Esperanto bir metin, fonetik olarak 28 harfli bir alfabe kullanılarak yazılır. - A text in Esperanto is written phonetically using an alphabet of 28 letters.
Fonetik sembolleri okuyabilir misin? - Can you read phonetic symbols?
Items on jobs can be invoiced based on various units of measure, such as "each," "per square foot," "per linear foot," and so on (QuickBooks Premier: Contractor Edition supports all of these options )
-the unit of measure describes how the quantity of an item is tracked in your inventory system The most common unit of measure is "eaches," which simply means that each individual item is considered one unit An item that uses "cases" as the unit of measure would be tracked by the number of cases rather than by the actual piece quantity Other examples of units of measure would include pallets, pounds, ounces, linear feet, square feet, cubic feet, gallons, thousands, hundreds, pairs, dozens See also Unit-of-measure conversion
(Ticaret) The base unit by which an item is normally stocked, costed and ordered. Planning and costing systems must translate vendor or customer orders based on alternate measures into a common unit for consistency
The base unit by which an item is normally stocked, costed and ordered Planning and costing systems must translate vendor or customer orders based on alternate measures into a common unit for consistency