
listen to the pronunciation of sanctification
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The (usually gradual or uncompleted) process by which a Christian believer is made holy through the action of the Holy Spirit
The process of making holy; hallowing, consecration
{n} the act of making holy, purity
The process or result of being made holy Holiness when applied to things, places, and people means that they are consecrated and set apart for the use of God When used of people, it can have a moral dimension Thus in the NT, believers are described as already (objectively) sanctified in Christ (1 Cor 1: 2, 30) Believers are called to show that consecration in their lives (1 Thess 4: 3; 5: 23; Heb 2: 11; 9: 13; 10: 10, 14, 29; 13: 12) They are to be holy in practice in the power of the Holy Spirit
I like this definition from Thomas Watson's Sanctification "It is a principle of grace savingly wrought, whereby the heart becomes holy, and is made after God's own heart A sanctified person bears not only God's name, but his image " Also see Concise Theology chapter
(literal: "to be set apart or separated")
Mormon: A term not commonly used in Mormonism They use it to refer to a state of saintliness which is obtained as people purify themselves by overcoming sin Christian: (1) Believers in Jesus' saving work are considered saints by God (sanctified) This refers to our status as citizens of heaven, while living on earth (2) While on earth, the continuing work of the Holy Spirit resulting in the strengthening of our faith and becoming increasingly Christ-like (holy) (3) The final change that occurs on Judgment Day where believers are forever separated from their sinful nature and are thereby made holy
The act of sanctifying or making holy; the state of being sanctified or made holy; the act of God's grace by which the affections of men are purified, or alienated from sin and the world, and exalted to a supreme love to God; also, the state of being thus purified or sanctified
–– God's gracious and powerful work of making sinners holy in heart and conduct through the internal ministry of the Holy Spirit, applying the death and resurrection of Christ to them, so that they increasingly die to sin and live unto righteousness in the whole man
The process of making holy
The act of consecrating, or of setting apart for a sacred purpose; consecration
Sanctification is the act of setting apart to be holy or for holy purposes In the context of entire sanctification, it also refers to a complete cleansing by the removal of original sin It is the point in a Christian's life when they turn over everything to God and allow the Holy Spirit's control of their life Thus they have been set apart for God's holy purposes Entire sanctification also gives the Christian an ability to more consistantly follow Christ and live a holy life
a religious ceremony in which something is made holy
The act of making, or setting apart, as holy; of purifying, especially of sin It is "immediate" or "instantaneous" as it applies to the personality, person, or soul It is gradual as it applies to the "nature," which deals with daily living
{i} act of making holy, consecration; process of becoming holy; purification, act of making free from sin
God's process of progressive change in the believers' lives so that they become more Christ-like Allowing Christ freedom in all aspects of our lives Maturing in Christ so that we follow the Spirit's prompting in all things
The ongoing process in the life of a Christian whereby God refines the Christian and the Christian becomes more Christ like in word deed and character
Sanctification of the New Moon
Jewish blessing said at the appearance of the new moon
sanctification of the name
making the name of God holy
To free from sin; to purify

Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word.

To endorse with religious sanction
To make holy; to consecrate. Set aside for sacred or ceremonial use

And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.

To make acceptable or useful under religious law or practice

For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving: For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.

{v} to make holy, purify, devote
for the sanctification of God
for a holy purpose, in God's name
make pure or free from sin or guilt; "he left the monastery purified"
To impart or impute sacredness, venerableness, inviolability, title to reverence and respect, or the like, to; to secure from violation; to give sanction to
If something is sanctified by a priest or other holy person, the priest or holy person officially approves of it, or declares it to be holy. She is trying to make amends for her marriage not being sanctified
To make free from sin; to cleanse from moral corruption and pollution; to purify
To make efficient as the means of holiness; to render productive of holiness or piety
render holy by means of religious rites
To make sacred or holy; to set apart to a holy or religious use; to consecrate by appropriate rites; to hallow
{f} consecrate, make holy; make free from sin, purify; become holy



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    /ˌsaɴɢktəfəˈkāsʜən/ /ˌsæŋktəfəˈkeɪʃən/


    () From ecclesiastical Latin sanctificātionem, from sanctificāre (“to sanctify”).