Slope of unstable, rocky fragments, retaining little moisture, at the bottom of a cliff In gardens, a deep layer of stone chippings with a small proportion of loam, providing very sharp drainage for alpines and rock plants
An accumulation of weathered rock fragments at the base of a steep rock slope or cliff
pile of rubble and sediment that collects at the foot of a mountain range or cliff The rock fragments that form scree are usually broken off by the action of frost (freeze-thaw weathering)
The sort of stuff found on a talus slope loose rocks, scrabbly, hard to get good footing on
Scree is a mass of loose stones on the side of a mountain. Occasionally scree fell in a shower of dust and noise. an area of loose soil and broken rocks on the side of a mountain (skritha )
loose small rocks and coarse sand that form fans below cliffs and gullies larger rock scree is usually easier to ascend smaller rock scree is often easier and fun to descend
- Angular rock debris, often mobile, formed from weathering of parent material, mainly by frost action, and often located below the parent outcrop
An area of loose, unstable rocks, often under a cliff, from which weathering has detached them
Broken fragments of rock that have been shattered from mountains by winter frosts
A sloping mass of smallish rock fragments that have detached from the cliff you are about to climb and now lay strewn around the base Don't think too long or too hard about this Smaller than talus, it somewhat complicates your approach to the route
[ 'skrE ] (noun.) circa 1781. From Old Norse skriða (“landslip”). Also see screed.