savaşa karşı olduğu için askerlik yapmayı reddeden kimse

listen to the pronunciation of savaşa karşı olduğu için askerlik yapmayı reddeden kimse
Türkçe - İngilizce
conscientious objector
Someone who refuses to fight in an armed conflict because of religious or moral principles
One who on the basis of religious or moral principles refuses to bear arms or participate in military service
one who refuses to serve in the armed forces on grounds of conscience
A conscientious objector is a person who refuses to join the armed forces because they think that it is morally wrong to do so. One who on the basis of religious or moral principles refuses to bear arms or participate in military service.conscientious objection n. someone who refuses to become a soldier because of their moral or religious beliefs draft dodger. One who opposes participation in military service, on the basis of religious, philosophical, or political belief. A feature of Western society since the beginning of the Christian era, conscientious objection developed as a doctrine of the Mennonites (16th century), the Society of Friends (17th century), and others. Exemptions may be unconditional, conditioned on alternative civilian service, or limited to combat duty. Those who refuse conscription may face imprisonment. Philosophical or political reasons are acceptable grounds for exemption in many European countries, but the U.S. recognizes only membership in a religious group that endorses pacifism
one who refuses to serve in the military due to personal reasons of conscience
savaşa karşı olduğu için askerlik yapmayı reddeden kimse


    sa·va·şa kar·şı ol·du·ğu i·çin as·ker·lik yap·ma·yı red·de·den kim·se
