
listen to the pronunciation of scheme
İngilizce - Türkçe
düzenbaz veya hilekar
{i} komplo

Tom projeyi yok etmek için bir komplo düzenledi. - Tom schemed to destroy the project.

Komploya katıldığını inkar etti. - She denied having taken part in the scheme.

{i} İng. plan, proje
{i} uyum
{i} düzen

Tom seri katili yakalamak için polis tarafından düzenlenen bir entrikaya katıldı. - Tom took part in a scheme set by the police to capture the serial murderer.

Tom projeyi yok etmek için bir komplo düzenledi. - Tom schemed to destroy the project.

plan,v.plan yap: n.plan
(Sigorta) sigorta programı
(Nükleer Bilimler) şema

Bu bir piramit şeması değil. - It's not a pyramid scheme.

Şemalar tartışılıyor. - Schemes have been discussed.


Tasarılar tartışılıyor. - Schemes have been discussed.

fesat karıştırmak
{f} tasarlamak

Tom projeyi yok etmek için bir entrika çevirdi. - Tom schemed to destroy the project.

Tom seri katili yakalamak için polis tarafından düzenlenen bir entrikaya katıldı. - Tom took part in a scheme set by the police to capture the serial murderer.


Tom projeyi yok etmek için bir dolap çevirdi. - Tom schemed to destroy the project.

entrika düzenlemek

Tom belediye başkanına suikast düzenlemek için bir plan hakkında polisi uyardı. - Tom warned the police about a scheme to assassinate the mayor.

{f} plan yap
plan kurmak

Tasarılar tartışılıyor. - Schemes have been discussed.

dalavere yapmak
dolap çevirmek

Dan onun hücre arkadaşlarından biriyle bir kaçış planı kurdu. - Dan devised an escape scheme with one of his cellmates.

Her zaman para kazanma planlarını düşünüyor. - She is always thinking of moneymaking schemes.

PLAN, PROJE: Yapılacak işlere ait plan, program ve proje. Örneğin, business scheme (iş planı), irrigation scheme (sulama planı), scheme of maneuver (hareket planı)
tasavvur olunan düzen
tertip entrika
tasavvur edip kurmak
{f} komplo kurmak
dolap çeviren kimse
plan proje
entrika çevirmek
gizli düzen
{i} komplocu
scheme colors
(Bilgisayar) renk grubu
scheme colors
(Bilgisayar) düzen renkleri
scheme colors
(Bilgisayar) renk düzeni
scheme name
(Bilgisayar) düzen adı
scheme of manoeuvre
(Askeri) harekat planı
scheme of manoeuvre
(Askeri) manevra planı
scheme to rig bids on tender
(Ticaret) ihaleye fesat karıştırmak
scheme of command
(Askeri) sevk ve idare planı
scheme of command
(Askeri) SEVK VE İDARE PLANI: Bir harekat sırasında, bir komutanlığa ait ve haberleşme, gözetleme, komuta yerinin hazırlanması da dahil, bütün unsurların idaresi ile ilgili plan
scheme of fire
(Askeri) ateş planı
scheme of fire
(Askeri) ATEŞ PLANI: Askeri bir planın, çeşitli silahların taarruz ve savunmadaki yer ve görevlerini düzenleme ve ateşlerini kontrol ile ilgili kısmı
scheme of maneuver
(Askeri) MANEVRA PLANI: Kendisine tahsis edilen hedefleri ele geçirmek için bir kuvvet tarafından gerçekleştirilecek taktik plan
{i} entrikacı
color scheme
(Bilgisayar) renk şeması
color scheme
(Bilgisayar) renk düzeni
confirm scheme removal
(Bilgisayar) düzen kaldırmayı onayla
connection scheme
(Bilgisayar) bağlantı şeması
edit scheme
(Bilgisayar) düzeni ayarla
entire color scheme
(Bilgisayar) tüm renk grubu
explicit scheme
(Askeri) açık şema
incentive scheme
(Ticaret) teşvik tedbiri
investment scheme
yatırım planı
network scheme
(Bilgisayar) şebeke şeması
numbering scheme
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) numaralandırma yöntemi
pick up color scheme
(Bilgisayar) renk grubunu al
(Bilgisayar) düzenler

Her zaman para kazanma planlarını düşünüyor. - She is always thinking of moneymaking schemes.

sound scheme
(Bilgisayar) ses düzeni
spoil a scheme
filmleri yakmak
building scheme
yapı tasarımı
pilot scheme
pilot joba
{i} planlı
{f} plan yap
voting scheme
oylama yöntemi
Ponzi scheme
(Kanun) Saadet zinciri dolandırıcılığı
appointment scheme
randevu şeması
data acquisition scheme
veri toplama planı
degree course scheme
derecesi ders planı
low interest loan scheme
(Ekonomi) Düşük faizli kredi planı
natural Ponzi scheme
Bkz. Ponzi scheme
publishing scheme
yayın planı
pump-and-dump scheme
pompa-ve-dump şeması
quality scheme
kalite planı
relocation scheme
(Yeniden/tekrar) yerleştirme planı/projesi

Council's relocation scheme.

rhyme scheme
Kafiye düzeni, uyak düzeni
plan yaparak
seating scheme
Oturma düzeni
training scheme
eğitim planı
accreditation scheme
(Ticaret) akreditasyon planı
accreditation scheme
(Ticaret) akreditasyon şeması
apply color scheme
(Bilgisayar) renk grubunu uygula
apply scheme
(Bilgisayar) düzeni uygula
backward difference scheme
(Askeri) geriye doğru fark sistemi
conformity assessment scheme
(Ticaret) uygunluk değerlendirme planı
corporation tax scheme
(Ticaret) kurumlar vergisi sistemi
decay scheme
(Nükleer Bilimler) bozunma teması
erection scheme
(İnşaat) montaj şeması
erection scheme
(İnşaat) kurma şeması
graduated pension scheme
(Ticaret) artan oranlı emeklilik planı
graduated pension scheme
(Ticaret) müterakki emeklilik planı
housing scheme
(İnşaat) konut şeması
hydroelectric scheme
hidroelektrik şema
investor compensation scheme
(Politika, Siyaset) yatırımcı tazmin programı
mail distribution scheme
(Askeri) POSTA DAĞITIMI PLANI, POSTA DAĞITIM ÇİZELGESİ: Bazı bölgelerde, askeri posta hizmetinden faydalanma yetkisine sahip birlik ve faaliyet merkezleri tarafından, postanın alınacağı sahra postanesini gösteren bir döküman. Bu döküman; askeri postanın hatasız olarak dağıtılması, gönderilmesi, havalesi maksadıyla, askeri postaneler ve temerküz postaneleri tarafından kullanılır
merchandising scheme
(Ticaret) ticaret planı
midi scheme
(Bilgisayar) mıdı düzeni
notes color scheme
(Bilgisayar) not renk grubu
numbering scheme
numaralama yöntemi
paid holiday scheme
(Politika, Siyaset) ücretli izin rejimi
partition scheme
(Bilgisayar) bölme şeması (disk)
password synchronization scheme
Parola Eşzamanlama Düzeni
pet travel scheme
(Tarım) ev hayvanları seyahat planı
power scheme
Güç Düzeni
quixotic scheme
(deyim) hayale dayanan sacma is/plan/proje vb. , Kisotvari plan (Cervantes'in Don Kisotunda kahraman hayali ,ve sacma islere girisir.)
replace scheme?
(Bilgisayar) düzen değiştirilsin mi?
{i} plancı
{i} dolap çeviren kimse
plan yapma
dolap çeviren
separation scheme
(Askeri) ayrım şeması
single byte coding scheme
Tek Bayt Kodlama Düzeni
staff scheme
(Ticaret) kadro taslağı
standard scheme
Ölçünlü Düzen
standard scheme
Standart Düzen
structural scheme
(İnşaat) yapısal şema
structural scheme
(İnşaat) strüktürel şema
vocational training scheme
(Ticaret) iş eğitimi planı
windows default scheme
(Bilgisayar) windows öndeğer düzeni
youth training scheme
gençlik eğitim programı
İngilizce - İngilizce
A programming language, one of the two major dialects of Lisp
A chart or diagram of a system or object
A systematic plan of future action
A council housing estate (in the United Kingdom - especially Scotland)
To plot, or contrive a plan
A type of topological space
A plot or secret, devious plan
An orderly combination of related parts
{v} to plan, project, contrive, plot
{n} a plan, project, contrivance
The Scheme computer programming language
A Scheme is a legal document which amends, replaces or amplifies the trusts of a charity
a group of independent but interrelated elements comprising a unified whole; "a vast system of production and distribution and consumption keep the country going"
A plan or theory something to be done; a design; a project; as, to form a scheme
A code or cipher, or the description of them
an internal representation of the world; an organization of concepts and actions that can be revised by new information about the world
Examples: file (anonymous FTP server) http (WWW) gopher WAIS news (Usenet) telnet
A scheme, or schema, is a systematic, orderly combination of elements A set of rules for encoding information that supports a specific community of users
A scheme is a plan or arrangement involving many people which is made by a government or other organization. schemes to help combat unemployment. a private pension scheme
A scheme is someone's plan for achieving something. a quick money-making scheme to get us through the summer
12/97Lexically scoped variant of Lisp, MIT, 1975
an elaborate and systematic plan of action
A combination of things connected and adjusted by design; a system
A representation of the aspects of the celestial bodies for any moment or at a given event
form intrigues (for) in an underhand manner
a statement that evades the question by cleverness or trickery
To make secret or devious plans
devise a system or form a scheme for
The part of a URL that tells an HTML client such as a browser how to retrieve the file specified in the URL
A controlled vocabulary or authority list
{f} plan, devise, plot; intrigue, conspire, contrive
To plot, or contrive a plan for something
Any lineal or mathematical diagram; an outline
A measurement regime and set of communication parameters programmed into an XRT
Mental representation of some action (mental or physical) that can be performed on an object and that, as the organism develops, increases in integration and coordination (Piaget)
disapproval If you say that people are scheming, you mean that they are making secret plans in order to gain something for themselves. Everyone's always scheming and plotting The bride's family were scheming to prevent a wedding They claimed that their opponents were scheming against them You're a scheming little devil, aren't you? + scheming schem·ing their favourite pastimes of scheming and gossiping. see also colour scheme, pension scheme
The baud rate of a pager (P = 512, R = 1200, T = 2400, and X = Flex)
- an artful deviation from the ordinary arrangement of words Among various schemes you might see are structures of balance, changes in word order, omissions and repetitions
The Pronett Scheme is made up of the component areas and related functions
figure of speech that varies the order and sound of words Examples include alliteration, assonance, chiasmus, and rhyme
an elaborate and systematic plan of action form intrigues (for) in an underhand manner devise a system or form a scheme for
{i} plan, design; system; plot, intrigue; diagram, outline
When people talk about the scheme of things or the grand scheme of things , they are referring to the way that everything in the world seems to be organized. We realize that we are infinitely small within the scheme of things. to secretly make clever and dishonest plans to get or achieve something scheme to do sth
The part of the URL that tells an HTML client, such as a browser, which access method to use to retrieve the file specified in the URL For example: http
Scheme (skêm) noun 1 A combination of things connected and adjusted by design; a system 2 A plan or theory something to be done; a design; a project; as, to form a scheme 3 Any lineal or mathematical diagram; an outline Synonyms -- Plan; project; contrivance; purpose; device; plot
-Systematic plan for the distribution of mail to its destination
"A scheme, or schema, is a systematic, orderly combination of elements A set of rules for encoding information that supports a specific community of users" Dublin Core Metadata Glossary, Final Draft, Feb 24, 2001, Online Available at http: //library csun edu/mwoodley/dublincoreglossary html
in Piaget's theory, a cognitive structure that helps individuals organize and understand their experiences (See 192)
a small, elegant dialect of Lisp
To make a scheme of; to plan; to design; to project; to plot
To form a scheme or schemes
In GEM, a scheme qualifies the content of an element or field by identifying an authority that either dictates the content of the element or provides information necessary to the machine parsing of that content
a schematic or preliminary plan
Ponzi scheme
A Ponzi scam
A person who programs in Scheme
axiom scheme
A formula in the language of an axiomatic system, in which one or more schematic variables appear, which stand for any term or subformula of the system, which may or may not be required to satisfy certain conditions
classification scheme
The descriptive information for an arrangement or division of objects into groups based on characteristics which the objects have in common
collective investment scheme
A way of investing money with other people to participate in a wider range of investments than may be feasible for an individual investor, and to share the costs of doing so
lift scheme
A carpool; an arrangement whereby several people travel together in the same car

The neighbors decided on a lift scheme to get their kids to school, so that they wouldn't each have to drive every day.

pyramid scheme
An illicit money-making investment scheme whereby early investors are paid primarily or wholly by later investors. Eventually all such schemes fail to the detriment of recent (later) investors
Attributive form of pyramid scheme

pyramid-scheme tactics.

rhyme scheme
The pattern created by the rhymes at the ends of the lines of a stanza of poetry
{n} a projector, contriver, designer, head
Ponzi scheme
An investment swindle in which high profits are promised from fictitious sources and early investors are paid off with funds raised from later ones
Ponzi scheme
(Kanun) A form of fraud in which belief in the success of a non-existent enterprise is fostered by the payment of quick returns to the first investors from money invested by later investors
Ponzi scheme
A form of fraud in which belief in the success of a non-existent enterprise is fostered by the payment of quick returns to the first investors from money invested by later investors. Named after Charles Ponzi, who carried out such a fraud (1919–20)
abortive scheme
failed plan, plan that did not succeed
be a party to a scheme
take part in a conspiracy; support a plan
color scheme
A selection of colors that the user sees when using Windows These colors make up the display of applications, dialog boxes, etc
color scheme
a planned combination of colors; "the color scheme for this room was determined by an interior decorator
color scheme
a planned combination of colors; "the color scheme for this room was determined by an interior decorator"
color scheme
The palette that controls default color values for the slide background, body text, lines, shadows, title text, fills, hyperlinks, and accents
color scheme
A group of colors that are used together within a space or room to create harmony Also known as a color palette
color scheme
combination of colors used in decorating the interior of a house or building
color scheme
An arrangement in which resources are displayed in different colors Content Analyzer includes three color schemes In the Standard scheme, resources are shown in color according to type (onsite versus offsite, and so on) In the Results scheme, current search results are shown in yellow In the Numeric scheme, resources are shown in different colors according to the values of their numeric properties (Content Analyzer)
color scheme
a set of lookup tables that assigns red, green, and blue brightness values to classes when a layer is displayed
color scheme
Color combinations for the interiors of rooms and homes in general
color scheme
a combination of colors designated for use through out a room or house
colour scheme
col·our scheme colour schemes in AM, use color scheme In a room or house, the colour scheme is the way in which colours have been used to decorate it. a stylish colour scheme of olive green and mustard. color scheme the combination of colours that someone chooses for a room, painting etc
his scheme was thwarted
his plans were defeated
incentive scheme
a formal scheme for inducing someone (as employees) to do something
lay down a scheme
plan, make a plan, plot, make a scheme
mean scheme
plan which is designed with mean intentions
pension scheme
A scheme which you pay pension contributions to The company running the scheme then invests the money and pays you a pension when you retire An approved pension scheme has various tax exemptions
pension scheme
A pension scheme is the same as a pension plan. His company has the best pension scheme in the industry. a pension plan
pension scheme
A vehicle by which an individual can make pension provision This may be either collective or individual and with or without the involvement (by means of contributions or otherwise) from the individual's employer
pension scheme
An arrangement, other than accident insurance, to provide pension and/or other benefits for members on leaving service or retirement and for the member's dependants in the event of death In the Family Law Acts, the term is given a very broad definition, so that it includes, not only occupational pension schemes as defined in the Pensions Act, but also retirement annuities, buyout policies and unfunded schemes
planning scheme
plan of action, method of planning
pump-and-dump scheme
an illegal scheme for making money by manipulating stock prices; the schemer persuades other people to buy the stock and then sells it himself as soon as the price of the stock rises
pyramid scheme
a fraudulent scheme in which people are recruited to make payments to the person who recruited them while expecting to receive payments from the persons they recruit; when the number of new recruits fails to sustain the hierarchical payment structure thescheme collapses with most of the participants losing the money they put in
pyramid scheme
A fraudulent money-making scheme in which people are recruited to make payments to others above them in a hierarchy while expecting to receive payments from people recruited below them. Eventually the number of new recruits fails to sustain the payment structure, and the scheme collapses with most people losing the money they paid in. a dishonest and often illegal way of selling investments, in which money from people who invest later is used to pay people in the system who have already invested
rhyme scheme
The arrangement of rhymes in a poem or stanza
{i} planner, deviser, one who plots; one who conspires, one who contrives
One who plots or schemes, who formulates plans
One who forms schemes; a projector; esp
One who is given to scheming
a planner who draws up a personal scheme of action
disapproval If you refer to someone as a schemer, you mean that they make secret plans in order to get some benefit for themselves. office schemers who think of nothing but their own advancement
a plotter; an intriguer
plural of scheme
used of persons; "the most calculating and selfish men in the community"
concealing crafty designs for advancing your own interest; "a selfish and designing nation obsessed with the dark schemes of European intrigue"- W Churchill; "a scheming wife"; "a scheming gold digger"
Given to forming schemes; artful; intriguing
present participle of scheme
staff suggestion scheme
plan to encourage proposals for improving efficiency
superannuation scheme
a type of pension plan that is paid for by your employer
thwarted his scheme
frustrated his plan, sabotaged his scheme to harm someone
thwarting a scheme
violating a plan, canceling a plan in order to injure someone
urban scheme
plan that details the intended structure for a town
Türkçe - İngilizce

scheme teriminin Türkçe İngilizce sözlükte anlamı

paid holiday scheme
(Hukuk) ücretli izin