self pronouns teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı
self pronouns: myself, yourself, himself, herself, ıtself, ourselves, yourselves, themselvesThe self pronouns, called reflexive / intensive pronouns, can be used ONLY to reflect back to the subject or to intensify the subject. İn other words, they must follow a subject that means to the same as they do. self pronuns have two purposes: To refer back to the subject (when the subject iş also the object) and To add emphasis. İ did it myself! (often with an actual or implied "by")A common error involves the use of compound personal pronouns that end in "self" or "selves." Use of these pronouns requires a noun or pronoun expressed, to which the compound personal pronoun refers, in the same sentence. Correct: The report was read at the meeting by me. Wrong: The report was read at the meeting by myself. Correct: İ will read the report myself