
listen to the pronunciation of sermon
İngilizce - Türkçe
{i} vaiz

Vaiz güzel bir vaaz verdi. - The preacher gave a beautiful sermon.

O, genç vaizin vaazını dinledi. - She listened to the young preacher's sermon.

{i} vaaz

Vaiz güzel bir vaaz verdi. - The preacher gave a beautiful sermon.

Hiçbir günahkar bir vaazın ilk yirmi dakikasından sonra hiç kurtarılmaz. - No sinner is ever saved after the first twenty minutes of a sermon.

uzun ve sıkıcı öğüt
dinsel konuşma
{i} söylev
{i} öğüt

Papazın vaazları seni sıkabilir fakat onlar ahlaken iyi örnektir. - The pastor's sermons may bore you, but they are morally edifying.

The farewell sermon
Veda Hutbesi: Veda Hutbesi, 632 yılında İslam dininin peygamberi Hz. Muhammed (sav) tarafından yüz bini aşkın müslümana irad edilmiş olan dini metnin adı. Veda Hutbesi Muhammed'in 114000 kadar hacıya hitaben irad ettiği bir hutbedir. Hz. Muhammed(sav) bu son hutbesinde, bundan sonra bir daha haccedemeyeceğini bildirip vefatının yaklaştığını ima ettiği, sonraki gelen günler de onun bu sözlerini doğruladığı için bu hacca Veda Haccı, bu hac esnasında irad ettiği hutbeye de Veda Hutbesi adı verildi. Veda Hutbesi her ne kadar tek bir hutbe imiş gibi kabul edilmekteyse de, gerçekte bu hutbe, Arafatta, Minada ve bir gün sonra yine Mina'da olmak üzere arife günü ile bayramın 1. ve 2. günlerinde parça parça irad edilmiştir. Değişik yer ve zamanlarda irad edildiği için de hutbe, birçok kişi tarafından birbirinden farklı şekillerde rivayet edilmiştir. Kişinin ya da gurubun duyduğunu başkaları işitmediğinden, hutbenin tamamının bir araya toplanmasında bu farklı rivayetlerden yararlanılmış ve daha sonraki yıllarda bu üç ayrı yer ve zamanda tamamlanan hutbe tek bir hutbe olarak bir araya getirilmiştir
baccalaureate sermon
mezuniyet töreni ayini
preach a sermon
(fiil)az vermek
preach a sermon
vaaz vermek
İngilizce - İngilizce
religious discourse; a written or spoken address on a religious or moral matter
a lengthy speech of reproval
{n} a pious discourse, a lecture
{v} to lecture, to talk
A discourse or address; a talk; a writing; as, the sermons of Chaucer
To tutor; to lecture
an address proclaiming the gospel
This is the "speech" given by the minister after the Bible readings Through the sermon, the minister helps us apply the lessons of the Bible to our every day lives (not to be confused with a "homily" which can be on any moral subject, and is usually quite short )
A sermon is a talk on a religious or moral subject that is given by a member of the clergy as part of a church service
a moralistic rebuke; "your preaching is wasted on him" an address of a religious nature (usually delivered during a church service)
To speak; to discourse; to compose or deliver a sermon
{i} lecture given by a clergyman for the purpose of religious instruction; extended lecture on behavior or morals; any long speech or lecture
Hence, a serious address; a lecture on one's conduct or duty; an exhortation or reproof; a homily; often in a depreciatory sense
a moralistic rebuke; "your preaching is wasted on him"
an address of a religious nature (usually delivered during a church service)
Specifically, a discourse delivered in public, usually by a clergyman, for the purpose of religious instruction and grounded on some text or passage of Scripture
To discourse to or of, as in a sermon
A talk given in church on a spiritual or moral theme
Sermon on the Mount
Probably the best known public discourse given by Jesus in the first year of his ministry, around 30 e.c. To many, the Sermon on the Mount contains the central tenets of Christian discipleship, and is considered as such by many religious and moral thinkers, such as Tolstoy and Gandhi
Sermon on the Mount
a sermon given by Jesus in which he explains his religious ideas. It is one of the best-known parts of the New Testament of the Bible, and it includes a set of statements called the beatitudes, in which Jesus names the types of people who are 'blessed' (=specially loved by God). Biblical collection of religious teachings and ethical sayings attributed to Jesus, as reported in the Gospel of St. Matthew. The sermon was addressed to disciples and a large crowd of listeners to guide them in a life of discipline based on a new law of love, even of enemies, as opposed to the old law of retribution. It is the source of many familiar Christian homilies and oft-quoted passages from the Bible, including the Beatitudes and the Lord's Prayer. The sermon is often regarded as a blueprint for Christian life
sermon on the mount
the first major discourse delivered by Jesus (Matthew 5-7 and Luke 6: 20-49)
hate sermon
speech which expresses hatred towards someone or something
third-person singular of sermonize
plural of sermon