she really has her husband under her thumb

listen to the pronunciation of she really has her husband under her thumb
İngilizce - Almanca
Sie hat ihren Mann wirklich unter der Fuchtel
she really has her husband under her thumb


    she re·al·ly has her hus·band un·der her thumb

    Türkçe nasıl söylenir

    şi rili hız hır hʌzbınd ʌndır hır thʌm


    /ˈsʜē ˈrēlē həz hər ˈhəzbənd ˈəndər hər ˈᴛʜəm/ /ˈʃiː ˈriːliː həz hɜr ˈhʌzbənd ˈʌndɜr hɜr ˈθʌm/