
listen to the pronunciation of sha
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Secure Hash Algorithm Computes a condensed representation of a message or a data file When a message of any length is input, the SHA-1 produces a 160-bit output called a message digest The message digest can then be input to the Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA), which generates or verifies the signature for the message The creator of the digital signature and the verifier of the digital signature must use the same hash algorithm
(Secure Hash Algorithm) A strong digest algorithm proposed by the US NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) agency as a standard digest algorithm The terminology here is a little confusing NIST released a first version of SHA which it referred to as "SHA" It subsequently found a problem with it and released a second version which it called "SHA-1" Within Veracity, the term "SHA-0" is used to refer to the first version, "SHA-1" is used to refer to the second version, and the term "SHA" is used to refer to the pair of algorithms in the abstract
an abbreviation for du-nu, the combination of D3 and N3 found in the 6th raaga of all 12 cakras (found in 12 raagas out of the 72 melakartas)
Secure Hash Algorithm, a message digest algorithm developed by the NSA for use in the Digital Signature standard, FIPS number 186 from NIST SHA is an improved variant of MD4 producing a 160-bit hash SHA is one of two message digest algorithms available in IPSEC The other is MD5 Some people do not trust SHA because it was developed by the NSA There is, as far as we know, no cryptographic evidence that SHA is untrustworthy, but this does not prevent that view from being strongly held
Used for AH and/or ESP A one-way hash function that creates a 20-byte (160-bit) hash or message digest to authenticate packet data SHA is more resistant to attacks than MD5, but slower to compute Top
Shooting, or a shot Sha is used to refer to a person's shooting in the aggregate When someone is said to have a good "sha", it means that person's shooting is good in all of its aspects Sha therefore refers primarily to the overall quality of the shooting as opposed to the accuracy only
Secure Hash Algorithm takes a message of less than 264 bits in length and produces a 160-bit message digest
A one way hash put forth by NIST SHA is closely modeled after MD4 and produces a 160-bit digest Because SHA produces a 160-bit digest, it is more resistant to attacks than 128-bit hashes (such as MD5), but it is slower
An algorithm similar to the MD5 algorithm, but its checksums are 160 bits long and have different properties
Social Housing Agreement 1998   Agreement between the Federal and Provincial government which will allow the transfer of responsibility for Federally funded social housing to the Province
Ch'ang sha Chin sha River Sha t'o Turk Hsi sha Ch'ün tao T'a k'o la ma kan Sha mo
The secure hash algorithm defined in FIPS PUB 180-1 It produces a 20-byte output
A secure hash, or message digest algorithm adopted as a Federal Information Processing Standard
Secure Hash Algorithm
Secondary Headteachers' Association
The Secure Hash Algorithm is defined in FIPS PUB 180-1 It produces a 20-byte output Note that all references to SHA actually use the modified SHA-1 algorithm [SHA]
Secure Hashing Algorithm (NIST standard, also known as SHA-1)
the eighth month of the Islamic calendar
Alternative spelling of shan't
Sha'arei Tikva
urban settlement in the Samarian region in central Israel
the eighth month of the Islamic calendar
{i} healing technique in Chinese medicine in which the skin on parts of the body (such as the back, limbs) is oiled and then pressured in strokes and scrubbed with a round-edged object (such as a ceramic spoon or other object alike) resulting in tiny red petechiae (called "sha") which fade away within 2 to 3 days



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    /ˈsʜä/ /ˈʃɑː/


    [ sh&-'bän ] (noun.) circa 1771. Arabic sha`bAn.