serbest hava veya oksijen taşımayan bir ortamda yaşayan mikroorganizm, anaerob

listen to the pronunciation of serbest hava veya oksijen taşımayan bir ortamda yaşayan mikroorganizm, anaerob
Türkçe - İngilizce
(Tıp) anaerobe
{i} bacteria that does not require air or oxygen
An organism that can only exist in the absence or near-absence of gaseous or dissolved oxygen
an organism (especially a bacterium) that does not require air or free oxygen to live
An anaerobic organism; one that does not require oxygen to sustain its metabolic processes
An organism that grows in the absence of oxygen See Aerobe
An organism capable of living in the absence of air
n : 1: An organism capable of living in the absence of free oxygen (O2 ) 2: Obligate anaerobe: An organism that must live without oxygen, for whom oxygen (O2 ) is toxic
An organism that can live without oxygen
An organism that does not require oxygen to maintain its life processes ADVANCE\x 540
serbest hava veya oksijen taşımayan bir ortamda yaşayan mikroorganizm, anaerob


    ser·best ha·va ve·ya ok·si·jen ta·şı·ma·yan bir or·tam·da ya·şa·yan mik·ro·or·ga·nizm·, a·na·e·rob