
listen to the pronunciation of session
İngilizce - Türkçe
{i} celse

Oturum tekrar sürdürülecek. - The session will be prolonged again.

Meclis şimdi oturumda. - The Diet is now in session.

{i} toplantı

Terapi toplantı halinde. - The therapy is in session.

(Eğitim) yarıyıl
(Kanun) içtima
{i} kongre
(birdemde) dönem
{i} devre
{i} sömestr
{i} dönem
{i} akademik yıl [brit.]
bazı kiliselerde idare heyeti
(Kanun) mahkeme

Mahkeme oturumu üç saat sürdü. - The court session lasted for three hours.

akademik yıl
session client
(Bilgisayar) oturum istemcisi
session disconnect
(Bilgisayar) oturum bağlantısını kes
session host
(Bilgisayar) oturum ana bilgisayarı
session id
(Bilgisayar) oturum kimliği
session limit
(Bilgisayar) oturum sınırı
session list
(Bilgisayar) oturum listesi
session name
(Bilgisayar) oturum adı
session object
(Bilgisayar) oturum nesnesi
session of the court
duruşma oturumu
session stats
(Bilgisayar) oturum istatistikleri
session status
(Bilgisayar) oturum durumu
session timeout
(Bilgisayar) oturum zaman aşımı
session without strangers
(Kanun) gizli oturum
session without strangers
(Kanun) gizli celse
session directory (r?)
oturum dizini (r?)
session initiation protocol
Oturum Başlatma Protokolü
session key
Oturum Anahtarı
session layer
Oturum Katmanı
session man
sesi kaydedilen bir şarkıcıya eşlik eden kayıt stüdyosunda görevli çalgıcı
session manager
Oturum Yöneticisi
secret session
(Kanun) gizli celse
jam session
doğaçlama caz dinletisi
bull session
bull session
court session
(Kanun) muhakeme celsesi
invalid session
(Bilgisayar) geçersiz oturum
ordinary session
(Politika, Siyaset) olağan oturum
plenary session
(Politika, Siyaset) özel oturum
remote session
(Bilgisayar) uzaktan oturum
study session
(Politika, Siyaset) çalışma oturumu
tender opening session
(Ticaret) ihale açılış oturumu
this session
(Bilgisayar) bu oturumda
tutorial session
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) eğitim oturumu
bull session
erkek arkadaş toplantısı
closed session
gizli celse
closed session
gizli oturum
executive session
gizli celse
jam session
caz konseri
plenary session
genel kurul
clear session
şifresiz oturum
court session
mahkeme oturumu
editing session
düzenleme oturumu
idle class session
boş ders
incamera session
Kapalı oturum
inquiry session
soruşturma oturumu
magnificent session
muhteşem oturumu
parallel session
paralel oturum
permanent session
daimi oturum
rap session
grup tartışması

Oturumlarımı önceden zamanlayabilirim. - l can schedule my sessions in advance.

Teknik Oturum Gündeminde birkaç kişi daha sonra gün içindeki bazı oturumlara katılmak istediklerinden söz ettiler. - A few people mentioned they would like to attend some sessions later in the day on the Technical Session Agenda.

summon a session
Oturum çağırmak
terminal session
terminal oturumu
training session
eğitim oturumu
user session
kullanıcı oturumu
autographing session
imza saati
be in session
toplantı halinde olmak
be in session
(mahkeme/toplantı/kongre/parlamento) toplantı halinde olmak; (okul/üniversite) öğretim yılına girmiş olmak: Court's in session right now. Şu
clear session
şifresiz veri iletimi
clear session
Serbest Oturum
closed session
(Kanun) gizli duruşma
court of session
yüksek sivil mahkeme (İsk.)
extraordinary session
(Avrupa Birliği) olağanüstü oturum
in a public court session
(Kanun) aleni celsede
in a public court session
(Kanun) açık celsede
jam session
cazcıların bir araya gelip doğaçtan çaldığı caz müziği
joining session
(Bilgisayar) oturuma katılınıyor
legislative session
(Politika, Siyaset) yasama dönemi
listening session
dinleme seansı
manage the session
oturumu yönetmek
mandatory closed session
(Kanun) mecburi gizli duruşma
mixed session
(Politika, Siyaset) karma oturum
multiple session
çok oturumlu
open session
(Avrupa Birliği) kamuya açık oturum
open session
açık oturum
pc session
kişisel bilgisayar oturumu
per annum session
yıllık olağan toplantı
plenary session
herkesin katıldığı toplantı
preside over the session
oturumu yönetmek
query session
sorgulama oturumu
recording session
plak/bant kaydı için yapılan toplantı
rump session
bir toplantının dağılmasından sonra çoğunluğun olmadığı gayriresmi devamı
scheduled session
Zamanlanmış Oturum
{s} oturum
{s} celse
{s} yıllık
sharing session
(Bilgisayar) paylaşılan oturum
sit in a plenary session
(Politika, Siyaset) genel kurul halinde toplanma
İngilizce - İngilizce
Used in reference to web applications, a session is the sequence of interactions between the server and a user. A users session can store persistent data between different web pages. For instance, a person might login to a site on one page, then go on using other pages on the site. The login step begins a session where the server tracks information about that specific user. Sessions typically expire after a set time of non-interaction and are removed from the server's memory
Gaming with friends for an extended period of time, Online,Splitscreen or via a LAN connection
A period of play in which the players only leave the field at a change of innings; the three sessions are between start of play, lunch, tea and close of play
The performance of music by local musicians in a public place, with its origions in Gaelic culture. A musical performance broadcast for a radio show
A meeting of a council, court, or legislative body to conduct its business
A period devoted to a particular activity; a training session
{n} act or time of sitting
meets daily for business; or, the space of time between the first meeting and the prorogation or adjournment; thus, a session of Parliaments is opened with a speech from the throne, and closed by prorogation
The period of time during which the Legislature meets to conduct official business in chambers The term is used to describe both the entire sixty-day period of a regular session or the daily meetings in chamber during a regular session
A series of transactions or hits made by a single user If there has been no activity for a period of time, followed by the resumption of activity by the same user, a new session is considered started Thirty minutes is the most common time period used to measure a session length
A session is a period during which the meetings of a court, parliament, or other official group are regularly held. The parliamentary session ends on October 4th
a meeting of spiritualists; "the seance was held in the medium's parlor"
The period during which the legislature meets There are two types of sessions The regular session convenes every two years and may last no more than 140 days A called session, commonly referred to as a special session, is so designated because it must be called by the governor A called or special session may last no more than 30 days
Used in reference to web applications, a session is the sequence of interactions between the server and a user. A users session can store persistent data between different web pages. For instance, a person might login to a site on one page, then go on using other pages on the site. The login step begins a session where the server tracks information about that specific user. Sessions typically expire after a set time of non-interaction and are removed from the servers memory
A lasting interaction between system entities, often involving a user, typified by the maintenance of some state of the interaction for the duration of the interaction [WSIA Glossary] Such an interaction may not be limited to a single connection between the system entities
A meeting of a council, court, or legislative body to conduct its buisness
A continuous period of time during which a user's browser is viewing Web pages or a Web application within the same server or domain In IIS, sessions can be timed and be assigned a special session scope for storing variables between pages for the same user
Hence, also, the time, period, or term during which a court, council, legislature, etc
A musical performance broadcast for a radio show
a meeting for execution of a group's functions; "it was the opening session of the legislature"
The time after a username connects to an Oracle database and before disconnecting, and the events that happen in that time
or the actual assembly of the members of such a body, for the transaction of business
a meeting for execution of a group's functions; "it was the opening session of the legislature
Session musicians are employed to play backing music in recording studios. He established himself as a session musician
a meeting devoted to a particular activity; "a filming session"; "a gossip session" a meeting for execution of a group's functions; "it was the opening session of the legislature
{i} meeting, assembly; period of time during which a meeting takes place; term, semester, period of time that a school is open and holding classes
the time during which a school holds classes; "they had to shorten the school term"
A logical connection with a host system The session begins when you establish the communications link and ends when you terminate emulation and return to DOS
A session is created every time an operator logs in to WebCheckout Each session tracks its own set of data, including the operator and the current allocation being worked on It is possible to have multiple sessions on the same station, which are independent You can see how the session is identified, in part, by the URL in the browser, such as "cgnelesjuxopyszq"
A session of a particular activity is a period of that activity. The two leaders emerged for a photo session. group therapy sessions
Sessions are related to terminal handling Sessions can have a controlling terminal; by becoming a session group leader, a daemon process can detach itself from any controlling terminal A session group is a set of processes created by the session leader FIXME
Refers to an active connection between two computers for the purpose of communicating and transferring information
The context information of a communication in general
A Session is a communications channel to a data source This data source can be a remote MySQL database, a local copy of Primebase, or even a text file accessed by the ODBC text file driver Sessions are also referred to as Connections
The context information of an SSL communication
A session is one of two kinds of compositional units (the other being a process) A session is a collection of processes composed in parallel; a session is specified in terms of the precondition and postcondition predicates of its component processes Sessions can be composed using sequential and choice composition, and we reason about sessions using theory from the field of sequential programming Distributed applications can be structured by nesting processes and sessions, and the Infospheres Infrastructure supports such capability For example, a developer can use the Djinn Master to design a session as a directed graph, whose nodes are djinn (possibly designed using the Djinn Generator), and whose edges are bindings between mailboxes (constructed using the maildaemon package) The Djinn Master can initiate sessions described in such a manner
A division of the academic calendar At The University of manitoba there are three sessions a calendar year; Regular Session (September to April); Intersession (May to June); and Summer Session (May to August), divided into Summer Evening (May to August) and Summer Day (July to August) However, not all faculties / schools offer courses during Intersession and/or Summer Session
As defined in the Orange Book, a recorded segment of a compact disc which may contain one or more tracks of any type (data or audio) In data recording, there is usually only one track per session, but there may be multiple sessions on a disc In audio recording, all audio tracks should be in a single session A lead-in and lead-out are recorded for every session on a disc
The period of time in which the Legislative Assembly officially convenes The regular session begins on the second Monday in January of every odd-numbered year Special sessions may be convened at the call of the Governor or of a majority of the members of the Legislative Assembly
The session of a judicial court is called a term
In communications, the time during which two computers maintain a connection and are usually engaged in transferring information
The actual sitting of a court, council, legislature, etc
The time you spend online Your session includes whatever you do while you're online, whether it's chatting, surfing or playing games Back to Top
For some people, the Internet serves as their psychotherapist: they go online to tell all their problems to total strangers and feel some sort of relief It's appropriate, then, that the time spent with a therapist in person has the same name -- a session -- as the time one spends online The session includes whatever one does while online, from connect time to hang-up, whether it's file transmission, real-time chats, or research search
The act of sitting, or the state of being seated
That part of the year when the General Assembly may meet to conduct business The regular session is January through May The session in odd-numbered years is called the first regular session; that in even-numbered years is called the second regular session See also Special Session and Veto Session
Period during which the Legislature meets: Regular - the biennial session at which all classes of legislation may be considered; Extraordinary - special session, called by, and limited to matters specified by the Governor; Daily - each day's meeting; Joint - meeting of the two houses together
a meeting devoted to a particular activity; "a filming session"; "a gossip session"
A session is a meeting of a court, parliament, or other official group. an emergency session of parliament After two late night sessions, the Security Council has failed to reach agreement The court was in session
A period during which access to a WebObjects application and its resources is granted to a particular client (typically a browser) Also an object (of the WOSession class) representing a session
Regular - The Legislature convenes each year on the third Wednesday in January for 60 legislative days Each legislature has a duration of two years
The time between logging into and out of a Trusted Solaris host The trusted stripe appears in all Trusted Solaris sessions to confirm that users are not being spoofed by a counterfeit environment
session band
A group of musicians who play for the recording of an album but are not considered part of the recording artist's normal band

She performed on 12 albums as a soul singer in a session band before she was able to begin her solo career.

session bean
In Enterprise Edition specifications of the Java Platform, a type of Enterprise Bean
session data
The set of session variables held on a server that allow the continuation of a conversation with the client without the need to continually reinput data
session musician
A professional musician employed by other musicians or singers, either to play live or to make recordings
session musicians
plural form of session musician
session cookie
a cookie that is stored temporarily and is destroyed when close the link
session of the court
meeting which takes place in court in order to resolve something critical
second session
the session of a day's play between lunch and tea
breakout session
a session of a conference, normally one of a choice of sessions following a plenary session, in which active participation of those attending is called for; a workshop session
bull session
An informal meeting among men, often one where politics, economics or current events are discussed
cram session
An intense period of study, sometimes all night before a critical exam
first session
The session of a day's play between start of play and lunch
foley session
A session in which sound effects are added to a film or TV scene
jam session
An informal gathering of musicians to play music, especially improvised jazz or a similar genre
plenary session
A session of a conference or other meeting at which all members are expected to attend

The conference consists of five regular sessions spread across multiple rooms and two plenary sessions in the main auditorium.

Pertaining to a period, often an academic term or a sitting of a legislative body

CUPE 3902 is a labour union local representing sessional lecturers and teaching assistants (TAs) at the University of Toronto, Canada.

An instructor hired by a college or universities on a temporary basis

The sessionals’ Agreement was ratified on 1 April, 2005.

third session
the session of a day's play between tea and close of play
incamera session
A closed and private session
Court of Session
the most important civil court of law in the Scottish legal system
Parliamentary session
{i} meeting of Parliament, assembly of Parliament
afternoon session
session which occurs after the hour of noon
bull session
An informal group discussion. an occasion when a group of people meet to talk in a relaxed and friendly way
bull session
an informal discussion (usually among men)
closed session
assembly or session restricted to certain participants
course session
a regularly scheduled session as part of a course of study
court session
{i} session in a court of law
evening session
parliament meeting held in the evening
executive session
a congressional meeting closed to the public (and the media)
executive session
a session (usually of a legislative body) that is closed to the public
executive session
A meeting of committee members held after a hearing to review public testimony and discuss the merits of the bill before making recommendations to the full membership of the House or Senate Open to the public
executive session
A meeting of a Senate or House committee (or occasionally of either chamber) that only Members, staff, and witnesses may attend
executive session
A committee meeting restricted to only committee members and specifically invited guests
executive session
A formal way of saying that an Assembly or Senate Committee will hold a vote on a bill When a committee goes into "exec," this means no further comments or testimony will be heard by anyone other than those who sit on the committee, and committee members vote an issue up or down A tie vote in committee usually means the bill dies in committee But, unlike other states, Wisconsin gives considerable power to its committee chairs who can still send a bill onto the floor for full debate with a tie vote or even a negative vote
executive session
A meeting of a committee to conduct business, usually vote on bills referred to the committee
executive session
A meeting of any deliberative body which excludes from attendance any person who is not a member of the body or one of its essential staff
executive session
A closed meeting of a Senate or House committee
executive session
A session, as of a legislature or committee, often closed to the public, in which executive business is transacted
executive session
A portion of a board meeting which concerns confidential matters and which therefore cannot be publicly minuted Examples include salary discussions, areas covered by non-disclosure agreements, disciplinary actions, and some types of funding decisions
executive session
A popular euphemism for a closed meeting held by a government body such as a city council or school board
executive session
Times during a site visit when the site visit team meets privately to assess findings, review records, obtain consumer input, or prepare oral report and other documentation
executive session
(1) A meeting of a Senate or House committee (or occasionally of either chamber) that only its members may attend Witnesses regularly appear at committee meetings in executive session - for example, Defense Department officials during presentations of classified defense information Other members of Congress may be invited, but the public and press are not allowed to attend (2) A Senate meeting devoted to the consideration of treaties and nominations
executive session
A meeting closed to the public
executive session
A committee meeting restricted to committee members and specifically invited persons
get-acquainted session
meeting in which the participants are introduced (to each other, to a concept, etc.)
gripe session
session where complaints are made
jam session
an impromptu jazz concert
jam session
improvised musical session (rock, jazz, etc.)
jam session
an occasion when jazz or rock musicians play music together in an informal way
joint session
meeting of two distinct groups (eg. Congress and the Senate)
modem session
A period of time in which two computers are connected by modem
morning session
conference meetings or discussions held during the morning hours
move into summation session
begin the phase of presenting summaries
night session
conference meetings or discussions held during the nighttime hours
opening session
first meeting, first session, opening ceremonies
plenary session
gathering of all participants needed for the purpose of debate and decision making
plenum session
full assembly
rap session
conversation in a situation where feelings can be expressed and criticized or supported
rap session
An informal discussion held especially by a group of people with similar concerns
recess session
time during which the parliament is not in session
Of or pertaining to a session or sessions
{s} pertaining to a meeting or assembly; pertaining to a semester, pertaining to a school term
United States composer who promoted 20th century music (1896-1985)
plural of session
skull session
teaching strategy to an athletic team a session (as of executives or advisors) to discuss policy or strategy or to solve problems or exchange ideas
special recess session
special assembly held during an intermission
special session
special meeting, special assembly
special session
A session of a court or legislative body held in addition to the regular sessions
special session
a session that is held in addition to the regular sessions
summer session
conferences of the house of representatives that is during the summer
winter session
conferences of the house of representatives which takes place in the winter
Türkçe - İngilizce

session teriminin Türkçe İngilizce sözlükte anlamı

open session
(Hukuk) halka açık oturum