 2,000 yards in a season. He was acquitted of the 1994 murders of his ex-wife and her friend in a highly publicized trial. Kay Ulysses Simpson Simpson George Gaylord Simpson Orenthal James Simpson Sir James Young
Scottish obstetrician and surgeon who pioneered in the use of ether and discovered the anesthetic effects of chloroform (1811-1870) United States divorcee whose marriage to Edward VIII created a constitutional crisis leading to his abdication
Simpson's paradox
That the association of two variables for one subset of a population may be similar to the association of those variables in another subset, but different from the association of the variables in the total population
simpson desert
a desert region of central Australia
Sir James Young Simpson
born June 7, 1811, Bathgate, Linlithgowshire, Scot. died May 6, 1870, London, Eng. Scottish obstetrician. He received his M.D. from the University of Edinburgh, where he became professor of obstetrics. After news of the use of ether in surgery in Boston reached Scotland, Simpson employed it in obstetrics to relieve labour pains (1847) and later substituted chloroform, which he continued to use despite opposition from obstetricians and the clergy. He also introduced iron-wire sutures, the use of pressure to stop bleeding, and Simpson forceps (long obstetrical forceps)
Homer Simpson
A person who is foolish, easily distracted, and/or gluttonous

One of the employees, apparently a Homer Simpson prototype, goosed the man.

Bart Simpson
{i} main character in the popular animated television series "The Simpsons
George Gaylord Simpson
born June 16, 1902, Chicago, Ill., U.S. died Oct. 6, 1984, Tucson, Ariz. U.S. paleontologist. He earned a doctorate at Yale University. His contributions to evolutionary theory include a detailed classification of mammals, based on his studies of mammalian evolution, which is still the standard. He also is known for his studies of intercontinental migrations of animal species, especially South American mammals, in past geologic times. His books include Tempo and Mode in Evolution (1944; 1984), The Meaning of Evolution (1949), The Major Features of Evolution (1953), and The Principles of Animal Taxonomy (1961)
Homer Simpson
{i} Homer Jay Simpson, fictional character in "The Simpsons" TV show
O J Simpson
born July 9, 1947, San Francisco, Calif., U.S. U.S. football player. At the University of Southern California as a running back (1965-68), he set rushing records, was named All-American, and won the Heisman Trophy (1968). He joined the Buffalo Bills in 1969, with whom he continued to set records, and he became a great box-office draw. Knee injuries led to his being traded in 1978 to the San Francisco 49ers; he retired after the 1979 season. Handsome and genial, he became a popular film and television actor. In 1994 he was charged with the murder of his estranged wife and her friend. The resulting trial and acquittal generated unprecedented media coverage and public debate. A separate civil trial in 1997 found Simpson guilty in a wrongful-death suit
O.J. Simpson
a US football player, one of the most successful players of the 1970s, who later became an actor. In 1994 he was charged with murdering his wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend, Ronald Goldman. The jury decided that he did not kill her. Later, relatives of the murdered people won a civil court case against him and he was ordered to pay them $8.5 million (1947- )
O.J. Simpson
{i} Orenthal James Simpson, Orge Jimiah Simpson (born 1947), United States famous former NFL football player and movie actor who was charged with the murder of his former wife and her friend but was cleared of all charges (known as "O.J." and also nicknamed "The Juice")
Orenthal James Simpson
born July 9, 1947, San Francisco, Calif., U.S. U.S. football player. At the University of Southern California as a running back (1965-68), he set rushing records, was named All-American, and won the Heisman Trophy (1968). He joined the Buffalo Bills in 1969, with whom he continued to set records, and he became a great box-office draw. Knee injuries led to his being traded in 1978 to the San Francisco 49ers; he retired after the 1979 season. Handsome and genial, he became a popular film and television actor. In 1994 he was charged with the murder of his estranged wife and her friend. The resulting trial and acquittal generated unprecedented media coverage and public debate. A separate civil trial in 1997 found Simpson guilty in a wrongful-death suit
Orenthal James Simpson
{i} O.J. Simpson, Orge Jimiah Simpson (born 1947), United States famous former NFL football player and movie actor who was charged with the murder of his former wife and her friend but was cleared of all charges (known as "O.J." and also nicknamed "The Juice")
Orge Jimiah Simpson
{i} O.J. Simpson, Orenthal James Simpson (born 1947), United States famous former NFL football player and movie actor who was charged with the murder of his former wife and her friend but was cleared of all charges (known as "O.J." and also nicknamed "The Juice")
Ulysses Simpson Grant
(1822-1885) 18th president of the United States (1869-1877), general of the Union Army during the Civil War
Ulysses Simpson Kay
born Jan. 7, 1917, Tucson, Ariz., U.S. died May 20, 1995, Englewood, N.J. U.S. composer. A nephew of jazz cornetist King Oliver, he was an all-around musician from childhood. After graduating from the University of Arizona he went on to study at the Eastman School and with the composer Paul Hindemith at Yale. He taught principally at the City University of New York, earning a reputation as a distinguished teacher. His music Neoclassical in style but characterized by verve and warmth received many awards; mostly orchestral or choral, it includes five operas and several film and television scores
Wallis Simpson
a US woman, often known simply as Mrs Simpson, who had a relationship with the British king Edward VIII. Because she had already been married twice before, Edward was not allowed to marry her. In 1938, he decided to abdicate (=give up his position as king) so that he could marry her. She then became the Duchess of Windsor (1896-1986)
Türkçe - İngilizce

simpson teriminin Türkçe İngilizce sözlükte anlamı

simpson kuralı
(Askeri) simpson’s rule

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    /ˈsəmpsən/ /ˈsɪmpsən/


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