
listen to the pronunciation of satışı
Türkçe - İngilizce
To persuade a customer to buy more than he or she had intended
{f} persuade a customer to buy more products
bilet satışı
ticket sale
emlak satışı
estate sale
pasta gibi şeylerin satışı
bake sale
(Bilgisayar) row

I sell clothing online. - Ben çevrimiçi giysi satarım.

He decided to sell the car. - Arabayı satmaya karar verdi.

{f} sale

Our international sales continue to grow, bringing the name of Toyo Computer into businesses world-wide. - Uluslararası satışlarımız büyümeye, Toyo Computer adını dünya çapında iş dünyasına getirmeye devam ediyor.

These are on sale everywhere. - Bunlar her yerde satılıyor.

{f} sold

Tomatoes are sold by the pound. - Domatesler Paund ile satılır.

We arrived at that plan out of pure desperation, but the book sold well. - Umutsuzluktan dolayı o plana vardık fakat kitap iyi sattı.


You can buy the ticket from the vending machine too. - Otomattan da bilet satın alabilirsin.

Tom saw vending machines everywhere when he visited Japan. - Tom Japonya'yı ziyaret ettiğinde her yerde otomatik satış makinaları gördü.

{f} selling

I doubt that Tom would ever consider selling his antique car. - Tom'un şimdiye kadar antika arabasını satmayı düşündüğünden şüpheliyim.

This newspaper is selling fewer and fewer copies. - Bu gazete gittikçe daha az kopya satıyor.

döviz satışı
sale of foreign exchange
bahar satışı
spring sale
elde kalan malların haraç mezat satışı
rummage sale
eski eşya satışı
rummage sale
eşya satışı yapılan ev
open house
grup satışı
(Ticaret) group selling
haciz satışı
(Ticaret) tax sale
kitap satışı el ilanı
(Bilgisayar) book sale flyer
kullanılmış eşya satışı
rummage sale
kullanılmış ufak tefek satışı
jumble sale
kış satışı
spring sale
likidasyon satışı
closing sale
menkul satışı
(Ticaret) sale of goods
mevsim sonu satışı
clearance sale
mevsim sonu satışı
misyoner satışı
(Ticaret) missionary selling
noel satışı
spring sale
parça kumaşların indirimli satışı
remnant sale
parça kumaşların kilo ile satışı
remnant sale
reklam satışı
(Ticaret) promotional selling
tanzim satışı
sale of foodstuffs by a municipality so as to regulate the prices
tanzim satışı sale of foodstuffs directly by
a municipality or indirectly through a firm awarded a contract by a municipality
tasfiye satışı
clearance sale
tasfiye satışı
going-out-of-business sale, liquidation sale
tasfiye satışı
closing sale
tasfiye satışı

Tom bought that pair of shoes at a clearance sale. - Tom o bir çift ayakkabıyı tasfiye satışında aldı.

They're holding a clearance sale. - Onlar bir tasfiye satışı düzenliyorlar.

İngilizce - İngilizce

satışı teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı

SAT Reasoning Test (formerly Scholastic Aptitude Test and Scholastic Assessment Test): a national exam taken annually by high school juniors and seniors
Scholastic Aptitude Test
Statutory Assessment Test. A national curriculum assessment, or exam
Simple past tense and past participle of sit
Scholastic Achievement Test
{i} standardized test required for acceptance to many colleges and universities in the United States
The SAT is an examination which is often taken by students who wish to enter a college or university. SAT is an abbreviation for `Scholastic Aptitude Test'. Sat. is a written abbreviation for Saturday. Sat is the past tense and past participle of sit. Saturday. Past tense and past participle of sit. the written abbreviation of Saturday. the past tense and past participle of sit. in full Scholastic Aptitude Test Standardized test taken by U.S. high school students applying to colleges. It is divided into two principal sections, verbal and mathematical. Promulgated largely through the efforts of James B. Conant as a means of promoting merit-based (rather than class-based) college admissions, it was administered to few students before the end of World War II but by the end of the 20th century was taken by millions each year. Scores declined as the test came to be more widely administered, and in 1995 the score of 500 for each section (midway between the extremes of 200 and 800) was reestablished as the actual mean score of those tested. The test, which most colleges use as one measure of an applicant's ability, has been denounced as biased in favour of men and the white middle class. Other critics claim that the SAT is inadequate for testing various important capacities
Systems Approach to Training
In cellular applications, refers to the Supervisory Audio Tone 2
the Being, Truth and Reality associated with Brahman as opposed to the non-being (asat) of the phenomenal world
The Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) is a seven-section, three-hour exam that is administered seven times a year Three of the sections are verbal, three are math, and one is experimental The experimental section can be either verbal or math It is used by the test-makers for research purposes only and will not count toward your final score
of Sit
the seventh and last day of the week; observed as the Sabbath by Jews and some Christians
The Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) is a three-hour exam that measures two sets of skills-verbal and mathematical reasoning-that you need to do college-level work in any academic area About 2 million students take it every year
This is a nationally-accepted college admissions test designed to act as one indicator of a student's potential to be academically successful at the college level
Scholastic Assessment Test- A standardized college admissions test
(See Scholastic Assessment Test )
System Acceptance Test
SAT I: Reasoning (formerly known as Scholastic Achievement Test)
being, existence; Pure Existence; the thing that truly is; the right, the highest or best or real good
Sanskrit word meaning truth; reality; the soul; the real; the essential; the best; the learned; the excellent; the good; the virtuous man Sat is the supreme Self, the conductor of everything
Scholastic Aptitude Test A standardized test offered by the Educational Testing Service to assess a student's preparation for college Similar to the ACT
Site Acceptance Testing
Scholastic Achievement Test (SAT—formerly the Scholastic Aptitude Test) consisting of verbal and math sections created and scored by The College Board
The SAT is one of two national standardized college entrance examinations use in the United States
Existence, reality, truth
Pure Existence, or Truth, which never changes or dies It is the source or underlying reality of every being’s existence
The SAT-8 is given to students in grades 2-9 It is an independent measure which compares achievement of our students to the achievement of students across the nation Students are tested in math and reading The national aver age is the 50 percentile
Existence pure and absolute The true nature of each individual See explanation of satchidananda
Reality, Existence
Scholastic Aptitude Test is a is a test required for most undergraduate level applications (i e for BA/BS) It measures general verbal, mathematical, and analytical skills
Site Acceptance Test
The Standard Aptitude Test (SAT), administered by the College Board, is the most widely-used college admissions test The SAT uses multiple choice questions to assess verbal and mathematical reasoning ability The SAT is taken by college-bound high school students during their junior and/or senior years
past of sit
Türkçe - Türkçe

satışı teriminin Türkçe Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

(Askeri) Su Altı Taarruz: Özel eğitimli askeri bir komando birliği

Operasyon bir SAT timi tarafından yapıldı.

Doğu Anadolu'nun ırak sınırı yakınında yüksek bir dağ
tanzim satışı
Satıcı fiyatlarının yükselmesini önlemek, bazı malların tüketiciye ulaşmasını sağlamak için belediye veya başka kamu kuruluşlarınca yapılan satış
İngilizce - Türkçe

satışı teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

sit kon/oturt/otur
f., bak. sit
{i} cumartesi

Dün cumartesi değil, pazardı. - Yesterday was Sunday, not Saturday.

Birçok ülkede, Arap ülkeleri ve İsrail hariç genellikle Cumartesi ve Pazar, hafta sonu günleri olarak ilan edilmiştir. - In most countries, with the exception of the Arab countries and Israel, Saturday and Sunday are defined as the weekend.

(Bilgisayar) doygunluk
(Bilgisayar) doygun
(Bilgisayar) sun

Tom sundurmada oturdu ve gazete okudu. - Tom sat on the porch and read the paper.

Tom akşam gazetesini okurken sundurmada oturdu. - Tom sat on the porch, reading the evening paper.


İşitebilmek için önde oturdu. - He sat in the front so as to be able to hear.

İki âşık çay içerek yüz yüze oturdular. - The two lovers sat face to face, drinking tea.

(isim) cumartesi
(Askeri) uydu; emniyet alarm ekibi (satellite; security alert team)