Noise is a loud or unpleasant sound. There was too much noise in the room and he needed peace The noise of bombs and guns was incessant The baby was filled with alarm at the darkness and the noise
sound of any kind (especially unintelligible or dissonant sound); "he enjoyed the street noises"; "they heard indistinct noises of people talking"; "during the firework display that ended the gala the noise reached 98 decibels"
The random fluctuations that are always associated with a measurement that is repeated many times over These fluctuations do not represent any real sources of infrared radiation of target, but rather are caused by the imperfections of the system
incomprehensibility resulting from irrelevant information or meaningless facts or remarks; "all the noise in his speech concealed the fact that he didn't have anything to say"
Noise is visual "clutter" that appears on the display It's caused by too many undesirable signals being picked up by the fish finder (typically from electrical sources such as trolling motors, alternators, spark plugs, radio transmitters, etc ) Manually adjusting the sensitivity helps fine-tune the sonar to show the most detail with the least noise For automatic sensitivity adjustments for the best picture possible, Advanced Signal Processing (ASP™) is also found on all Lowrance units
Literally, any undesired signal In the case of power lines, noise means any electromagnetic energy other than the power waveform (typically 50Hz or 60Hz, but occasionally 400Hz) RFI noise refers specifically to undesired signal in the radio-frequency range, typically 150kHz to 30MHz Power lines may transmit noise common mode (signals on both power conductors referenced to ground and differential mode (signals on one power conductor referenced to the other)
A noise is a sound that someone or something makes. Sir Gerald made a small noise in his throat. birdsong and other animal noises
Unwanted signals not present in the original transmitted information; disturbances that tend to interfere with normal operations of the communication system
That disturbance of a signal that might occur if your MIDI cables are too long--exceeding 15 meters in length, for example NORMAL MODE: When a (controller) keyboard has this setting (as contrasted with split, or fingered modes), the sounds are all of one voice--from the lowest note to the highest In this mode, the resemblance is to an acoustical instrument [See also: SPLIT MODE, FINGERED MODE ]
In models, the omnipresent and apparently meaningless background of natural climatic variability, from which the significant data (the "signal") must be distinguished (Source: Mintzer, 1992)
A word used to describe signals which humans consider to contain little useful information, or which they actually find unpleasant Waveform Frequency Spectrum Hear Me (8k) There are some synthetic types of noise which are useful in sound synthesis and technical equipment alignment etc These are called white noise, pink noise and (the author has heard) blue noise White noise contains all frequencies in equal amplitude distribution (and the metaphor is from white light which has a similar attribute) Pink noise is filtered white noise (some frequencies removed) and other colours of the noise rainbow represent other filterings
In a cable or circuit, any extraneous signal which interferes with the desired signal
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