scrimshaw (schnitzerei in tierischen materialien wie knochen, elfenbein oder hor

listen to the pronunciation of scrimshaw (schnitzerei in tierischen materialien wie knochen, elfenbein oder hor
İngilizce - Türkçe

scrimshaw (schnitzerei in tierischen materialien wie knochen, elfenbein oder hor teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

fildişi oyma işi
{i} süs
bıçakla oyma iş
(isim) süs
bu işi hünerle yapmak
Almanca - İngilizce
The manufacture of handcrafts by sailors on long voyages, especially as whittled from wood or bone
An item produced by scrimshaw
a carving (or engraving) on whalebone, whale ivory, walrus tusk, etc , usually by American whalers
usually by American whalers
To ornament, as shells, ivory, etc
To make an item of scrimshaw
A shell, a whale's tooth, or the like, that is scrimshawed
by engraving, and (usually) rubbing pigments into the incised lines
{i} carving or engraving on whale ivory or whalebone; art and technique of carving or engraving on whale ivory or whalebone
a carving (or engraving) on whalebone, whale ivory, walrus tusk, etc
Decoration of bone or ivory objects, such as whale's teeth and walrus tusks, with fanciful designs, traditionally carved by Anglo-American and Native American whale fishermen with a jackknife or sail needle and emphasized with black pigments (e.g., lampblack). Among the traditional subjects are whaling scenes, ships, naval battles, flower bouquets, Masonic emblems, coats of arms, and the Irish harp. The earliest surviving examples date from the late 17th century, but the craft reached its peak in 1830-50. It is still practiced by whalers in Siberia and Alaska
scrimshaw (schnitzerei in tierischen materialien wie knochen, elfenbein oder hor